2/6/25 - Changes to Prime God Gear Limits:
We have made some adjustments to the recently added limitations to Prime God gear trading. We have removed the previously added system of consuming 10 daily equips per equipped item in a prime god raid. Each equipped gear piece used in a Prime God raid will now be locked to that character for that day in Prime God raids only (locked character is visible on item hoverover), therefore not affecting the ability to use items outside of the Prime God system. If a Prime God raid is launched while a member is using gear prime locked to another character, the raid will not process once launched. This restriction will reset at day change.
1/31/25 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Fractured Accord.
1/27/25 - 2025 Superbowl Pool - Chiefs & Eagles:
The Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! All entries must be sent before the game begins.
1/23/25 - Prime God Equip Limit Changes:
Each successful Prime God raid will now add 10 daily equips to all items equipped by members in the raid. This change will have no impact on the ability to join Prime God raids once an equipped item has 0 equips remaining.
1/17/25 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Divided Unity.
1/3/25 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Homefront Training.
12/20/24 - Christmas Event & New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you. We will also be hosting discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 23rd of December at 7am.

Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Fact or Faction.
12/14/24 - General Updates:
- Crypt of Echoes has been added to the dungeons page.
- Seething Echoes has been reduced to level 91 requirement.
- Echo Trove has replaced Interstellar Vessel from the Preferred Player Lucky Box.
12/13/24 - Crypt of Echoes:
A new augment crate and 3-man dungeon have been released. Players can purchase an Echo Trove from the treasury and activate it to receive an augment or an Echo Module.

Level 91 players can use an Echo Module to start one of three dungeon quests provided by the Warden of Echoes in the 3-man Crypt of Echoes dungeon, which can be accessed via portals near the entrance of each faction base in the Triworld Sanctuary. The Crypt of Elements (Alvar), Crypt of Power (Delruk) and Crypt of Chaos (Vordyn) are faction based dungeons with raid encounters having a loyalty weakness to the faction specific to that dungeon. Rewards from raids in these dungeons can include:

- Augment of Clones.
- Augment of Mimicry (plus faction specific empowered version).
- Augment of Emulation (plus faction specific empowered version).
- Catalyst of Culmination (quests to exchange for Proven Loyalty now available from Emissaries).
- Triworld Codex 47, 48 and 49.
- Seething Echoes potion.
- Radiant Module (key to access hard difficulty dungeon).

Level 91 players with a Radiant Module can begin the Crypt of Echoes quest and try their luck against a much harder difficulty 3-man dungeon requiring higher loyalty from any faction. Raids in this dungeon have a chance to drop most items found in the previous 3 dungeons (including all 3 faction variations of augments and catalysts), with exceptions being Triworld Codex 47, 48, 49 and the Radiant Module. Items exclusive to raids in this harder difficulty dungeon include:

- Triworld Codex 50.
- Aspect of Elements/Power/Chaos which can be exchanged once each by level 95 players with the Merchant of Echoes for a powerful augment.

- Interstellar Vessel has been reduced to 50 points.
- Scroll of Sorcery has been reduced to 80 points.
- Cube of Sorcery has been reduced to 32 points.
- Proof of Purity has been reduced to 25 points.
- Augments with a transfer cost of higher than 25 points now cost 25 points to transfer.
12/6/24 - War of Zhul Complete & Upcoming Christmas Event:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Skaar, Sorcerer of Plague is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus and the Tier Traders will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.

The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 20th of December at 7am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience, potions and other treasury items. We will also be hosting discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!
11/25/24 - War of Zhul Drop Rate Changes:
- All WoZ droprates from mobs have been increased by 10%.
- Efflorescent Spear drop rate increased by 25%.
11/22/24 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Skaar, Sorcerer of Plague has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Changes for this event include:
- Tier 1 quest items have been removed from the Zhulian Friar to reduce reward clutter and remaining items have had their drop rate increased to compensate.
- Drop rates are generally slightly lowered between each event, however with recent glitch abuse and bans affecting this, drop rates have been slightly increased from the previous event. We will monitor this and make changes after day 3 if required.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The Zhulian Friar has appeared to protect their new master. This 20-man daily Prime God raid has a chance to drop items including Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 7 days before retreating. Rewards for the top 30 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 10), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 30), Erupting Augment (top 30) and Recharge the Fury (top 30).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
11/15/24 - New Vordyn Refuge & Twilight Grove Quests:
Lvl 92: Maella and Gunter in the Vordyn Refuge and Twilight Grove are offering new quests called Refuge the Call and Grover and Out.
11/7/24 - New Delruk Hideaway Quest & War of Zhul Warning:
Lvl 92: Arvik in the Delruk Hideaway is offering a new quest called Hideaway and Seek.

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on November 22nd at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!
10/31/24 - Halloversary Event:
The annual celebration of Halloween and Outwar's Anniversary has begun! Speak with El Risitas to begin the Halloversary quest. During the event we will be holding giveaways in our Discord server, including 2 giveaways to receive a Veldarian Helm Boon of your choice.

RNGesus will also be in room 114 during the event to truly test your luck. This daily 10-man prime god raid has a chance to drop up to 22 different items including Veldarian Helm Boons and Soul Fractures.

All Halloversary mobs, quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 5th of November at 7am OW time.
10/25/24 - New Alvar Haven Quest:
Lvl 92: Grongor in Alvar Haven is offering a new quest called Haven on Earth.
10/16/24 - Halloversary Alert & General Updates:
The annual Halloversary event will begin on the 31st of October at 7am OW time and run for 5 days until the 5th of November at 7am OW time. During this time players will be able to raid RNGesus (now a Prime God) and attack mobs for rewards including potions, treasury items and rare quest items. We will also be holding regular giveaways on our discord server during the event.

- Removed security word requirement for the Underling page.
- Added kill counts to the recent kills list for prime gods.
- Unkilled prime gods will no longer show in the recent kills section.
- Raised the maximum captcha timeout to 20 seconds.
10/11/24 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Sanctuary Sweet Sanctuary.
9/20/24 - New Vordyn Refuge Quest:
Lvl 92: Maella in the Vordyn Refuge is offering a new quest called Chaotic Maellaments.
9/17/24 - Content Update:
We would like to share some information on our content plans for the remainder of 2024 and beyond.

Augment Dungeon
Work is ongoing on the augment crate / dungeon, zone creation for the dungeon is complete and now the focus is on item / mob / quest creation. We are still seeking feedback on what you would like to see with this update. Important notes about our current plans for this update include:

- Solo crate similar to Vessels, dungeon key obtained via solo crate drop.
- 3-Man dungeon with 4 quest paths. 1 Moderate difficulty path for each faction, plus a hard difficulty requiring any faction, keys for hard difficulty obtained via faction dungeon raids.
- Chance to obtain augments buffed with faction bonuses from dungeon raids.
- Reduction of augment transfer costs for all augments which currently cost over 25 points to transfer.

As usual we plan to hold the Halloversary and Christmas events this year, along with the final War of Zhul for cycle 3. Due to recent discoveries of inflated item counts due to glitch abuse, we now plan to postpone previously mentioned event quest requirement changes to the first War of Zhul of cycle 4 in July 2025, as we take time to evaluate new data for the final 2 events of cycle 3.

Expansion Content
Upon completion of the augment dungeon, we will begin work on the Faction Brawl which we aim to release in early 2025. Other updates planned for 2025 include a new prime god raid and releasing the remaining quests to obtain Faction Loyalty and Codexes.

Prime God System
We still have updates planned for the prime god system. These plans include improving information displayed on the prime god page, limiting the effect of trade sets on prime gods and finding solutions for gods remaining on the captcha system.
9/13/24 - New Delruk Hideaway Quest:
Lvl 92: Arvik in the Delruk Hideaway is offering a new quest called Delruk Arviktorious.
8/30/24 - New Alvar Haven Quest:
Lvl 92: Grongor in Alvar Haven is offering a new quest called Grongor Calls for Aid.
8/26/24 - Level 95 Enhancements & Augment Dungeon Feedback:
Six new level 95 enhancements have been added to the Treasury. Their effects are as follows:

- Alvar Fortitude: Increases your character's Original Elemental Damage by 1% per active Alvar Loyalty (effect requires Alvar as current faction).
- Delruk Fortitude: Increases your character's Base Attack and Vile Damage by 2% per active Delruk Loyalty (effect requires Delruk as current faction).
- Vordyn Fortitude: Increases your character's Chaos Damage by 2% per active Vordyn Loyalty (effect requires Vordyn as current faction).
- Unleash the Power: Allows you to store an additional 5% of total damage dealt to DC mobs, unleashing the stored damage once they drop below 20% hp.
- Master of Combat: Gives your character a 10% chance to double strip and gain exp in PvP attacks.
- Prime Vanquisher: Increases your character's maximum god raid cap to 12.

As level 95 skills and enhancements are now complete, we shift our focus to the Augment Dungeon. Our initial plan was to release the level 95 Faction Brawl before the Augment Dungeon, however with recent delays we feel shifting focus to the dungeon is more important and instead we will aim to have the brawl ready by late 2024 or early 2025.

Over the coming weeks we will be looking for feedback in the suggestion channels of our discord server on what you would like to see with this dungeon, relative to your experience with the Vault of Madness dungeon. Feedback we will be looking for includes quest layout, reward system (quest based or crew vault based), difficulty and other QoL improvements. To give players a base to provide feedback with, our current plan is as follows:

- Solo crates and 3 player dungeon.
- Separate faction based dungeons and a potential harder difficulty dungeon requiring any faction.
- Faction based stat variance on some rare augments.
- Level 91 entry, however some harder content may require level 95.
8/16/24 - Level 95 Skills & New Vordyn Refuge Quest:
Three new level 95 skills have been added to the game, each increasing the caster's health against various forms of content. The amount of health is determined by your loyalty with your active faction. Rank 10 bonuses for each skill are as follows:

- Loyal Ferocity: Health increased by 0.6% per active loyalty vs DC mobs.
- Loyal Preservation: Health increased by 0.6% per active loyalty vs raids.
- Loyal Affliction: Health increased by 0.6% per active loyalty in PvP.

Lvl 92: Maella in the Vordyn Refuge is offering a new quest called Mission for Maella.
8/2/24 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Tarak, Brute of Affliction is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus and the Tier Traders will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
7/19/24 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Tarak, Brute of Affliction has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The Zhulian Friar has appeared to protect their new master. This 20-man daily Prime God raid has a chance to drop items including Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 7 days before retreating. Rewards for the top 30 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 10), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 30), Erupting Augment (top 30) and Recharge the Fury (top 30).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
7/12/24 - New Prime Gods, Alvar Haven & Delruk Hideaway Quests:
Lvl 92: Grongor and Arvik in Alvar Haven and the Delruk Hideaway are offering new quests called Sparring with Grongor and Request from Arvik.

Q-SEC Commander and the 5 Phoenix gods have now been converted to Prime Gods.
7/4/24 - War of Zhul Warning & New Twilight Grove Quest:
The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on July 19th at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!

Lvl 92: Gunter in the Twilight Grove is offering a new quest called Coaching Gunter.
6/28/24 - Content Update:
Prime Gods
With the majority of the prime god system now in place, we will soon shift our focus back to general content. Areas we are still working on and asking for feedback on include:

- How many remaining point gods should be transferred to the prime god system?
- If no more gods are changed to prime gods, should some rewards such as points be moved from the remaining gods to prime gods?
- We are aware of the tradeable item effect on prime gods and while this is a method we intend to prevent, there is no quick solution without affecting the normal equip limit so this may take time to implement.
- At this stage we plan to change the Zhulian Friar to a prime god and raise the power required, however this change including difficulty is something we will be seeking feedback on.

General Content
We are currently progressing through a long overdue coding overhaul to the attack and raid system (only behind the scenes and won't affect anything on the player side) in aim of greatly improving the ease of adding new abilities and removing limitations on what abilities can be added to the game in the future. Once this has been completed we will focus on adding level 95 enhancements and three new skills.

Expansion Content
Once the above mentioned enhancements and skills have been added to the game, we will shift focus to the level 95 PvP Brawl and Augment Dungeon. Content involved in these additions will partly depend on what new forms of content can be added once the current attack system code overhaul is complete. Once we have a clearer picture of this, we will make this information public to collect feedback and ideas.
6/21/24 - New Twilight Grove Quest:
Lvl 92: Gunter in the Twilight Grove is offering a new quest called Grove Skirmish.
6/15/24 - Prime God Interface Updates:
- Added a most recent kills section to the bottom of the Prime Gods page.
- Added the crew header to the Prime Gods page.
- Added hour & minute timestamps to player caps on the Cap Status page.
- Added info for next expiring cap on the Cap Status page.
6/14/24 - New Prime Gods & Updates:
The five Elemental Masters, Karvaz, Felroc and Kretok have been converted to Prime Gods. Areas we are currently working on and seeking feedback for are:

- Cap Status page improvements.
- Trade sets on prime gods.
- Future prime god conversions.

Other recent updates include:

- Fixed issues with some raidbound item displays. Some raidbound items obtained between the 1st and 6th of June will no longer be raidbound.
- Changed the Crew Member Status section of the capstatus page to include caps used in previous crews.
6/5/24 - New Twilight Grove Quest:
Lvl 92: Gunter in the Twilight Grove is offering a new quest called Twilight Training.
5/31/24 - Prime Gods - Phase 3:
We have now converted more gods to the Prime God system. We will monitor this launch phase and gather feedback on what changes can be made, particularly regarding how many more gods can be converted to the new system without other changes. Oracles have also been removed from the treasury and replaced by Vault Tears on the Triworld Simulation.
5/24/24 - New Vordyn Refuge Quest:
Lvl 92: Maella in the Vordyn Refuge is offering a new quest called Refuge Skirmish.
5/22/24 - Prime Gods - Rezun, Banok & Envar:
Rezun, Banok and Envar have now been converted to the Prime God system. We will monitor these gods for a period of time as a live test of the new system before more gods are changed.
5/17/24 - Upcoming New God Raid System - Prime Gods:
This weekend we will begin the first of a 3 phase process of testing and eventually releasing the new god raiding system on live servers. Phase 1 is syncing files to live servers and testing on a dummy raid. Phase 2 is converting Rezun, Banok and Envar to the new system for live testing. Phase 3 is converting all gods from Nafir and above to the new system. More gods will be converted over time, however for now we want to monitor the system and feedback along with it before making decisions on what changes are needed or if more gods can be converted with no change required.

System Basics
- The Prime Gods page (accessible via crew menu) will display all prime gods and their current spawn status. Clicking a god takes you to a page with specific details for that god.
- All unspawned prime gods have a chance to spawn every hour (12:30pm, 1:30pm etc), with chances increasing over time. Spawn chance every hour is updated on each god's page.
- Prime gods will remain spawned for 23 hours during which crews can raid and increase their kill count for that god. Player caps still apply per successful raid. - Loot will be rolled on once the spawn timer has ended and can be viewed in real time. The more kills a crew has the better chance they have to win loot.

Other Details
- Points are rolled on like items in max batches of 100, split to all characters in a winning raid for that spawn in 1 point increments. If there are more characters than 1 point awards, characters to receive points will be randomized.
- If a god is unkilled when the spawn window ends it will respawn immediately.
- NFT points for prime gods are awarded at the same time the god awards loot.
- Oracles can not be used for prime gods, we will remove oracles from the treasury during phase 3 and replace the oracle bundle on the Triworld Simulation with Vault Tears.

We are also looking for feedback on the following topics:
- Which remaining old system gods can be converted to prime gods with no changes.
- What changes are needed such as merging gods / changing loot on weaker gods.
- Point awarding process.
- UI improvements / information displayed.
5/10/24 - New Vordyn Refuge Quest:
Lvl 92: Maella in the Vordyn Refuge is offering a new quest called Vordyn Training.
5/8/24 - Scheduled Maintenance:
Tomorrow morning, Thursday 9th of May at 9am OW time, both servers will be going down while we perform scheduled maintenance. Please allow for up to 30 minutes of downtime.
4/26/24 - New Delruk Hideaway Quest & Content Update:
Lvl 92: Arvik in the Delruk Hideaway is offering a new quest called Hideaway Skirmish.

We have decided to postpone previously mentioned changes to event quest requirements until the Trial of Power in March 2025. While this will result in inflated overall item numbers for the next 2 events, it will allow all 2-slot WoZ events to remain the same while giving players more advanced warning of these changes. This also removes a change to be worked on while we focus on the creation of the new god raiding system and other expansion content.

God Raiding System
We have posted an updated draft system in the #god-discussion channel of our discord server following recent discussions and feedback. While this is still a draft and more changes are likely, we expect to begin work on this system within the next 2 weeks. While work on this system is likely to cause short-term delays to other content, we expect improvements to time spent working on all content once this change is made.
4/18/24 - New Guardians - Animation of Elements, Power & Chaos:
Three new guardians have been added to the Triworld Sanctuary. These raids can incur a damage bonus from up to 50 loyalty from a specific faction. Rewards for defeating these raids can include:

- Points.
- Amulets.
- Powerful gear and an augment.
- Soul Fractures and Nexus of Animation.
- Amalgamation Blossom (faction specific).
- Catalyst of Focusing which can be exchanged with each faction emissary.
- God Slayer artifacts which can be exchanged with the Triworld Slayer.

4/12/24 - New Delruk Hideaway Quest:
Lvl 92: Arvik in the Delruk Hideaway is offering a new quest called Delruk Training.
4/5/24 - Content Update - Expansion, Events & God Raids:
We would like to share an update about our progress on upcoming content, information on events and potential changes to the god raiding system.

Expansion Updates
We continue to work on previously mentioned expansion updates, with the next major update bringing 3 new god raids in the coming weeks. Following this our expansion focus will shift to preparing level 95 enhancements and starting work on the level 95 Faction Brawl, which we will be looking for further feedback on in the coming weeks.

As we have outlined in the past, it is necessary over time to adjust the requirement amounts of main event quests once specific steps start to become mass completed by multi characters. This helps to keep balance by preventing excessive inflation of item counts and overall power creep. Over the previous 2 events we have now reached the threshold where changes have to be made. While we plan to make a general increased shard requirement change for the next event, we also plan to increase the overall item goal to account for recent increases in high end quest completions.

God Raids
We have recently been focusing more on reading feedback about the current god raiding system, primarily around the use of captchas. While our primary goal with this system has always been to keep some form of human element (in this case typing captchas), we are increasingly aware that with advancements in AI and limited moderation capabilities, this may no longer be a viable solution for Outwar. This has led to internal discussions about what changes can be made, which so far have proven unsuccessful due to other solutions being incompatible or having similar problems with automated completion. Our aim is still to find a solution that keeps a human element, however we feel that the time has come to start openly discussing alternative systems that could be used in case changes need to be made.

We have created a temporary #god-discussion channel in our discord server which outlines the basics of some paths that could be taken. Once we have collected feedback and discussed each method in detail, we will decide which method would be chosen if changes were to be made. Once this has been decided, we can begin working with players to discuss more of the finer details such as how loot is handled and if all gods should be changed to the new system. When discussing these topics, we ask players to please keep these points in mind to help make the chat as productive as possible:

- No changes are final, if a change does not work out it may be reverted.
- Players will often provide feedback from their own perspective. This is fine and encouraged, please do not complain about suggestions only benefiting the person who made them. Keep the chat civil and on topic, any excessive off-topic chat or toxicity will result in timeouts.
- Many potential changes mentioned by us or players will not be viable. Please do not overreact to anything posted that you disagree with and keep discussion civil. We want to be as thorough as possible when discussing these potential changes which means discussing things that may obviously not be a fit.
3/29/24 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Gorath, Baron of Necromancy is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus and the Tier Traders will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
3/15/24 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Gorath, Baron of Necromancy has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The Zhulian Friar has appeared to protect their new master. This 20-man daily Guardian raid has a chance to drop items including Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 7 days before retreating. Rewards for the top 30 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 10), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 30), Erupting Augment (top 30) and Recharge the Fury (top 30).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
3/8/24 - New Alvar Haven Quests:
Lvl 92: Grongor in Alvar Haven is offering 2 new quests called Alvar Training and Haven Skirmish.
3/1/24 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest & War of Zhul Warning:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Sanctuary Skirmish.

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on March 15th at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!

This event we have increased the health of the server boss, along with reducing the amount of Interstellar Vessels and replacing them with Wrathful Orbs and more Erupting Augments.
2/22/24 - Gladiator of Loyalty:
A new gladiator has been added to the Gladiator Arena. The Gladiator of Loyalty tests both overall power and loyalty to factions. Similar to previous gladiators the top 50 overall damage dealers will receive ranked Loyalty Chests containing Triworld Gladiator Marks. Ranked Specialty Chests will also be awarded to the top 15 damage dealers from each faction, with chances of receiving a Codex or rare quest items to create 2 new augments. Each character can receive specialty rewards from only 1 faction per spawn which is determined by the active faction when the highest damage attack occured. Changing faction after setting your highest damage will not affect your ranking unless you improve your damage. Further information on loot can be found on the gladiator page.

The Triworld Treasurer is offering 5 quests to exchange Triworld Gladiator Marks for a Recharge the Fury, Spark the Fury or a Catalyst of Momentum for each faction which can be exchanged with the faction emissaries.

The Gladiator Engineer is offering 2 quests to obtain new augments by exchanging rare items found in Specialty Chests. The Augment of Loyalty can be earned by exchanging a Triad of Loyalty.

The Triworld Titan Augment can be earned by exchanging an Alvar, Delruk and Vordyn Titan Soul.

2/16/24 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Triworld Training.
2/9/24 - New Catalyst - Amalgamation:
New tasks have been set by Ravar to test your abilities against powerful Amalgamation raids. These 3-man raids can be spawned by obtaining Amalgamation Blossoms from the Triworld Simulation or Animation of Versatility (Blossoms will also be available from upcoming gladiator and god updates). Amalgamation raids will drop a guaranteed 3 Catalysts of Amalgamation (faction specific), have a chance to drop Codexes and have a rare chance to drop Deathwalker gear.

As a reminder, there are less than 3 days to enter the Superbowl pool. Entries will close when the game starts.
2/2/24 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest:
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Beginning the Grind.
1/28/24 - Superbowl Pool - Chiefs and 49ers:
The Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! All entries must be sent before the game begins.
1/26/24 - New Server Boss - Triworld Simulation:
A new Server Boss has been created by the trainers in the Triworld Sanctuary. The Triworld Simulation can reward attackers with:

- Descendant set gear.
- Blazing Serpent gear.
- Augment of Simulation.
- Treasury items.
- Triworld Codexes.
- Catalysts of Accumulation which can be exchanged with each faction emissary.
- Cosmic Motes have been moved from Zyrak to the Triworld Simulation.

1/19/24 - New Guardian Raid - Animation of Versatility:
A new 10-man Guardian raid has appeared in the Triworld Sanctuary. This raid can incur a damage bonus from up to 30 loyalty (10 from each faction). Rewards for defeating this raid can include:

- Points.
- Amulets.
- Powerful gear and an augment.
- Catalyst of Distribution which can be exchanged with each faction emissary.
- God Slayer artifacts which can be exchanged with the Triworld Slayer.

1/12/24 - Level 95 Expansion - The Triworld Sanctuary:
The level 95 expansion is now live! The Triworld Sanctuary was formed to unite worlds seeking knowledge, protection and to preserve peace. Three factions have come together under common goals to learn from each other and unite against possible future threats. Speak with Zugas outside the Triworld Sanctuary to begin your adventure. As you progress through the 4 main quests provided by Trelon, you will gain the ability to choose a faction.

- The Delruk Alliance was formed by members of Diamond City and other nearby lands. They focus on base attack and vile damage.
- The Alvar Liberation was formed by the survivors of the Astral Dimension war. They focus on original elemental damages.
- The Vordyn Rebellion was formed on Veldara during the reign of Thanox. They focus on chaos damage.

Factions work similar to classes, with each character being able to choose one of 3 options. Each character is able to change faction once per month for free via the Change Faction page (also linked via the character menu) and the free faction change timer resets at the start of every month, however changing faction more than once per month will require a Faction Change item. Unlike classes, bonuses for being in each faction are not initially provided via direct stats, instead they provide access to faction specific content and activate your Faction Loyalty. While this initial update focuses primarily on the loyalty system and damage bonuses, content including level 95 enhancements will be added in the future focusing on faction specific stats.

Players can increase their loyalty with each faction (up to a maximum of 10) by completing Catalyst tasks provided by the Alvar Emissary, Delruk Emissary and Vordyn Emissary. Completing these tasks will award a Proven Loyalty item, which can be exchanged with Artel, Dumar or Valka to permanently increase your loyalty with that faction. Secondary rewards such as augments are also earned by increasing loyalty. The first 2 catalyst quests have been added with this update, with the remaining 8 to be released with future updates. While the Catalyst of Evolution is playerbound, all other catalysts will be tradeable.

Increasing your loyalty with each faction can provide bonus damage for yourself vs mobs and for all members vs raids. The bonus damage amount is determined by the effect % each encounter has, multiplied by the amount of maximum loyalty that takes effect during the encounter. Loyalty will only take effect through your current active faction.

In addition to bonus damage, loyalty can also be used to increase the power of your Triworld Influence skill, which is earned by completing the Faction Initiations quest. The power of this skill is determined by the amount of codexes collected, increased by up to 100% based on your highest faction loyalty (10% per loyalty). Codexes can be found from expansion related content which players need to discover, with 29 being added with this initial update out of the eventual total of 50. While codex 1-10 are playerbound, all other codexes will be tradeable.

2 New potions have been added with this update, including the Remnant Solice Lev 11. The Triworld Tincture has also been added, which can be obtained by collecting Tincture Essences and exchanging them with Gabtuk.

Content to be released in the coming weeks includes:
- A new 10-man guardian raid.
- A new Server Boss raid including a new best-in-slot set.
- More Catalyst quests and Codexes.
12/29/23 - Expansion Release Date:
The level 95 expansion will go live on the 12th of January. The initial launch will bring new levels, zones, quests, factions and more. Content to be released in the weeks following the initial launch includes a new god raid, server boss and more faction based content. As we perform final live testing, we have added a temporary test mob and raid displaying faction bonuses to room 37820 in the Farmers Market.

Following the conclusion of the fantasy football season this weekend, we will be hosting a discord giveaway for premium points (amount to be determined) early next week.
12/15/23 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you. We will also be hosting discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 18th of December at 7am.
12/7/23 - Upcoming Christmas Event & General Updates:
The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 15th of December at 7am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience, potions and other treasury items. We will also be hosting discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!

- The Quest Experience Potion has been raised from lvl 84 & 50% to lvl 89 & 100%.
- Following recent changes to prevent abusable loopholes, Recharge the Fury rewards have also been removed from the Knight of Stars and No Time for Jokes quests, and the Quest Shard requirement has been removed from No Time for Jokes.
12/1/23 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Vorox, Mind of Ruin is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus and the Tier Traders will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
11/17/23 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Vorox, Mind of Ruin has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The Zhulian Friar has appeared to protect their new master. This 20-man daily Guardian raid has a chance to drop items including Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 7 days before retreating. Rewards for the top 30 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 10), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 30), Erupting Augment (top 30) and Recharge the Fury (top 30).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
11/3/23 - War of Zhul Warning:
The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on November 17th at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!

The Zhulian Friar has been reduced to 20 members required (was 50).

As a final reminder, any excess Damned, Halloween and Wonderland Potion Tokens will be deleted at 7am on the 10th of November. Please ensure you have exchanged them before this time.
10/31/23 - Halloversary Event:
The annual celebration of Halloween and Outwar's Anniversary has begun! Speak with El Risitas to begin the Halloversary quest. During the event we will be holding giveaways in our Discord server, including 2 giveaways to receive a Veldarian Helm Boon of your choice.

RNGesus will also be in room 114 during the event to truly test your luck. This 1 day respawn, 20-man god raid has a chance to drop up to 22 different items with varying drop rates, including Veldarian Helm Boons.

All Halloversary mobs, quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 5th of November at 7am OW time.
10/24/23 - Expansion Update:
Upon reaching level 91, players will be able to choose one of three factions to join. Unlike classes, factions can be changed once every month for free, however changing faction more than once per month will require an item similar to the Character Class Change item. Factions will have unique content only accessible by being a member of each faction and will provide benefits through Faction Loyalty which is the main upgrade system for this expansion. Players can increase their loyalty with each faction through various tasks, which will increase their damage and/or all raid member's damage in faction based mob and raid attacks. Faction loyalty will only take effect for the player's current active faction. We have shared more detailed information on the faction loyalty system in the #expansion-discussion channel in our discord server. We are currently looking for feedback on factions along with ideas for new Class, Preservation and Ferocity skills.

As previously mentioned, our goal has been for the initial expansion launch to be ready by the end of the year. We are still on track to meet this goal, however looking at the upcoming event and holiday periods, the best suited release date we are currently aiming for is the 5th of January. Below is a breakdown of content currently planned, however content and the planned release date are subject to change depending on further progress made and if anything is added to the initial launch plan.

Updates with the initial expansion launch will include:
- New zones and quests
- Level 91-95
- Level 95 Remnant Solice potion and a new tradeable potion
- Faction system with Faction Loyalty progress for mob attack / raid attack benefits
- Faction specific content to upgrade Loyalty and other rewards
- New skill upgraded by collecting up to 50 unique items, players must find sources of all upgrades

Updates throughout 2024 will include:
- God raids & other faction based raids
- More quests to gain experience
- Level 95 enhancements and alternative ways to spend experience
- Server Boss
- Gladiator
- Level 95 PvP Brawl
- Augment Dungeon
- Level 95 skills
10/17/23 - Halloversary Alert:
The annual Halloversary event will begin on the 31st of October at 7am OW time and run for 5 days until the 5th of November at 7am OW time. During this time players will be able to raid RNGesus and attack mobs for rewards including potions, treasury items and rare quest items. We will also be holding regular giveaways on our discord server during the event.
10/13/23 - Mass Trustee Option:
We have added an option to the trustee page to assist in copying trustees to all characters on that server. Once you have selected a character, "Apply current trustees to all characters" will apply identical trustees and options from the chosen character to all of your characters on the same server.
10/6/23 - General Updates:
- Keys and Potions are no longer sent to the backpack overflow if the regular backpack is full.
- The Under Fire crew upgrade no longer requires players to be on the crew hitlist.
- Crew Hitlist and Dehitlist are no longer logged in the crew action log.
- Recharge the Fury rewards have been removed from the Split Asunder and A Long Journey Home quests to prevent an abusable loophole.
9/29/23 - Potion Combining Phase 2 - Damned, Halloween & Wonderland:
The Potion Token Trader in the Farmers Market is now offering quests to exchange Damned, Halloween or Wonderland Tokens for combined potions. 5 Damned Tokens can be exchanged for a Damned Element Shot which has now been buffed to 200 ele damage, 75 Halloween Tokens can be exchanged for the new Halloween Potion and 10 Wonderland Tokens can be exchanged for the new Wonderland Potion. Any excess Damned, Halloween and Wonderland Tokens will then be deleted when phase 2 ends at 7am on the 10th of November.

Content where old potions have been replaced by combined potions includes:
- The Astral Guardian Quest now awards 3 Wonderland Potions.
- Red King, Black King and Jabberwocky now have a chance to drop a Wonderland Potion.
- Vork Exchange (Wonderland Potions) now awards 1 Wonderland Potion.
- Vork Exchange (Halloween Potions) now awards 1 Halloween Potion.
- Halloversary quests will now award Halloween Potions.
9/12/23 - Current Development and Captcha Trial:
We would like to share more information on current development including expansion progress and new captcha trials for guardian raids.

General zone, mob and quest creation has now been completed for the next expansion launch, meaning the development focus now shifts toward the faction system and other endgame content. As mentioned in an earlier post, experience gains will be different early on with this launch. After some introduction quests, the majority of early available experience will come from quests associated with levelling up faction bonuses (similar to the primary quests from previous expansions such as Rune, Chaos Gem etc). The aim with this is to slow down the initial levelling process for the majority of users, but to still release general experience quests as usual over time. We are also exploring ideas with repeatable content at max level to choose between experience or other rewards, as well as different methods to spend excess experience outside of enhancements. We are currently looking for feedback on what alternative rewards you would like max level experience to be used for other than enhancements. The next area we will be sharing information and seeking feedback on will be the faction system and their bonuses associated with mob and raid attacks.

Unrelated to the initial expansion launch as it would be released at a later date, one more area which was not mentioned in our original expansion update that we have a rough draft on is a level 95 faction based PvP brawl, with a potential new upgrade for the epic chest.

Over the coming days we plan to start a trial for new guardian raid captchas, initially for non-point guardians only. We will be looking for feedback on any captcha that may be tested in the #suggestion-discussion channel of our discord server, however keep in mind at this stage none of the changes that will be made are permanent and are only for collecting feedback.

As a reminder Halloween, Wonderland and Damned potions and quest turnins will be removed on the 29th of September at 7am OW time, with the new combined potions being added later that day.
9/8/23 - King of the Week Buffs:
We have increased the overall stats of the King of the Week set by the following amounts:

+300 Chaos Damage
+50% Elemental Damage
+20% Attack
+20% HP
+30% Vile Damage
+20% Rage Per Turn
+20% Experience Per Turn
+25% Max Rage
9/1/23 - Boon of Nature & Set Transfer Price Reductions:
We have reduced the transfer cost of the following sets:

- Ancestral reduced to 25 (was 125).
- Cosmic reduced to 25 (was 100).
- Veldar Ranger reduced to 20 (was 100).
- Thunder Mage reduced to 20 (was 100).
- Profound reduced to 20 (was 80).
- 8-Bit reduced to 20 (was 60).
- Platinum reduced to 20 (was 50).
- Astral reduced to 15 (was 40).
- Gold reduced to 15 (was 30).
- Alsayic reduced to 15 (was 30).
- Metallurgy reduced to 15 (was 20).
- Scallywag reduced to 15 (was 20).

- Boon of Nature price reduced to 2250 (was 4500).
- Added a Next Page button to the top of the Item Transfer page.
8/24/23 - Item Rarity Update:
Today we have lowered the rarity of some King, Brutal and Godly quality items. Moving forward we plan to perform rarity updates shortly after each Cycle begins. While many other items have been changed, some notable changes include:

- Ghostly and Warlord have been reduced to Brutal rarity.
- Mercenary, Perfection and Veldar Ranger have been reduced to Godly rarity.
- Astral and Duelist have been reduced to Elite rarity.
8/19/23 - Illusionist Wave 10:
Wave 10 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 29-30.
- Illusionist Special 101-110.
- Illusionist Retro 251-267.

8/11/23 - Potion Combining Phase 1 - Damned, Halloween & Wonderland:
We have started the process of combining Damned, Halloween and Wonderland potions similar to how Resistance potions were combined in 2021. Potions involved are listed at the bottom of this post. This will be a 2 phase process with each phase lasting 1.5 months to give players ample time to use potions or complete exchanges.

Phase 1: Now - 29th September.
Phase 1 consists of exchanging current potions for Damned, Halloween or Wonderland Tokens which will be used to obtain the new combined potions in phase 2. Traders in the Farmers Market are now offering quests to exchange any of the potions listed at the bottom of this post. The amount of potion tokens each quest awards is determined by the rarity of the potion being exchanged. All of the listed potions will be deleted when phase 1 ends on the 29th of September at 7am OW time, so be sure to either consume or exchange them before this time. Phase 2 will begin later that day after a period of time while old potions are deleted and to prevent overlap.

Phase 2: 29th September - 10th November.
Phase 2 consists of exchanging Damned, Halloween or Wonderland Tokens for the new combined potions. 5 Damned Tokens can be exchanged for a Damned Element Shot which will be buffed to 200 ele damage when phase 2 begins. 75 Halloween Tokens can be exchanged for the new Halloween Potion and 10 Wonderland Tokens can be exchanged for the new Wonderland Potion. Any excess Damned, Halloween and Wonderland Tokens will then be deleted when phase 2 ends at 7am on the 10th of November. New combined potions will also replace old potions for content rewards where required.

The following items can now be exchanged for Damned, Halloween or Wonderland Tokens. All of the following items will be deleted on the 29th of September at 7am OW time.

Damned Trader
Damned Holy Shot
Damned Arcane Shot
Damned Fire Shot
Damned Kinetic Shot
Damned Shadow Shot

Halloween Trader
Bubble Gum
Reeses Peanut Butter Cup
Snickers Bar
Tootsie Pop
Kit Kat Bar

Wonderland Trader
Natas Vile
White Vile
Arcane Vile
Fire Vile
Kinetic Vile
Shadow Vile
8/4/23 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Bazak, Demon of Hatred is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Bazak, Demon of Hatred.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus and the Tier Traders will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
7/31/23 - Planned Updates:
We would like to share some information on general updates we have planned for the coming weeks.

- Information releases on planned expansion content.
- Wonderland, Halloween and Damned potion combining.
- Set transfer cost reductions.
- Rarity reductions for some King, Brutal and Godly rarity items.
- King of the Week stat increases.
- Illusion Wave 10.
- Other general updates.

Before the War of Zhul ends there will be a 24 hour period where test items will be added to event mob loot for data collection purposes. Any item found named "Test Item 1/2/3" will have no purpose other than data collection and can safely be ignored by players.
7/21/23 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Bazak, Demon of Hatred has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The Zhulian Friar has appeared to protect their new master. This daily Guardian raid has a chance to drop items including Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 7 days before retreating. Rewards for the top 30 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 10), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 30), Erupting Augment (top 30) and Recharge the Fury (top 30).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
7/14/23 - Primeval Guardian (Chest):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

7/11/23 - 2023 Content Update:
We would like to share information on some of the content being worked on for the remainder of 2023, in particular regarding the next expansion. Our recent focus has been preparing Cycle 3 and spending time on the basics of the next expansion including draft concepts, zone creation, mob creation and more. As more general tasks are completed, focus will shift further toward completing the expansion launch.

As Cycle 3 is set to begin with the War of Zhul on the 21st of July, event focus now shifts to Halloversary and the next War of Zhul in November. We have made significant reductions to the difficulty of steps for the Halloversary quest this year, plus new combined Halloween Potions will also be added which is discussed below.

Potion Combining
As we alluded to in our Discord server, we are planning an update to combine more potions similar to how resistance potions were combined 2 years ago. We plan to combine singular Damned Shots into Damned Element Shots and buff the Damned Element Shot to 200 ele damage. We also plan to combine Halloween candy potions into a new potion and combine common Wonderland potions into another new potion. This will be done by exchanging old potions for a currency, then exchanging that currency for new potions at a later date. The amount of currency each potion will award will be determined by how rare they are. Once the new potions have been released we also plan to make these potions easier to obtain relative to collecting all of the current potions. Specific details will be given on this process when it begins on the 11th of August.

As progress is made on the level 95 expansion, we would like to hear feedback on what type of content or changes you would like to see in the #expansion-discussion channel of our discord server. Specific details will be pinned in this channel for players to provide feedback on as they are finalized over the coming months. Our aim is still to have this expansion released around the end of the year, however exact timeframes won't be known until further progress is made including planning what content will be available at launch. While we won't share specific details on content and when it will be released until a later date, our primary goals over the duration of the next expansion which we would like feedback on include:

- Slowing down the release of initial levelling content.
- Shifting more toward special ability enhancements and special quest item rewards for experience use past max level.
- Methods to spend excess experience after maxing enhancements.
- Faction system including 3 factions players can choose from. Ability to change faction over time so players aren't permanently locked in.
- Various solo and group content requiring each or all factions.
- New system for mob and raid attacks that provides benefits based on your current faction and expansion progress.
- More solo and group content outside of basic quests specifically after max level and enhancements, including more farmable content, dungeons, rare group content and more.
- Minimum of 4 new guardian raids, looking for feedback on raid sizes and difficulty.
- New server boss.
- New gladiator.
- New augment dungeon and other rare dungeons / high end group content.
- New level 95 skills.
7/7/23 - Primeval Guardian (Helm) & War of Zhul Warning:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on July 21st at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!

The major changes for Cycle 3 include:
- Each cycle will now have 6 events (5 War of Zhul and 1 Trial of Power), with WoZ being 2 slots per event and the final ToP event being all 10 slots.
- Collecting quest requirements and rewards have been reworked, a table of these changes has been pinned in the #help-questions channel of our discord server.
- Tier 1 quest item drop rates have been lowered and RoKP / Curio drop rates have been increased.
- Gladiators now spawn once per event with reworked rewards up to rank 30.
- Replaced the Conjurer Orb with the Fearful Orb. Both Wrathful and Fearful Orbs now drop from every event at a reduced rate to compensate.
- Replaced augment drops with Seeping, Bursting and Erupting augments.
- Arkron and Zhulian v3 augments from the 100 step of collecting quests have been replaced by the Collector Augment.
- Daily raids Vezzul and Golluk have been removed, with drop rates being slightly increased to compensate.
- Each event now has 1 daily Guardian raid with reworked rewards.
6/30/23 - Primeval Guardian (Core):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

6/26/23 - Skill & Teleporter Key Updates:
- Last Stand now affects all damage instead of only base damage.
- Vanish now reduces the chance for negative skills to apply to you.
- Blind is now a self buff skill that can cause your opponent to skip a turn in PvP attacks.

We have updated some keys to now be Teleporters. Keys that have new teleport functions are:
Key to Industrial District
Key to the Space Ship
Key to Financial District
Key to Scientific District
Reactor Room Key Card
Key to the Underwater District
Supply Room Key Card
Summoning Staff
Gate Key to Wonderland
Everburning Torch
Stealth Slippers
Q-SEC Base Key
Scuba Mask
Xetu's Blessing
Key of Ascension
Contamination Duffel Bag
Sanctum Key
Gladiator Arena Admission
Chaotic Buffer
Cave Lantern
Garrison Banner
Garden Paragon
Elemental Dampener
Ward of Death
6/23/23 - Primeval Guardian (Pants):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

6/16/23 - Primeval Guardian (Shield) & Illusionist Wave 9:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

Wave 9 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 27-28.
- Illusionist Special 91-100.
- Illusionist Retro 234-250.

6/9/23 - Primeval Guardian (Ring):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

6/2/23 - Primeval Guardian (Belt) & Final Astral Dimension Quest:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering a new quest called Sealing the Tears.
5/26/23 - Primeval Guardian (Boots):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive this item.

5/7/23 - Primeval Guardian (Weapon & Neck) & Challenge Price Reductions:
2 New quests have been released to obtain pieces of Primeval Guardian gear. Exchange 500 Tokens with the Primeval Challenge Master in the Astral Ruins to receive an item. More Primeval Guardian gear will be released weekly from the 26th of May.

We have also reduced the cost of some older content. These changes are:

Blazing - reduced to 375 tokens (was 625).
Ghostly - reduced to 250 tokens (was 440).
Exalted - reduced to 100 tokens (was 165).
Perfection - reduced to 100 tokens (was 165).
Noble - reduced to 75 tokens (was 125).
Spiral - reduced to 65 tokens (was 90).
5/5/23 - New Astral Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering a new quest called Penultimate Defense.
5/3/23 - Skill Updates:
We have made some changes to skills based on topics discussed in our discord server. These changes are:

- Swiftness now provides Perfect Strike for a duration.
- Bloodlust now increases your damage dealt when you fall below 10% hp vs DC mobs.
- God Slayer stats per level have been increased to 15 ATK, 30 HP, 4 Ele.

To balance for these changes, health of event trainers has been slightly increased.
4/27/23 - New Death Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Dregar in the Death Dimension is offering a new quest called Deathland Purification.
4/22/23 - General Updates & God Raiding Updates:
We have made various changes centered around topics discussed in our discord server. While some rewards are being removed now, as discussed new sources will be added to upcoming events.

- Ancestral Tomb drop rates from Zyrak have been doubled.
- Ghostly Stalker gear and Cosmic Motes have been added to Zyrak.
- Exalted Perfection and Thunder Ball rewards have been moved from Zyrak to Blackhand.
- Blackhand Reborn gear has been removed from Blackhand.
- Star Power rewards have been removed from the Friable Guitar and Destructible Drums mobs as well as the Please Save Him quest.
- Remove Augment rewards and Quest Shard requirements have been removed from the Scouring the Forest and Extinguish The Flame quests.
- Add Augment reward has been removed from the Please Save Him quest.

As a reminder to all players, the use of automated software to bypass captchas is forbidden on Outwar. In the past we have been lenient to people caught cheating via ARJ use or other forms of glitches, however we will no longer be handing out short suspensions to anybody gaining an unfair advantage through ARJ use or glitches for other content. If you or somebody you know is using something against the rules to gain an advantage, it is your responsibility to inform us. Today we have also made changes to god raids to prohibit the use of preloaded captchas before god raids spawn.
4/21/23 - New Death Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Dregar in the Death Dimension is offering a new quest called Killing the Dead.
4/14/23 - Illusionist Wave 8:
Wave 8 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 25-26.
- Illusionist Special 81-90.
- Illusionist Retro 210-233.

4/11/23 - Skill Update Feedback:
We are looking for feedback on various skills and have added a temporary skill-discussion channel to our discord server. To start we will focus mainly on Class and Ferocity skills to ensure they are ready as early as possible before Cycle 3 events start. Our goal with most of these changes is to not suddenly make skills significantly more powerful, but more to help scale skills better for high end characters and rework skills with unwanted functions. We plan to update more skills than the ones mentioned here and ask for feedback on all skills, but the main areas we are currently looking for feedback and new ideas on are:

#1 - Stat based skills (Empower etc) - Our current leading ideas are to change these to % based so they affect higher geared characters more (which has downsides for low level characters) or change how much stats they give based on character power (50k gives 2x, 100k gives 3x etc.).

#2 - Teleport - Looking for new ideas.

#3 - Bloodlust - Looking for new ideas.

#4 - Blind - Looking for new ideas.

#5 - Vanish - Looking for new ideas.
4/9/23 - Cycle 3 Changes & Feedback:
Following on from our recent news post which elaborated on the event system, we would like to share more information on potential changes for Cycle 3. The majority of these changes are still in draft phase and are not final. Each topic will be titled with a number to make it easier for players to refer to a specific topic when discussing them in the temporary event-topic channels added to our discord server. We ask that players please treat these channels as serious discussion channels.

The event-topics-1-6 channel has a table pinned which shows the amount of items obtained and their sources during the previous Cycle 2 event, along with an estimate of how changes from topics 1-6 will affect Cycle 3. There is also a list pinned of the proposed Collecting quest changes.

#1 - Extending Cycles to 6 Events
The first planned change is adding a 6th event at the end of each cycle which provides all 10 slots of gear. The plan for this would be to use the War of Zhul for events 1-5 which provide 2 slots per event, then the Trial of Power being the 6th event each cycle where all 10 slots will be available. This change would improve the longevity of event gear / challenge gear by slowing the cycle pace down and create a way for players to obtain slots they may have missed out on or need more of. As both events are nearly identical in reality, the only major rewards change required would be finding a balanced solution to integrate both WoZ and ToP orb drops to the same event. Our planned change for this would be adding both Wrathful and Conjurer orbs (or a new, more powerful but rarer orb than Conjurers) to every event at a 50% reduced rate, resulting in the same amount of orbs being obtained over a 2 event period.

#2 - Less Tier 1 Gear & More Tier 2 / 3 Gear
An area brought up often is shifting the focus away from V1 gear and moving toward V2 / V3 gear. Our proposed change is to decrease the total v1 goal to 8000 (from 12000), then raise the v2 goal to 2600 (from 2000) and the v3 goal to 600 (from 500).

#3 - Collection Quest Requirement Changes
For the recent Trial of Power, 2611 curios were obtained overall for the event. Of that 2611, 1250 were obtained from the collecting quest with 946 coming from the 300-350 Insignia steps alone. As previously discussed, this large amount impacts the overall v2 item goal and causes curio drop rates to remain low, even lower over time if left unchanged. Our proposed change is a rework of the Collecting quest requirements and rewards, shifting their focus further into the quest and allowing drop rates to be significantly increased to compensate. We have no immediate plans to change the 500 Wand / Spear step as only 117 characters completed this last event, however this is expected to rise over time and will eventually require similar changes over the next 1-2 cycles.

#4 - Collection Quest Reward Changes & Old Quest Rewards Added
Recently there has been a large increase in mass character creation (hundreds of thousands) to obtain items from old quests such as the Add Augment Slot, Remove Augment and Star Power. This has been causing a serious problem with server load as many old zones were never changed with the 10x rage update plus there is no limit on how many accounts people create to farm these items. We have also heard feedback from players who dislike the method to obtain these items. Our planned change for this is to add these items to the earlier steps of the Collecting quest during major events. This would remove the ability of infinite created RGAs to obtain these items and would act as a repeatable source every 4 months.

#5 - Gladiator Rewards
Another area we are aware of being underwhelming is event gladiator rewards. Our proposed change for this involves having only 1 gladiator spawn per event and increasing the rewards. Our new per event reward system from gladiators would extend placings from 20 to 30, increase Curio / RoKP from 68 to 100 and wand/spear from 12 to 20.

#6 - Raid Content
Another area we mentioned in a previous post was changing up the reward system regarding event daily raids and guardian raids. As we mentioned, daily raids (Vezzul and Golluk) have become a hard to monitor area and unchanged would cause problems with a playstyle of spreading characters out to increase kill numbers, which is not how this system was intended. Our planned change for this is to remove both daily raids for now and increase mob drop rates slightly to account for the items no longer being obtained from these raids. Even though this will have a minimal effect now, left unchanged this would cause much larger problems in the future. Different versions of this may however be an area we revisit. As for guardian raids, we currently don't have a set plan for rewards outside of potentially changing it to 1 guardian per event with a daily spawn and increased rewards, however we would like feedback on this and what items you would like to see added / increased from this area.

#7 - Cycle 3 Mob Power Changes
As trainers have now been updated, we would like feedback on their power level over the coming months as we make changes to skills and likely more changes to trainers to compensate. The recent test item data collection has also helped us better understand the split between each mob tier killed during events. Currently it is estimated around 4% of event drops come from Tier 1 mobs, 76% from Tier 2 mobs and 20% from Tier 3 mobs, although without a full event duration test, true figures will be slightly different. The biggest piece of information learned from this is how little effect Tier 1 mobs have and how easily Tier 2 mobs are being defeated. Although it will be mostly unknown until more data is collected once cycle 3 starts, with changes to mob power for cycle 3 we expect the Tier 1 factor to slightly rise due to more characters falling short of beating Tier 2 mobs and Tier 1 still being relatively easy for mass characters to defeat. One area of discussion from players has been the removal of Tier 1 mobs and increasing the droprates of Tier 2&3 mobs to compensate. This however may only result in as little as a 5% overall increase to drop rates, which is something we would like to hear more feedback on to judge if players feel this change would be worth it.

#8 - Ring of Wonders
No single item has a greater overall effect on character power than the Ring of Wonders, an item that can be obtained very easily to the point over 100,000 currently exist. Reducing the resist on this ring to a more reasonable level would slow down the power of mass created characters and put a greater emphasis on more recent gear including V1 rings from events. This in turn may have a small but positive effect on event drop rates. We would like to hear feedback on if you think this should or should not be changed, and if so by how much.

#9 - Trade Gear Sets
Another area we have been monitoring is the use of trade sets during events (Chancellor, Dragon and Blackhand; we have no intention of changing Badges), as well as feedback surrounding their use. This is not an area we are looking at taking action on before hearing more player feedback. For now we are only focused on their use during events as their total use outside of events has a smaller overall impact, however we are aware changes will eventually have to be made outside of events as well. As more sets are created, their overall effect will have a much larger impact to the game and their current level of use will not be viable to the long-term future of Outwar. When we first introduced equip limits we worked with players to find the correct balance between their use while not completely removing their effect immediately. We have since heard feedback from many players about their dislike of the use and effect of these sets during events. Reducing their effect during events would have a positive impact on drop rates and reductions between events. An issue with changing these sets currently is the lack of data on what their true effect is, which makes it hard to gather accurate feedback and also makes drop rate changes harder to predict. This creates 2 paths, we can estimate and make immediate changes, or attempt to collect data for more accurate changes at a later date, however both paths will still likely result in day 2-3 drop rate changes to balance correctly during the first event they are changed. As for how their use may be reduced for the long term as thousands more of the sets would potentially exist, there are some options which we have collected feedback on and brainstormed which we would like to hear further feedback on especially from players in possession of these sets:

1) Equip limits reduced to 1 during events, unchanged outside of events. Remove sets from boss loot and leave existing sets unchanged outside of events. Replace boss loot with stronger items to compensate.
2) Equip limits reduced to 1 at all times and increase power of items to compensate (likely only Blackhand).
3) Equip limits gradually reduced to 1 at all times over the span of 1-2 Cycles.
4) Equip limits of Chancellor and Dragon reduced to 1, Blackhand 3-5 at all times.
4/7/23 - Event Trainers Updated & New Death Dimension Quest:
The power level of Event Trainer mobs in the Farmers Market have been updated. These changes are only being treated as an early draft and are likely to be subject to change due to player feedback and possible power level changes with upcoming skill updates and other changes. We wanted to update these trainers as soon as possible as a rough baseline before releasing a large Cycle 3 information post in the near future.

Lvl 90: Dregar in the Death Dimension is offering a new quest called Familiar Foes.
3/31/23 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.
3/20/23 - Event Drops Increased & Upcoming Data Collection:
All tradeable event item drop rates have been increased by 10%.

In the coming days there will be a 24 hour period where test items will be added to event mob loot as we collect data before Cycle 3. These items will help us better understand the amount of each tier being killed in hopes of providing avenues to explore and discuss for Cycle 3. Any item found named "Test Item 1/2/3" will have no purpose other than data collection and can safely be ignored by players.
3/17/23 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. Those with the power to do so can defeat Conjurers for 3x drop chances for all items and the strongest players can defeat Trial Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Conjurers for all items excluding Trial Insignias. During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk, who will spawn every day.

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wand (top 3), Augment of the Raging Elementalist (top 5), Elementium Curio (top 10) and Recharge the Fury (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Trial Insignia Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
3/10/23 - New Death Dimension Quests:
Lvl 90: Dregar in the Death Dimension is offering 2 new quests called Aiding Dregar and Haunted Revenge.
3/3/23 - Trial of Power Alert & General Updates:
The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 17th of March at 7am OW Time.

- Added the Recharge Totem trustee option which allows trustees to activate Recharge Totems.
- Added the Reset/Train Skills trustee option which allows trustees to activate Standard Issue Neuralyzers and train skills.
- Added minimum and maximum required member counts to the joinraid page.
2/24/23 - New Shadow Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Sulon in the Shadow Dimension is offering a new quest called Shadow Restoration.
2/19/23 - Updates & Feedback For Events:
We would like to share some information in regards to both the current event cycle and potential changes coming for Cycle 3 in July, in hopes to produce constructive feedback in the discussion channel of our Discord server. Most or all of the changes discussed here or on discord are still subject to change. These changes will not take effect until Cycle 3 begins as we do not want to interrupt the final Cycle 2 event with short notice and we are still collecting feedback and data to more accurately make these changes. To simplify explanations we will only provide examples for Tier gear and item counts will be the total of both servers.

To start we want to give a general explanation of how events work and what our goals are for each event. Every event we have always had 2 main target number goals: item drops from mobs and total items gained. The mob drop goal excludes items gained from the Collecting quests and other content to ensure drop rates arent lowered depending on the amount of items gained from the quest. For fairness, changes are generally not made to drop rates for the mob drop goal mid-event unless it is very clear this number is out by over 10%. As for the second goal regarding the total number of items produced per event, this has generally been a fixed thing outside of the mob drop rates changing and not something content is adjusted for, since items gained from other sources are mostly gained with fury potions via the main quests which we feel is unfair to adjust drop rates for, plus total items from these sources have remained similar until recently, which we will discuss later.

Item number goals are necessary to provide balance in many areas including economy, power and server load. If this goal was not set and drop rates remained untouched for 15 years worth of events, as a rough estimate event gear would be 400x more common than it is now due to the overall power and rage increase on characters over time. This would equate to us now having roughly 4,800,000 Tier 1 items per event, compared to the current 12000 goal. Needless to say, aside from the cute little hamster powering the servers having long passed from a heart attack due to the rapid increase of overall rage and power, this would have severe effects on the games economy and power balance.

Now that the fundamental goals of events have been explained, we would like to share some history of goals and outcomes for events. As Outwar has evolved and other content has been limited or changed, we have been able to increase the total goals for Tier 1, 2 & 3 gear mainly in recent years. The following is a list of how the total item goals of each Tier have changed over the years.

4+ Years Ago
T1/Quest - 8000
T2 - 400
T3 - 120

Cycle 1
T1/Quest - 12000
T2 - 1600
T3 - 400

Cycle 2
T1 - 12000
T2 - 2000
T3 - 500

The following is the number of items created during the most recent 3 events. The slight increase for the last event can mostly be credited to the event duration being extended.

Cycle 2
T1 - 12811 / 12057 / 13320
T2 - 1960 / 1926 / 2091
T3 - 587 / 505 / 601

As far as target goals and how close to the goals drops have been during Cycle 2, we are satisfied with the consistency and minimal changes needed during this time compared to previous years, especially compared to events leading up to equip limit changes where drastic changes were required between events. Consistency is the most important factor in balancing these changes. What we are not completely satisfied with however is how these items are being obtained, which is the primary reason for this post. It is clear after reviewing data and feedback from players that certain areas can be improved, and we would like to work with players to make the adjustments needed to try and strike the best balance. Below we will detail each area that we would like to review and make changes to where required. With the above mentioned goals set, any area that rewards are reduced from allows us to increase rewards from other areas instead, which is the balance we are seeking to find.

Quest Rewards
By far the most obvious difference in recent events has been the amount of high end multi characters completing shard / insignia steps for tier gear quest items via the Collecting quests. Required counts for these quest steps has been something untouched for many years as it is generally aimed at high end characters using fury potions and has always remained out of reach of mass completion. With characters gaining more max rage / rage per turn over time however, this is no longer the case. Using Elementium Curio / Ring of Kinetic Power rewards as an example, there were 674 gained from Collecting Insignias in July, compared to 1136 gained from Collecting Shards in November. Of that 1136, 798 came from the initial 300 and 350 required steps. While some of this sudden jump can be credited to the last event being extended by 1 day, it is clear from viewing data of previous events that this will continue to increase regardless. While quest rewards play no factor in how we manage drop rates due to the separate drop rate goal, these increases will start causing problems with the total item goal. Our proposed change for this is to increase the required amount of shards / insignias for some mid range steps, while leaving higher end steps untouched as mass characters are not a factor there. With the previously mentioned goals in mind, this would then allow us to improve direct mob drop rates of any items affected by this change, providing more linear rewards between players.

Paragon Mob Power
Another area we have been monitoring is mob power, specifically for tier 3 Paragon mobs. Paragons are intended to be for top end characters without the use of trade sets. As content is released over time that allows characters to grow in power, the ability of trade set characters becomes strong enough to break this barrier. While mob power is increased when Cycle 3 begins, the increase for Paragon mobs may need to be slightly more than usual this time. With the item goals in mind, any negative effect this has on overall drops allows us to increase overall drop rates. We are still mindful to find the right balance for this and will use the trainer mobs after Cycle 2 has finished to gather feedback from players.

One area that has become more difficult for us to monitor is the daily raids Golluk and Vezzul. As the power of these mobs has remained unchanged for many years, this is causing a playstyle among some players to spread out characters between as many crews as possible. Due to this, drop rates from these 2 raids are quite rare and not what the system was intended for when these raids were first released aimed at the top few crews. The power of these raids is not something we can balance as easily as mobs due to it being a crew based system. Our proposed change to this is to remove these 2 raids and add the drops they would usually produce per event to other content including mobs, gods or the server boss. The leading plan currently is to revamp event god raids, improving their drops and power requirement, which would then create a system that acts similar to the original design of the daily raids.

We would like to hear your thoughts on these topics and other ideas you may have to improve the experience during events in the discussion channel of our Discord server. We are aware changes will affect each player differently and there is no such thing as a balance that is best for everyone, however our aim with events is always to strike the best balance we can find between players.
2/17/23 - General Updates:
- Added the Remove All Augments tool which will remove all augments inserted in an item. Updated the Remove Augment page to accommodate the use of both tools.
- Added text to display current listed price for items on the Crew Treasury page.
- Added Cosmic Mote to the Preferred Player Lucky Box and removed Thunder Ball.
2/10/23 - New Shadow Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Sulon in the Shadow Dimension is offering a new quest called Severing Spines.
2/3/23 - Illusionist Wave 7:
Wave 7 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 22-24.
- Illusionist Special 71-80.
- Illusionist Retro 166-209.

1/29/23 - Superbowl 2022 Pool - Chiefs and Eagles:
The Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! All entries must be sent before the game begins.
1/27/23 - New Shadow Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Sulon in the Shadow Dimension is offering a new quest called Shrouded Elementals.
1/20/23 - Cosmic Diviner Set & Set Price Reductions:
Lvl 85+: Cirrone the Diviner in the Astral Ruins is now offering quests to obtain the Cosmic Diviner Set. Players can exchange a Cosmic Mote for a Cosmic Diviner piece of their choice.

We have also reduced the cost of some older sets. The changes are as follows:

Veldar Ranger - 48% price reduction.
Thunder Mage - 40% price reduction.
Profound - 37% price reduction.
8-Bit - 44% price reduction.
Platinum - 25% price reduction.
Astral - 40% price reduction.
Gold - 25% price reduction.
Alsayic - 27% price reduction.
Metallurgy - 20% price reduction.
Scallywag - 20% price reduction.
1/13/23 - New Shadow Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Sulon in the Shadow Dimension is offering a new quest called Slaying the Shadows.
1/6/23 - Content Update:
We would like to share some information on content being worked on for 2023, including early draft concepts for the next expansion.

On the 20th of January we will be releasing a new set-bonus set for characters level 85+. Methods to obtain this set will follow the same format as the Veldar Ranger set, being purchasable with no-trade points. While the set-bonus will be more powerful than the Veldar Ranger set, Ancestral set-bonuses will remain the strongest. We then plan to release the next Best in Slot Challenge gear with a reduced price in May, following the completion of Event Cycle 2. Event Cycle 3 will then start with the War of Zhul in July, where gear and mob power will be increased.

Skill Update
This year we plan to rework some skills, as over time some skills have become underwhelming. We are however mindful to not create a sudden power jump or an imbalance with lower level characters, so to start we will likely keep our focus on reworking just the skills in most need of an update. We would like to hear feedback on what skills you would like to see changed and how.

Level 95 Expansion
Early work has begun on the next level expansion, due to be released later this year. With this expansion we plan to introduce new systems aimed at interactivity and player choice, including choosing one of three factions to join. Joining a faction will provide access to content and bonuses only available to that faction, as well as potential situations for raid content where multiple factions are required. Our aim with this is to create a variety of power and playstyle for endgame characters. Plans for this are still in the early draft phase, so we would like to hear your thoughts on what you would like to see introduced with this expansion.
12/30/22 - New Shadow Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Sulon in the Shadow Dimension is offering a new quest called Aiding Sulon.
12/16/22 - Christmas Event & New Kinetic Dimension Quest:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 19th of December at 7am.

Lvl 90: Kenno in the Kinetic Dimension is offering a new quest called Kinetic Restoration.
12/11/22 - Short Maintenance 10AM Tomorrow:
Both servers will be going down for scheduled maintenance on Monday at 10AM OW time. Please allow for up to 30 minutes of downtime.
12/10/22 - Illusionist Wave 6 & Upcoming Christmas Event:
Wave 6 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 19-21.
- Illusionist Special 61-70.
- Illusionist Retro 142-165.

The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 16th of December at 7am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience, potions and other treasury items. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!
12/3/22 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Zathur, Master of Doom is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Zathur, Master of Doom.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
11/29/22 - War of Zhul Extended:
Due to the overnight downtime caused by our host performing emergency maintenance, we have decided to extend the War of Zhul by 24 hours. The event will now end on Saturday at 7am.
11/18/22 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Zathur, Master of Doom has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 3), Augment of the Berserk Warbeast (top 5), Ring of Kinetic Power (top 10) and Recharge the Fury (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
11/11/22 - General Updates:
- Added hoverover information for specific elements on the account page.
- Added an option for uploading profile pictures and descriptions to apply to all other characters on the same server of that RGA.
- Double click selecting all of the same item now works in the Vault.
- Added the Preferred Player Supply Crate for Ultimate Preferred Player.

11/4/22 - New Kinetic Dimension Quests & War of Zhul Warning:
Lvl 90: Kenno in the Kinetic Dimension is offering 3 new quests called Knowing the Enemy, Kindred Elementals and Kneeling to Nobody.

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on November 18th at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!
10/31/22 - Halloversary Event:
The annual celebration of Halloween and Outwar's Anniversary has begun! Speak with El Risitas to begin the Halloversary quest. During the event we will be holding 21 giveaways in our Discord server, including 2 giveaways to receive a Veldarian Helm Boon of your choice.

RNGesus will also be in room 114 during the event to truly test your luck. This 1 day respawn, 20-man god raid has a chance to drop up to 21 different items with varying drop rates, including Veldarian Helm Boons.

All Halloversary mobs, quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 5th of November at 7am OW time.
10/21/22 - New Kinetic Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Kenno in the Kinetic Dimension is offering a new quest called Aiding Kenno.
10/14/22 - Halloversary Alert & Illusionist Wave 5:
The annual Halloversary event will begin on the 31st of October at 7am OW time and run for 5 days until the 5th of November at 7am OW time. During this time players will be able to raid RNGesus and attack mobs for rewards including experience, potions, treasury items and rare quest items. We will also be holding regular giveaways on our discord server during the event.

Wave 5 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 16-18.
- Illusionist Special 51-60.
- Illusionist Retro 119-141.

10/4/22 - New Fire Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Ferodar in the Fire Dimension is offering a new quest called Fire Restoration.

All Sunder Armor debuffs now persist if the caster uses a Neuralyzer.
9/30/22 - General Updates:
- Reworked the Crew Treasury page, adding item hoverovers for listed items and when selecting an item to add.
- Added a storage counter to the Crew Vault page.
- Raidbound items can now be traded via Crew Trades.
- Added a Max button when selecting a quantity for Crew and Player Trades.
9/24/22 - Sigil Maintenance Rescheduled:
Starting at 12.30pm OW time on Monday the 26th of September, Sigil will be going down for up to 1 hour as our host performs scheduled maintenance. During this time some characters may move from their last known position.
9/23/22 - New Fire Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Ferodar in the Fire Dimension is offering a new quest called Fighting for Peace.
9/16/22 - General Updates:
- Added exact health information for players during raids via the damage hoverover.
- Items can now be deleted directly from the Vault.
- Double clicking a new item via mass-select options in the backpack no longer de-selects previously selected items.
- Added a list displaying the cap status of all current crews members on the cap status page.
- Quest Items, Potions and Keys can now be purchased from the Treasury if your regular backpack is full.
9/9/22 - New Fire Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Ferodar in the Fire Dimension is offering a new quest called Enflamed Elementals.
9/1/22 - Skill Updates:
- Sunder Armor now places a debuff on up to 3 target players which causes them to take up to 30% more damage from you for a limited duration. This is only castable if you have no active Sunder debuffs cast.
- Poison Dart can now be cast on allies and by multiple players on one character.
- Strength in Numbers ranks now increase the duration of the skill while each rank provides a 100% chance. Max duration increased to 4 hours.
8/26/22 - New Fire Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Ferodar in the Fire Dimension is offering a new quest called Fiends of the Flame.
8/19/22 - Illusionist Wave 4:
Wave 4 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 13-15.
- Illusionist Special 41-50.
- Illusionist Retro 91-118.

8/12/22 - New Fire Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Ferodar in the Fire Dimension is offering a new quest called Aiding Ferodar.
8/8/22 - Dimensional Bond Changes & Boon of Chaos Buff:
We have made some changes to the methods of starting the Astral Runes quest. Instead of 5 Dimensional Bonds, the Astral Runes quest now requires a playerbound Complete Dimensional Bond, which can be obtained from Bexar by either exchanging 5 Dimensional Bonds, or 1 Dimensional Bond and a Mystic Elemental Rune.

The drop rate for the Boon of Chaos has been increased by 50%.
8/5/22 - Guardian Rework & Nexus Cores:
Guardian Raid Rework
We have now completed a large rework to many point-dropping Guardian raids, focused on improving interactivity and point rewards. All point-dropping Guardian raids released before Veldara plus Dexor and Thanox have had their respawn times reduced, along with their point rewards and loot chances to compensate. On top of this, we have reworked the amount of points and amulets each of these gods award to achieve a slightly more linear reward system. To improve rewards after making these changes, we have then increased the point rewards of all point-dropping Guardians by 25% and added the new Nexus Cores listed below. A full breakdown of the new respawn times and more can be found in the help-questions channel of our Discord server.

Nexus Cores
During the war in the Astral World, many rare and powerful artifacts were stolen and crossed the tears between dimensions. As they dispersed, the most powerful Guardians were lured by their power and they took them for themselves. It lies with you now to find these powerful Cores and claim their power as your own. This update brings seven new high stat Cores to the game, including a new Epic Core. The breakdown of how each Core can be obtained is as follows:

Tier 1 - Nexus of Conform. This Core can be found from Jorun, Volgan, Tarkin, Sarcrina, Zikkir, Keeper of Nature, Yirkon, Amalgamated Apparition, Nayark and Akkel.

Tier 2 - Nexus of Fortitude. This Core can be found from Sylvanna, Gorganus, Ormsul, Anvilfist, Lacuste, Q-SEC Commander, Kretok, Felroc, Karvaz, Raiyar, Bolkor, Xynak, Crolvak and Esquin.

Tier 3 - Nexus of Torture. This Core can be found from Nafir, Skarthul, Straya, Dlanod, Viserion, Balerion, Dexor, Rillax, Villax, Envar, Banok and Rezun.

Tier 4 - Nexus of Divinity / Vitality / Destruction. These 3 Cores can all be found from Gregov, Murfax, Thanox, Holgor, Arcon, Firan, Kinark, Shayar, Agnar and Valzek. These gods also have a chance to drop a Nexus Trigon, which level 90 players can exchange with the Nexus Guardian in the Astral Ruins for any Tier 4 Core.

Epic - Skull of the Soul Slayer. Level 90 players can now begin the Skull of the Soul Slayer quest from the Nexus Guardian in the Astral Ruins. This quest involves locating 10 rare Soul Fractures to repair the skull, which can drop from all 46 point-dropping Guardian raids.

We plan to slowly integrate high stat cores to general content in a limited capacity over the coming years, including with the next Challenge gear released after Cycle 2.
7/29/22 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.
7/15/22 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
- Updated the Collecting Insignias quest with a similar format to the War of Zhul.
- Removed Globe and Metronome requirements from Tier 2 gear quests.
- Doubled the Globe and Metronome drop chances from Golluk.
- Changed the Trial of Crusaders quest to the Trial of Power quest which now requires to show 5 insignias for the same exp reward.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. Those with the power to do so can defeat Conjurers for 3x drop chances for all items and the strongest players can defeat Trial Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Conjurers for all items excluding Trial Insignias. During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk, who will spawn every day.

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wand (top 3), Augment of the Raging Elementalist (top 5), Elementium Curio (top 10) and Recharge the Fury (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Trial Insignia Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
7/8/22 - General Updates & Future Content Update:
- Point rewards from Banok have been doubled and point rewards from Rezun have been tripled.
- Added 500 Personal Hitlist Lines to the Treasury.
- Added the Crew Trade icon to mobile.
- Replaced Rage Potions in the Treasury with Rage Tonics which have no skill expiration delay (similar to Fury Potions).
- The Cap Status page can now be viewed via trustee.
- Fixed an issue causing slow loading times during the Veiled Locker quest due to the zone having no entrance.

As we have mentioned, we are currently working on a large rework to a number of point-dropping Guardian raids, along with adding new high stat Cores to accompany the update. We plan to release this update on August 5th, following the Trial of Power. This update will bring a reduction to respawn times and points/loot to compensate, for all pre-Veldara point gods plus Dexor and Thanox. We will also rebalance the amount of points and amulets these gods drop to create a more linear experience. On top of these changes, we then plan to increase overall point rewards by 25%, along with adding 7 new Cores which can be obtained only from point gods, including a new Epic Core. More information on these will be given on release day.

This year we also plan to introduce a new event to permanently replace the Halloween event. With Outwar's Anniversary falling on the exact day of Halloween every year, we think it's time to start celebrating both events at once! More information will be given on this closer to October 31st.

As for gear content, we remain on plan for Cycle 3 to start from the War of Zhul in July 2023, with new Best in Slot gear challenges released in May 2023. We also plan to release a new set-bonus set early in 2023.

As always we continue to work on general updates primarily provided by the feedback channel of our discord server. Please keep your suggestions coming as they help more than anything to improve the Outwar experience for all players.
7/1/22 - Trial of Power Alert & New Arcane Dimension Quests:
The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 15th of July at 7am OW Time.

Lvl 90: Aristo in the Arcane Dimension is offering 3 new quests called Conjuring Elementals, Abolishing the Enemy and Arcane Restoration.
6/22/22 - General Updates:
- After choosing a mass-select option in the backpack, double clicking an item now selects all of the same item.
- The Crew Cap Status has been removed.
- Players can now access the Manage Augments page without having an augment.
- Spirit of Nar Zhul drop rate increased by 50%.
- Spirit of Windstrike drop rate increased by 50%.
- Soul of Lord Karvaz drop rate increased by 65%.
- 5x Elemental Mastery drop rates increased by 30%.
- Spirit of Nafir drop rate increased by 30%.
6/17/22 - New Arcane Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Aristo in the Arcane Dimension is offering a new quest called Advancing the Troops.
6/10/22 - First of its kind on Outwar - Guardian Ethereal Souls:
The Ethereal Souls of many guardians of Diamond City have recently been extracted and can now be purchased and traded on the open market!

In addition to owning the soul as part of your collection, the player that owns the Ethereal Soul of a guardian will receive bonus points any time it is slain!

Head over to https://outwar.com/metamask to learn more about how to connect a Metamask wallet and view the available NFTs. The first round of Ethereal Souls will be listed at auction for 7 days. This is your chance to own a piece of Outwar!

Q: What is an Ethereal Soul?
A: It's an NFT of an Outwar guardian, the first of its kind. When the guardian is defeated, the player who holds the soul will gain points. The NFT will also appear in your profile.

Q: What is an NFT?
A: An NFT is a token stored on a blockchain (Ethereum). Only a single one of each type will ever exist.

Q: What's the advantage of owning an NFT over a regular item in Outwar?
A: An NFT can be traded on any public market for cryptocurrency. That means it can be sold at a later date if you desire (possibly for more than you paid!).

Q: Will there be more Outwar NFTs?
A: To start, we've issued tokens to represent the top 10 largest point dropping guardians in Outwar. These tokens will always be unique and no more will ever be issued. We may issue tokens for additional guardians down the road. We may also issue tokens for other parts of Outwar (such as rooms) so you can own even more.

Q: What if I hate NFTs?
A: We understand many gamers have a (justified) negative opinion on NFTs. These tokens are completely optional and holding one will not give any advantages when attacking a guardian.

Q: Can I see a list of current NFTs?
A: You can view the list on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/outwar
6/9/22 - General Updates & Illusionist Wave 3:
- Added player healthbars during raids.
- Updated the raid loot display to show 1 item and count per line.
- Added Chaos Damage and Elemental Resist to the myaccount page.

Wave 3 of Illusionist appearances has been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 10-12.
- Illusionist Special 31-40.
- Illusionist Retro 68-90.

6/3/22 - New Arcane Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Aristo in the Arcane Dimension is offering a new quest called Aiding Aristo.
5/27/22 - Gladiator Update:
Today we have released an update to the Zerx and Vork Gladiators to help increase availability for those seeking Gladiator Marks. Both of these Gladiators now drop chests up to rank 50, awarding 4 marks for ranks 31-40 and 3 marks for ranks 41-50. The requirement for Archuv Reputation 3 has also been lowered from 200 to 50 marks.
5/25/22 - Preferred Player Buffs:
We have released an update to the Preferred Player system, increasing the stat benefits of all 3 tiers. The new stat increases for Ultimate / Elite / Basic are as follows:

EPT - 1500 / 1000 / 500
RPT - 1500 / 1000 / 500
Max Rage - 9000 / 6000 / 3000
Attack - 5000 / 2500 / 1250
HP - 10000 / 5000 / 2500
Ele Damage - 1000 / 500 / 250
5/20/22 - Future Content Update:
We are currently in the early drafting stages for a large overhaul to most older Point God raids, aimed at increasing overall interactivity and rewards. To help increase God spawn activity we plan to lower the respawn time of many God raids and lower their chances for most loot and point drops by an equal amount to keep the frequency of loot similar. To improve loot rewards we then plan to increase the average points awarded from god raids by 25%, along with better balancing how many points and amulets each god drops.

Another major addition with this update will be rare and powerful Cores that can only be obtained via Point Gods, including systems similar to how Oblivion pieces were obtained in the past. These new Cores will have greatly increased stats similar to the other 9 main slots. Our initial plan when the Core slot was released was for them to be available from all types of content, with the most powerful coming from endgame sources such as raids. Cores eventually became more like other slots, being added to sets and having common sources to obtain the most powerful ones, so moving forward we would like to bring back our original vision for them. We plan to make no change to how Cores can currently be obtained from general content, but only plan to add multiple but rare Cores obtainable throughout the game from various content, essentially as a permanent Epic slot.

We would like to hear your feedback on what ideas you may have for this update in the outwar-discussion channel of our Discord server.
5/20/22 - New Holy Dimension Quest & Server Boss Tuning:
Lvl 90: Herol in the Holy Dimension is offering a new quest called Holy Restoration.

The following reductions will be made to Server Boss health starting from their next spawn:

Blackhand: -29% health.
Maekrix: -50% health.
Death: -68% health.
Cosmos: -68% health.
5/13/22 - Rarity Update & Quest Item Price Reductions:
- Lowered the rarity of some Godly quality items.
- Vanishas Fragrance price reduced to 150 Points (was 350).
- Drolba Tonic requirement reduced to 8 Tokens (was 20).
- Archfiend Soul Fragment price reduced to 25 Points (was 225).
5/6/22 - New Holy Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Herol in the Holy Dimension is offering a new quest called Hateful Deviants.
4/29/22 - Server Boss & Amulet Shop Updates:
Server Bosses have now been overhauled. Items have been added, moved, plus many less desired items have either been removed completely or moved to Cosmos. The exact breakdown of this can be found in our discord server. Items added to Server Boss loot include Amulets, chances for Challenge gear, Irthys orbs, quest items and Vault potions. Server Boss health has also been increased:

Zyrak: +200% health.
Blackhand: +300% health.
Maekrix: +433% health.
Death: +466% health.
Cosmos: +590% health.

The Amulet shop has also received a major overhaul. Older gear has been reduced in price and new untransferable gear has been added. The Amulet Trader in the Dusty Glass Tavern is also accepting amulets for some Treasury items. The Amulet cost for all items is as follows:

Magic Gem - 1500.
Stargazer Core / Trinket - 1500.
Adventurer Gear - 150.
Barrier of the Seas - 50.
Master's Shinguards - 40.
Elitist's Gear - 20.

Character Class Change - 1500.
Standard Issue Neuralyzer - 500.
Character Name Change - 150.
Quest Shard - 150.
Experience Lock - 150.
4/22/22 - New Holy Dimension Quest & Illusionist Wave 2:
Lvl 90: Herol in the Holy Dimension is offering a new quest called Enlightened Elementals.

Wave 2 of Illusionist appearances have been released. This wave includes:
- Illusionist Regalia 7-9.
- Illusionist Special 21-30.
- Illusionist Retro 43-67.

4/15/22 - Valzek, Harbinger of Death:
Valzek, an entity believed to have escaped the Vault of Madness, has taken form in the Death Dimension. The only being known to be powerful enough to corrupt Agnar, this 15-man raid will demand levels of strength like never before.

A 7 day respawn, Valzek can drop loot including Points, Amulets, Artifacts, Runestone of Valzek, Vortex of Death, all 10 pieces of Voidmaker gear, Vial of Insanity, Demonic Madness, Dimensional Augment, Augment of Death, Demonic Glyph and the Vault Tear.

Unire is offering the final 2 quests to obtain 3 Rune Essences. The Runestone of Valzek can be exchanged for 1 Rune Essence, also purchasable from the Treasury. The Vortex of Death awards 2 Rune Essences when exchanged. For those that have completed The Astral Betrayer, Artrax is now offering the Harbinger of Death quest.

Point rewards have now been removed from Dreg Nor, Ashnar, Nar Zhul and Windstrike. Point rewards have been reduced by 50% for Jorun, Volgan, Tarkin, Sarcrina and Zikkir.
4/10/22 - General Updates:
- Quest names and pre-requisite icons under the available quests section of the questlog page now link to the show_quest page for that quest.
- Added ranking support for Infinite Tower ranks beyond level 30.
- Added commas to some toolbar hoverover stats.
- Removed random generated augments from raid loot.
- Fixed an issue causing the mob tracker to direct players to the wrong room.
- Fixed an issue with the Kix Woods quest giving errors when talking to the Titonoclasim Torch.

As previously mentioned, the final god of the Astral Dimension expansion will be released this Friday. We then plan to release updates to the Amulet Shop and Server Bosses on the 29th of April. Other updates including quest item price reductions, godly rarity updates and gladiator updates will be released in May.
4/8/22 - New Holy Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Herol in the Holy Dimension is offering a new quest called Holding Steady.
4/1/22 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Dorgeth, Spawn of War is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Dorgeth, Spawn of War.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
3/18/22 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Dorgeth, Spawn of War has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The major changes this event include:
- Cycle 2 changes including removal of the Mark of Zhul and the Zhulian Invasion quest.
- Increased rewards from the Collecting Shards quest and lowered the requirement of the final step to 2000.
- Strife and Bloodshed augments have been replaced with Calm and Berserk Warbeast augments.
- Irthys Orbs have been replaced with the Wrathful Orb.
- Tier 2 gear quests now only require a Ring of Kinetic Power and a Tier 1 item. Drop rates of rare and elite quest items have been slightly lowered to compensate for this removal.
- Removed older Dungeon Keys from server boss loot and replaced with more recent ones.
- Added Vault Tears in place of 8-Bit Bananas as a contest reward choice.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Marks of Zhul, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Efflorescent Spear (top 3), Augment of the Berserk Warbeast (top 5), Elementium Curio (top 10) and Recharge the Fury (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
3/11/22 - New Astral & Holy Dimension Quests:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering a new quest called Astral Restoration.

Lvl 90: Herol in the Holy Dimension is offering a new quest called Aiding Herol.
3/4/22 - War of Zhul Warning:
The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on March 18th at 7am OW Time. Prepare for war!
2/24/22 - The Vault of Madness:
The Vault of Madness is now open! Level 85+ characters can head to the vault through the new portal opened up in the Astral Ruins or the Death Dimension. Powerful demons have escaped the vault and have taken refuge in the Astral Rift, making now the safest time to explore the vault. The vault is split into 3 separate wings: the Vault of Lunacy, Vault of Insanity and Vault of Madness. Quests to begin each 3-man dungeon can be started from the Warden of Madness after providing him with a Vault Tear from the Treasury or god raids. Please note: Support will not refund Vault Tears for choosing a dungeon you can not complete due to character power, so choose your path wisely. If you are unable to complete a dungeon with a group, each quest can be manually reset by players via the quest log.

Dungeon Basics
Each wing has a similar quest requiring 3 raid boss kills that can drop up to 2 rare quest items (Soul of Madness and Deathstones), collecting a Brand specific to each wing which can be pre-collected from Disciples outside of the dungeon or during the dungeon run, plus 10 Spawn of Madness mob kills which have a low chance to drop a Mark of Madness, the main currency reward. 1 Mark of Madness is awarded after each raid boss and extra are awarded for completing the dungeon, with more being awarded for higher difficulties. Excluding the chance to receive a mark from a Spawn of Madness which is equal for all wings, players can earn 5 marks from the Path of Lunacy, 6 marks from the Path of Insanity and 7 marks from the Path of Madness. Players can also exchange up to 3 Chaotic Orbs per character with Bexar to receive 40 Marks of Madness per Orb. Each wing and boss scale up in power as follows:
Lorac (Lunacy)
Larfaw (Lunacy): +10% Health
Lursal (Lunacy): +10% Health
Iraen (Insanity): +30% Health
Illork (Insanity): +10% Health
Ivokar (Insanity): +10% Health
Molfor (Madness): +30% Health
Mornar (Madness): +10% Health
Mazar (Madness): +10% Health

All gear and quest item rewards associated with the Vault can be found on the Dungeons page. Major quest item rewards obtained from the Dungeon and Gods include:
- Mark of Madness: Awarded from quest steps after defeating raid bosses, this playerbound currency can be used to purchase items including Orb Upgrades, Rune Essence quest items, an Augment and Keys to access a new area to obtain rare Potions.
- Deathstones: Raids in each of the 3 wings can drop a playerbound Deathstone only obtainable from that wing, with easier wings having a higher drop chance. These can be used to exchange for 1 Orb upgrade and 1 Augment per Deathstone.
- Soul of Madness: All 9 raid bosses can drop this tradeable item, however harder wings have a higher drop chance. This is used only to exchange for Orb upgrades.
- Demonic Glyph: Obtained from Agnar and the final God raid released in April, this tradeable item is used only to exchange for Orb upgrades.

The feature reward of this dungeon is the Demonic Orbs, each requiring 4 Bindings of Death to upgrade, meaning a total of 12 bindings will be required to obtain all 3 Demonic Orbs. Bindings can be exchanged to upgrade Orbs in any order with the Orb Diviner. Methods to obtain all 12 bindings are listed below:
- Binding 1, 2 & 3: Exchange 100 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Binding 4, 5 & 6: Exchange a Deathstone of Lunacy, Deathstone of Insanity and Deathstone of Madness with the Deathstone Seeker.
- Binding 7, 8 & 9: Exchange a Soul of Madness with the Vault Collector.
- Binding 10, 11 & 12: Exchange a Demonic Glyph with the Vault Collector.

Other obtainable upgrades include:
- Augment of the Lunatic Demon: Exchange a Deathstone of Lunacy with the Deathstone Seeker.
- Augment of the Insane Demon: Exchange a Deathstone of Insanity with the Deathstone Seeker.
- Augment of the Mad Demon: Exchange a Deathstone of Madness with the Deathstone Seeker.
- Augment of Demonic Darkness: Exchange 60 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Essence of Lunacy: Exchange 40 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Essence of Insanity: Exchange 40 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Essence of Madness: Exchange 40 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Veiled Teleporter: Exchange 5 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness.
- Veiled Idol: Exchange 5 Marks of Madness with the Merchant of Madness and defeat Mazar.

Players may exchange unwanted Deathstones and Marks of Madness for the Vial of Insanity and Demonic Madness from the Vault Scrapbot. 3 Rune Essence quests have also been added to Unire to exchange the above mentioned Essences for 1 Rune Essence each.

The Veiled Passage
Once players have purchased the Veiled Teleporter, it can be used to reach the Veiled Passage to attack the Veiled Guard every 3 days for a low chance to receive 2 new potions. Players who have purchased the Veiled Idol can access a second room to also attack the Veiled Keeper every 3 days for a higher chance to obtain both potions. The Veiled Keeper also has a chance to drop a Veiled Key which can be exchanged with the Vault Scrapbot to spawn the 3-man raid Veiled Locker in the same room as the Veiled Keeper for the highest chance to receive both potions.

New Gods
Three new daily god raids have appeared in the Astral Rift. Envar, Banok and Rezun have escaped the Vault of Madness and must be stopped before they reach Diamond City. These gods can drop Points, Amulets, Artifacts, Vile of Insanity, 1 Gear piece per raid and Vault Tears. God slayer quests have also been added to the Dimension Slayer. Agnar can now also drop Vault Tears, Vial of Insanity, Demonic Madness and the Demonic Glyph.
2/22/22 - Amulet of Achievement Changes:
We have now made previously discussed changes to the Amulet system in preparation for upcoming Amulet Shop updates. Mob and Rare kill Daily Quests have now been removed and Amulet drops from many god raids have now been increased.
2/18/22 - Illusionist Appearances:
Today we have released a range of unique Illusion appearances in the first of many waves to come. The first wave brings double the amount of sets and special items of future waves, with each wave adding sets, special themed items and retro remakes. We would also like to hear ideas from players on what appearances you would like to see. Illusions added in this wave include:
- Illusionist Regalia 1-6 (full sets).
- Illusionist Special 1-20 (special themed items and retro item remakes).
- Illusionist Retro 1-42 (retro items with matching theme, theme for each wave will change).

2/15/22 - Updates in Progress:
We would like to share another brief update on other changes we are working on over the coming months, primarily to give an advanced warning on content that may receive price reductions. These changes include:

- Removing the Mob and Rare Daily Quests and adding more Amulet rewards to God raids.
- Adding new Amulet Shop items including 10 pieces of gear below Duelist power, a Core and Neck below Mercenary power, Experience Lock, Quest Shard, Standard Issue Neuralyzer, Character Class and Name Changes.
- Lowering the rarity of some Godly quality items.
- Price reductions for some items such as Archfiend Soul Fragment, Vanishas Fragrance and Drolba Tonic.
- Increasing chest placings for the Zerx and Vork Gladiators beyond the top 30.
2/11/22 - New Astral Dimension Quests:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering 2 new quests called Venturing Deeper and The Astral Tears.

As a reminder, the Superbowl Pool will be closing when the game begins on Sunday. If you are entering please ensure you have sent the points before kickoff.
2/5/22 - Content Update:
We would like to share some information on updates being worked on over the coming months including the new dungeon, god raids and more.

Illusion Appearances
On the 18th of February we will be releasing a wide range of Illusion appearances, including themed sets and retro themed gear. This will be the first wave of many for these releases, so please let us know what kind of appearances you would like to see!

New Dungeon
On the 25th of February a new 3-man level 85 dungeon will be released. Rewards from this dungeon will include:
- 3 Powerful Orbs, each with 4 total stages of power.
- 3 Rune Essences.
- 4 Powerful one-time completion Augments.
- 2 Keys to access special rooms to obtain 2 new powerful potions.

Important information about this dungeon includes:
- Players have the option to exchange 3 Chaotic Orbs per character for the new vendor currency.
- Dungeon can be accessed from the Astral Ruins and Death Dimension, meaning only level 85 and the Astral Teleporter will be required to participate.
- Dungeon is split into 3 wings with 3 raid bosses per wing. Most rewards are obtainable from every wing, however some rewards are wing specific.
- Each wing scales up in power, allowing players to choose their difficulty.
- The only quest item requirement per wing can be pre-farmed outside of the dungeon, allowing players to remain raid skilled if prepared.
- 10 Mob kills will also be required per quest which have a low chance to drop the main vendor currency reward.
- Keys will be a common drop from Agnar and the 4 new gods outlined below.

New God Raids
On release of the new dungeon, 3 new daily god raids will be added to the Astral Rift. These gods can drop points, amulets, artifacts, a new potion and the key for the new dungeon. On the 15th of April the final Astral Dimension god will be released which can drop points, amulets, artifacts, rune quest items, all 10 pieces of voidmaker gear, 2 potions, 2 augments and the new dungeon key.

Due to the short time between these releases, we will not deduct any points from old god raids until the final god is released in April. Points will then be removed from Dreg Nor, Ashnar, Nar Zhul, Windstrike, along with a 50% reduction from the 5 easy Astral Rift gods. Now that points will be removed from all original god content, starting with the easy Astral Rift gods and moving forward we plan to reduce points from old gods instead of removing completely when new gods are released for the foreseeable future.

Amulet Shop Updates
At the end of April we will be releasing an update to the Amulet Shop including reducing prices of current gear, along with adding new items and gear to the shop. We currently plan to add an item for each slot, along with 2 higher powered items. We would like to hear your suggestions on what gear slots and items you would like to see added to the Amulet Shop, so feel free to post your suggestions in the suggestions or discussion channels of our discord server.
2/4/22 - General Updates:
- Added quests to obtain single pieces of Astral Set gear from the Astral Warden.
- Added Max Rage stats for gear on the Dungeons page.
- Added Max Rage Rankings for players and crews.
- Added total damage dealt to the bottom of the raidattack page.
- Doubled Amulet rewards from Pinosis and added Amulet rewards to Zertan, Quiver and Q-SEC Commander.
1/30/22 - Superbowl 2022 Pool - Bengals and Rams:
The Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! All entries must be sent before the game begins.
1/28/22 - New Astral Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering a new quest called Protecting the Ruins.
1/21/22 - General Updates:
- Added prerequisite information for quests on the questlog page (available quests section) and the show_quest page.
- Updated the quest helper to track temporary mobs spawned via a quest.
- Updated the quest helper to track permanent mobs that drop required items.

- Increased the King of the Week set stats by the following amounts:
- RPT +11%
- EPT +11%
- Critical +54%
- Rampage +20%
- Block +150%
- Ele Block +150%
- Perfect Strike +20%
- Vile +40%
- Ele Damage +40%
1/14/22 - New Astral Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is offering a new quest called Reclamation Commencement.
1/7/22 - General Updates:
- Lowered the rarity of many King and Brutal quality items.
- Reduced price to obtain Yorrons Fragments and Blood Crystals for badge reputation by 50%.
- Added a Latest section to the Treasury showing most recently listed items. Updated the menu to link to this page.
- Fixed double clicking boxes to work when unchecking all on the Item Transfer page.
- Count numbers now change font size on the Trade page depending on the amount.
- The enter key can now be used to confirm typed amounts in the Trade window.
- Added an icon to the backpack for Backpack Overflow.
- Growth Today now includes EXP gained from quests.
- Added a rebill / expiry time for subscriptions on the Preferred Player page.
- Fixed the menu from covering the purchasing window on mobile and added a display for current points / tokens.
12/31/21 - New Astral Dimension Quest:
Lvl 90: Artrax in the Astral Ruins is now offering a new collection quest called Onslaught Preparation.
12/21/21 - General Updates:
- Reduced price for illusions (e.g King > King now costs 50, down from 121).
- Removed illusion text from items that have been unillusioned.
- Enabled illusions for Mythic items.
- Removed Irthys Orbs as a requirement to obtain Chaotic Orbs.
- Removed the extra bounty tax, now only the 5% is removed for the jackpot pool.
- Removed unwanted vendor gear from treasury to reduce clutter.
12/18/21 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you with potions and a wealth of experience. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 21st of December at 7am.
12/13/21 - Christmas Event Reschedule:
This year's Christmas Event has been rescheduled to begin at 7am on Saturday the 18th and end on Tuesday the 21st. We apologize for the short notice.
12/10/21 - Intensifiers:
Level 90 experience enhancements have been released in the form of Intensifiers. While you are able to purchase Intensifiers at any time, you must complete the corresponding lower level enhancements where required before activating Intensifiers. The newly added Intensifiers are as follows:

Attack - Increases your Attack (up to 2500).
Hit Points - Increases your Hit Points (up to 5000).
Holy Damage - Increases your Holy Elemental Damage (up to 1500).
Arcane Damage - Increases your Arcane Elemental Damage (up to 1500).
Fire Damage - Increases your Fire Elemental Damage (up to 1500).
Kinetic Damage - Increases your Kinetic Elemental Damage (up to 1500).
Shadow Damage - Increases your Shadow Elemental Damage (up to 1500).
Vile Energy - Increases your Vile Damage (up to 5000).
Maximum Rage - Increases your Maximum Rage (up to 10000).
Survival - Increases your chance to survive a killing blow in Mob Attacks, Raids and PvP (up to 20%).
12/3/21 - Trial of Power Complete & Christmas Event Warning:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.

The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 17th of December at 7am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience, potions and other treasury items. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!
11/23/21 - Event Crafting Change:
Due to popular demand, we have reverted a change made to crafting event gear. Crafting Tier 2 and Tier 3 event gear once again requires the below Tier to create instead of additional quest items, allowing players to craft their items earlier and more freely.
11/19/21 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
- Mob and Gear power have been increased for Cycle 2.
- Added the Trial Paragon mob.
- The Trial of Power quest to obtain a piece of playerbound gear has been removed. Quest item drops have been increased to allow more Tier 1 items to be crafted.
- The Preserved Aegis has been removed, equivalent quest item requirements have been added to gear quests instead.
- Crafting Tier 2 and Tier 3 gear no longer requires the previous Tier of gear, instead an equivalent amount of quest item requirements has been added.
- Grand and Divine Combatant augments have been replaced with Tame and Raging Elementalist augments.
- Added new Top 5 Contest augments.
- Tier 2 gear has been lowered to Brutal rarity.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. Those with the power to do so can defeat Conjurers for 3x drop chances for all items and the strongest players can defeat Trial Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Conjurers for all items excluding Trial Insignias. During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk, who will spawn every day.

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wand (top 3), Augment of the Raging Elementalist (top 5), Elementium Curio (top 10) and Recharge the Fury (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Trial Insignia Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
11/11/21 - Content Update:
We would like to share an update on our plans for Outwar over the coming months. Our recent focus has been on Astral Dimension content and Events including the start of Cycle 2. With the busy event period nearly complete, we begin focusing on other content such as level 90 enhancements, quality of life updates and more Astral Dimension content which will be outlined below.

Intensifiers & Questing
Following the Trial of Power we will be releasing 10 level 90 experience enhancements called Intensifiers. 9 of these upgrades will require lower level versions to be completed first, with the final one being a unique ability with no prerequisite. Following this update we plan to begin level 90 quest launches at the end of the year, starting with a large collection quest and a smaller quest every fortnight thereafter.

General Updates
We will soon begin work on another wave of general updates to the game, with the first of these updates planned for the start of the new year. One of our main current focuses is improvements requested in the suggestions channel of our discord server, so we encourage players to share their legitimate suggestions there as we work through them. We plan to add many updates and changes to the game fortnightly after the new year including:
- Item rarity reductions for some Brutal and King items.
- Playerbound Badge price reductions.
- Illusion price reductions.
- King of the Week buffs.
- Many general QoL updates, keep the suggestions coming!

New Dungeon
Work will soon begin on a new 3-man level 85 Dungeon, due to be released next year. This dungeon is still in the early draft process, however we would like to let players know what we currently have planned to allow time for feedback on what you would like to see.

- Dungeon will be split into 3 wings. Each wing scales up in power allowing players to determine their risk for reward, however some rewards will be wing specific.
- The rewards planned include multiple levels of Orbs including Epic Orbs, Rune Essences, Potions and 1-time completion Augments.
- Rare key reward to access a repeatable solo mob (outside of dungeon) to obtain new tradeable potions. - The dungeon will have an entrance in the Astral Ruins, meaning no keys other than the Astral Teleporter are required to enter.
- Our planning for this dungeon included a form of repeatable content to obtain keys over time alternatively to purchasing from the treasury. With the recent removal of points from a number of old god raids, along with feedback revolving around adding back more god spawns, we have decided the best way to do this is with 3 new daily god raids added to the Astral Rift, meaning we will be releasing a minimum of 4 new God raids next year.
11/5/21 - Blazing Challenge (Helm) & Trial of Power Warning:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 19th of November at 7am OW Time. Trainers have now been updated to match Cycle 2 event mob power.
10/31/21 - 20th Anniversary Event:
The Outwar 20th Anniversary Event has begun! For the next 7 days until November 7th at 8am OW, speak with El Risitas in room 20 to begin the Memories of Outwar quest where players can defeat memories scaling up in power, themed around each year of Outwar's history. Rewards from this quest include Experience, Treasury Items and Potions including the untransferable 20 Year Aged Whiskey.

Players can also purchase one of four new Bundles in the Abilities tab of the Treasury, containing either 20x Spark the Fury, 20x Recharge the Fury, 20x Remove Augment or 20x Ask the Oracle for a 20% discounted price. These bundles can not be transferred.

During the event we will also be holding 20 giveaways in our Discord server, including 2 giveaways to receive a Veldarian Helm Boon of your choice. RNGesus will also be in room 20 during the event to truly test your luck. This 1 day respawn, 20man god raid has a chance to drop up to 20 different items, each with a 20% drop rate. This includes:

Character Class Change
Wrapped Package
Magic Gem
Tier 2 Booster Upgrade
Interstellar Vessel
Cube of Sorcery
Force of Veldara
Thunder Ball
Power Potion Pack
Infinite Tower Spheroid
20 Year Aged Whiskey
All 4 Anniversary Bundles
All 5 Veldarian Helm Boons
10/29/21 - Blazing Serpent (Chest):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

10/28/21 - Halloween Event:
Halloween fever has struck the haunted streets of Stizzy! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers! During the event players can attack minions to collect Pumpkins which can be handed in to Peg Legged Timmy for a wealth of experience. Help Timmy also find his Goody Bags and he will reward you with a variety of Halloween and Zombie potions. Scary Jack has also returned! Crews can raid Scary Jack every 24 hours for a chance at Candy Potions and Elemental Shots.

All Halloween quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 31st of October at 7am OW. Happy Halloween!
10/22/21 - Blazing Serpent (Weapon):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

10/4/21 - Blazing Serpent (Ring & Core) & Upcoming Events:
2 new quests have been released to obtain Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive these items.

This year the annual Halloween event will begin on the 28th of October at 7am OW and run for 3 days until the 31st of October at 7am OW. During this time, players will be able to attack mobs and a 24 hour raid to receive halloween potions and experience.

On the 31st of October, Outwar will have existed for a whopping 2 decades! To celebrate this we will be hosting a 1 week long event starting at 8am OW on the 31st of October until the 7th of November at 8am OW. During this event players can participate in a power scaling quest, a new god raid, discord giveaways and benefit from bundle packs only available during this event.
10/1/21 - Blazing Serpent (Belt) & New Rune Essence Quests:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

Lonare is offering 3 new quests to obtain 3 Rune Essences. These quests include:

- Collecting a Ruin Invader Essence from the Ruin Invader, a challenging opponent who appears in the Astral Ruins every 2 weeks (the quest must be accepted to obtain this item). The essence can also be purchased from the Treasury.
- Collecting the tradeable Astral Orbstone from Aerok Archers and Aerok Warriors in the Astral Dimension.
- Collecting the tradeable Heart of Death from the powerful Deathbound Specters in the Death Dimension.
9/24/21 - Blazing Serpent (Neck) & New Guardian Raid:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

With the Elemental Deities defeated, a new enemy has emerged. Agnar, Astral Betrayer has returned to the Astral Dimension. For those that have completed the Gods of the Elements quest, Artrax is now offering a new quest called The Astral Betrayer. This god can drop a range of rewards including Points, Amulets, Runestone of Agnar, Vortex of Betrayal, God Slayer Artifacts, Dimensional Augment, Augment of Betrayal and all 10 pieces of Voidmaker gear. God slayer quests for Agnar are also available from the Dimension Slayer.

Unire is offering 2 new quests to obtain 3 Rune Essences. The Runestone of Agnar can be exchanged for 1 Rune Essence, also purchasable from the Treasury. The Vortex of Betrayal awards 2 Rune Essences when exchanged.
9/17/21 - Blazing Serpent (Pants):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

9/10/21 - Blazing Challenge (Boots) & Elemental Deity Guardians:
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

5 New 15-man weekly guardian raids have appeared in the Elemental Dimensions. These powerful deities are dominant in the element they created, however each deity has a weakness to one of the other elements. These guardians can drop a range of rewards including Points, Amulets, Runestones, Vortex of the Elements, God Slayer Artifacts, Dimensional Augment, Deity Augments and 2 pieces of Voidmaker gear per guardian. Artrax in the Astral Ruins is now offering the Gods of the Elements quest for those that have completed the Astral Dimension. God slayer quests for these guardians are also available from the Dimension Slayer.

Unire is offering 6 new quests to obtain 7 Rune Essences. This includes 5 quests to obtain a Runestone from each Deity, also purchasable from the Treasury. Lastly, the Vortex of the Elements can drop from all 5 Deities and awards 2 Rune Essences when exchanged.

To balance for these additions, point rewards have now been removed from all CoES gods, Kro Shuk, Suka, Ganeshan, Ebliss and Brutalitar.
9/2/21 - Blazing Serpent (Shield):
A new quest has been released to obtain a piece of Blazing Serpent gear. Exchange 625 Tokens with the Blazing Challenge Master in the Challenge Arena to receive this item.

The price to obtain old challenge items has now been reduced. These changes include:

Ghostly - reduced to 440 tokens (was 750).
Exalted - reduced to 330 tokens (was 520).
Perfection - reduced to 165 tokens (was 260).
Noble - reduced to 125 tokens (was 200).
Spiral - reduced to 90 tokens (was 140).
8/20/21 - Level 90 Expansion - Astral Dimension:
The Astral Dimension expansion is now live! Level 85 players can speak with Kiana outside the Astral Rift in Diamond City to receive an Astral Teleporter. Once you reach the Astral Dimension, speak with Artrax in the Astral Ruins to begin The Astral Dimension quest. Once complete, players can then begin quests for all of the five Elemental Dimensions. Only when all of these quests have been completed can you gain access to the final zone, the Death Dimension.

This update also brings new Elemental Runes. Ruzel in the Astral Ruins is offering the Astral Runes quest where players can upgrade a new rune by obtaining Rune Essences, which can be obtained by completing various tasks outlined below. Every upgrade will increase each elemental damage by 100. To begin this quest, players will need to collect 5 Dimensional Bonds, which can be obtained by:

1) Purchasing from the Treasury.
2) Exchanging 1 Dimensional Bond and a Mystic Elemental Rune with Bexar to receive 5 Bonds.
3) Drops from the daily guardian raids Rillax and Villax.

With this launch 11 rune upgrades are achievable, making the Stellar Rune Stage 2 the highest currently available rune. Over time more Rune Essence quests will be released, eventually to receive all 30 Rune Essences to obtain the Rune of Creation.

Rune Essences can be obtained from Lonare and Unire in the Astral Ruins. Lonare offers quests requiring solo content, while Unire offers quests requiring group content.

- 5 Quests for achieving level 86-90.
- 2 Quests to defeat powerful prisoners.
- 1 Quest to achieve 10,000 PvP victories.

- 1 Quest to defeat powerful 5-man Deathmaster raids.
- 2 Quests to obtain Runestones from the guardian raids Rillax and Villax, also purchasable from the Treasury.

As mentioned, this update brings 2 new 10-man daily guardian raids. These raids can drop a variety of rewards including Points, Amulets, Dimensional Bonds, Runestones, God Slayer Artifacts and the Dimensional Augment. God Slayer quests for the Astral Dimension gods are available from the Dimension Slayer.

All character experience above 15,000,000,000 has now been converted into Enhancement Experience.
The Quest Experience Potion will now be effective for characters level 84 and under.
Remnant Solice Lev 10 has also been added to the Treasury for level 90 characters, providing +1000 ATK, +2000 HP, +50 All Original Elemental Damages and +25 Chaos Damage.

8/6/21 - Upcoming Expansion:
The Astral Dimension expansion will be released on the 20th of August! This initial launch will bring 7 new zones with new quests to reach level 90, quests to obtain new Elemental Runes and 2 daily guardian raids. In the following weeks after the expansion launch, we will be launching 5 powerful guardian raids and more rune upgrade quests.
7/30/21 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Nulak, Demon of Zhul is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Nulak, Demon of Zhul.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
7/16/21 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Nulak, Demon of Zhul has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The major changes this event include:
- Added a tier 3 mob, the Zhulian Paragon. Paragons have 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards. To balance for this change, drop rates from tier 1 and 2 mobs have been slightly reduced.
- Replaced some lower dungeon keys with higher ones for server boss loot.

Those with the power to do so can defeat Horrific mobs for 3x drop chances for all items. The strongest players can defeat Zhulian Paragons for 3x the drop chances of Horrific mobs for all items excluding Summoning Shards.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Marks of Zhul, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Recharge the Fury potions and WoZ quest items.

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Summoning Shard Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
7/9/21 - Final Veldara Quest:
Lvl 85: Tordin in the Veldara Garrison is offering the final Veldara quest called Liberation of Veldara.
7/2/21 - Event Training Mobs:
New training mobs have been permanently added to rooms 37821, 37822 and 37823 of the Farmers Market. Each tier of trainer replicates the power of event tier mobs, including the upcoming addition of the Tier 3 Paragon. These trainers will also be updated before the Trial of Power in November to reflect the new Cycle 2 power levels.
7/2/21 - War of Zhul Warning & New Veldara Quest:
The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on July 16th at 7am OW / 8am EDT. Prepare for war!

Lvl 85: Serrel in Zaldar City is offering a new quest called Heart of Chaos.

As a final reminder, the Token of Resistance exchange will be removed on the 9th of July. Please exchange these tokens before they are deleted.
6/27/21 - Future Content Update:
We would like to update players on our content plans for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. Our recent focus has been on quality of life changes with the new design, PvP content and changes to lower the effect of mass low powered multi characters. With most of these changes complete, we now shift our focus back to endgame content including the next level expansion, god raids, event changes and more. Below is a breakdown of the additions and changes coming to Outwar.

Event Cycles and BiS Gear
The upcoming War of Zhul will bring an end to the first cycle of events under the new 5 event cycle format. The only major change we are planning to add to this event to carry over into Cycle 2 is the addition of a new Tier 3 mob with higher drop rates aimed at endgame characters. The goal of this addition is to slightly improve the value of having a main / endgame powered character while still keeping weaker multi characters valuable, as currently endgame geared characters make up for only 10% or less of overall drops per event. Once the War of Zhul is complete, we then move into Cycle 2, including the release of the next Best in Slot gear in September. This gear will be obtained and released in a similar way to Ghostly Stalker gear, with a slightly reduced price and weekly releases instead of fortnightly. The power of mobs and gear obtained during events will then increase starting with the Trial of Power in November.

The focus of the majority of event changes for Cycle 2 is quality of life improvements. Starting with the Trial of Power in November, the Preserved Aegis and Mark of Zhul will be removed, with the equivalent amount of event quest items added as a requirement to craft gear instead. We will also be removing the requirement to exchange a lower tier piece of gear when upgrading to higher tiers, once again by adding the equivalent quest item requirements to the tier gear quests instead. Another change will be the removal of The Trial of Power and Zhulian Invasion quests to obtain a piece of playerbound gear. Instead, drop rates will be increased for event quest items to enable more crafting of Tier 1 items. Through Outwar's history, generally around 1000-1500 of each Tier 1 item is crafted per event, however with recent multi limitation changes and the removal of the main quest item from events, we will now be aiming for around 3000 of each Tier 1 item per event.

This year also marks Outwar's 20th Anniversary on the 31st of October! To celebrate this, we will be hosting a week long event on the 31st of October where players can participate in a power scaling quest, a new God raid, discord giveaways and benefit from bundle packs only available during this event. To avoid an overlap of events, the Halloween event is now planned to begin on the 28th of October.

Level 90 Expansion
Work is currently underway on Outwar's next major expansion, The Astral Dimension. This expansion will raise the level cap to 90, add a minimum of 9 new God raids, new Runes, new Enhancements and changes to improve the overall endgame experience. Our current goal is to launch the expansion as early as August, with enough quest content to reach level 90 available on launch day. With this expansion we plan to increase quest experience rewards to reduce the overall rage required for levels and enhancements by over 50%. The goal of this is to reduce the time players need to spend grinding general quest content, allowing more time for content such as PvP and raiding. We also plan to add more endgame content as the expansion progresses, including a dungeon style raid quest.

As previously mentioned, this expansion will bring new Elemental Runes. This Rune content will follow similar formats to the Chaos Gem and Badges, with eventually 30 upgrade levels being available to increase your Rune's elemental damage. To avoid previous issues with mass characters obtaining runes, we are planning on adding 3 separate methods to obtain the initial Astral Rune instead of the Token system the old Rune content used. These methods will be a quest item from the Treasury, a discounted exchange with the Mystic Elemental Rune and drops from the first 2 God raids. All purchasable upgrades for these Runes are also skips of upgrades obtained through god raids, instead of a purchase only upgrade.

Another large change to this expansion will be an improvement to loot from God raids. We are currently planning to release 9 God raids over the duration of the expansion, with 2 lower end 24 hour raids being available on launch day and 5 endgame weekly raids being released in the following weeks. Loot from endgame gods will be significantly improved overall, with powerful augments and gear drops becoming more frequent. We plan to release 10 slots of gear slightly above Tier 3 gear from Cycle 2 events in power.

Schedule Summary
JULY - War of Zhul: Tier 3 mob with higher drop rates added.
AUGUST - Astral Dimension Expansion: Level 90, 2 Gods and new Runes. Quest exp rewards increased / total rage required for levels and enhancements reduced by over 50%.
SEPTEMBER - Best in Slot Challenges: Reduced price and weekly launches.
SEPTEMBER - 5 new God raids: More frequent and powerful gear.
OCTOBER - Halloween and 20th Anniversary events.
NOVEMBER - Cycle 2 Trial of Power: Mob power and gear power increased.
6/23/21 - New Veldara Quest & Item Cleanup:
Lvl 85: Parro in the Veldara Wastes is offering a new quest called Spread of Chaos.

On Saturday morning we will be starting a mass item cleanup of old unused items. While this may take some time to complete, we do not expect any downtime interruptions during this time. Items that will be deleted will include excess / unwanted quest items, original random generated skill pants and skill orbs. For those that have yet to do so, speak with the Skill Masters and Prison Guards for information to obtain updated skill orbs, pants and crests.

As a reminder, Tokens of Resistance and the quests to exchange them will be removed on the 9th of July. Please exchange them before they are removed.
6/21/21 - PvP Brawl:
A new PvP Tournament has been released. Every fortnight level 85 players can enter and participate in the PvP Brawl for 25 points. Starting every second Monday at 8am and ending at 8pm, players can attack all other participants 10 times each at any time during the 12 hour Brawl. At the end of the Brawl the top 30 ranked players determined by win count (own attacks only) will be awarded ranked chests containing Eminent Arena Coins. These coins can be exchanged with the Eminent Mentor in the Gladiator Arena for the Augment of the Eminent Warrior or the Eminent Medal, which is used for the Epic Chest questline. While the augment is a one time completion which is playerbound and non-transferable, the medal is tradeable and the quest to obtain it is repeatable.

This update also brings the second and final stage of the Epic Chest questline. Akan, Mentor of Champions in the Gladiator Arena now offers the Might of a Champion quest, where players can exchange a Gem of Champions to craft the Warplate of the Eminent Champion.

Eminent Arena Coins awarded per rank are as follows:
Rank 1: 20 Coins
Rank 2: 17 Coins
Rank 3: 15 Coins
Rank 4: 13 Coins
Rank 5: 11 Coins
Rank 6-8: 10 Coins
Rank 9-11: 9 Coins
Rank 12-14: 8 Coins
Rank 15-17: 7 Coins
Rank 18-20: 6 Coins
Rank 21-25: 5 Coins
Rank 26-30: 4 Coins
6/18/21 - New Veldara Quest & Harvester Buffs:
Lvl 85: Tordin in the Veldara Garrison is offering a new quest called Supplying the Future.

Drop rates of potions from the Resistance, Kix and Amdir Harvesters have been increased.
6/11/21 - Farmers Market & New Garden of Chaos Quest:
The Farmers Market is now open. Players can attack specific mobs in this newly added zone to the North of Diamond City for a chance to receive Kix Potions, Potions of Amdir and the new Potion of Elemental Resistance. The original methods to obtain these potions have been removed. The Market Trader (now inside the Farmers Market) is now offering quests to exchange Tokens of Resistance for the Potion of Elemental Resistance. These tokens and the quest to exchange them will be removed in 4 weeks on the 9th of July.

Lvl 85: Kinnar in the Garden of Chaos is offering a new quest called Servants of the Sanctuary.
6/1/21 - New Website Design Live:
Outwar's new design is now live! As always, any feedback or bugs can be reported in the respective channels of our discord server. Updates added since testing began include:
- Added a classic theme to preferences.
- Increased player profile picture max dimensions and size by 50% for all digital cameras.
- Added an option to update preferences for all characters on the current server.
- Moved mob search to the top of the quest helper.
- Added a search function to the character dropdown.
- Added a filter option to the backpack (bottom right icon).
- Added an option to hide quests from the quest helper on World page.
- Added rage cost information for Auto Attacking.
- Added an Auto Attack option for Weekly Quests.
- Added reward information to the open pvp tournament page.
5/28/21 - New Tyrisar City Quest:
Lvl 85: Ranzo in Tyrisar City is offering a new quest called Machines of the Metropolis.

As a reminder, on the 11th of June at 4am OW time we will be performing a mass item deletion of the original Elemental Resistance and Brutality Potions. Please ensure you have exchanged these potions before they are deleted.
5/12/21 - New Zaldar City Quest:
Lvl 85: Serrel in Zaldar City is offering a new quest called Soldiers of the Spiral.
5/9/21 - Upcoming Item Cleanup & Other Updates:
On the 11th of June at 4am OW time we will be performing a mass item deletion of the original Elemental Resistance and Brutality Potions. With that update we will also be adding a new zone where players can obtain the Kix Potion, Potion of Amdir and the new Potion of Elemental Resistance which will provide 10% resistance to all original elements. As a reminder, players can exchange Brutality Potions with the Guardian of Brutality for a Master Brutality Potion.

Players can now exchange original Elemental Resistance potions with the Market Trader for a Token of Resistance. On June 11th, shortly after the original potions are deleted, quests will be added to the Market Trader to exchange Tokens of Resistance for Potions of Elemental Resistance.

The following items will be deleted on the 11th of June at 4am OW time:
- Brutality Potion
- Potion of Holy Resistance
- Potion of Arcane Resistance
- Potion of Fire Resistance
- Potion of Kinetic Resistance
- Potion of Shadow Resistance

Jedin Knoot is offering a new way to obtain the Alsayic set with both types of Alsayic Ruins keys. Speak with him in the Reel Theater to receive a full set of Ancient Alsayic gear!

Playerbound Dungeon Keys have now been made transferable for 5 points. These keys include:

Force of Veldara
8-Bit Banana
Key to the Alsayic Ruins (Solo)
Key to the Alsayic Ruins
Key of the Elements
Pirate Treasure Map
Key to Knights Horror
Astral Shard
Gnomish Teleportation Beacon
Buried Ruins of Bacaba Supply Crate
Stoneraven Supply Crate
Proof of Purity
Ticket to the Mystifying Carnival
5/7/21 - New PvP Quest & Other Updates:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering a new PvP quest called A Battle of Skill.

Minor changes have been made to some Treasury categories to reduce clutter. The Thunder Mage, Pristine Depths and Throne of Sorcery dungeon keys have been moved to Old Gear / Aug Dungeons. In addition to this, all keys under the Others tab have been consolidated into Other Keys.

As mentioned last week, we have now removed a number of quest provided weapons and the requirement to use them for quests and killing mobs. The weapons removed are: Billy Club, Explosive Device, Mine Detector, Cold Steel Shank (all 4 variants), Q-SEC Sniper Rifle and Gurzarog.
5/2/21 - New Website Design - Open Testing:
Today we have begun open testing for a major update to Outwar's design on both PC and Mobile. All players are welcome to participate in testing on http://sigil2.outwar.com/ or http://torax2.outwar.com/ and can post bug reports and suggestions in the respective channels of our discord server. These changes will not affect Outwar on the original URLs and will be tested on the temporary Outwar2 URLs until the 1st of June when the new design will become permanent. Some links on Outwar2 may link you to the original URLs which is known and expected during testing. Updates with the new design include:

- Updated the website design for both PC and Mobile. Mobile updates are still ongoing.
- Backpack has been overhauled and now supports different methods of selecting and performing actions.
- Added more options to the advanced search in the Treasury.
- Added an option to sort Crew Vault by Item ID.
- Added options to sort by each column on the My RGA page.
- Rage now shows as green when at max rage on the My RGA page.
- God Slayer order on profiles now sorts by God ID.
- Added a withdraw button to the top of the Vault page.

4/29/21 - Boss Loot Changes & Other Updates:
- 6x Interstellar Vessels have been added to Zyrak's loot table.
- The Power Potion Pack has been added to the Treasury.

We have also rearranged some basic loot from higher end server bosses. The changes are as follows:

- Removed Recharge the Furys, Recharge Totems and Advanced Neuralyzers from Zyrak.
- Removed Quest Shards from Blackhand and Maekrix.
- Added Recharge the Furys and Advanced Neuralyzers to Death.
- Added Quest Shards and Recharge Totems to Cosmos.

On Friday the 7th of May we will be performing an update aimed at removing quest weapons and the requirement of them to kill specific mobs. The following items will be removed from the game, along with the requirement to use them for quests and killing mobs: Billy Club, Explosive Device, Mine Detector, Cold Steel Shank (all 4 variants), Q-SEC Sniper Rifle and Gurzarog.
4/23/21 - New PvP Quest & General Updates:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering a new PvP quest called A Battle of Strength.

- The Wrapped Package has replaced the Special Gift in the Treasury.
- Mysterious Essence of Valhalla drop rate increased by 50%.
4/16/21 - General Updates:
- Character Name Change price reduced to 50 points.
- Character Class Change price reduced to 500 points.
- +25 Character Slots price reduced to 500 points and is now player bound.
- Crusader and Commander event contest augments are now transferable for 50 and 100 points.
- Removed the Profound Gemstone requirement from the Profound Warden quests.
- Drop rates have been increased for the Spirits of Straya and Dlanod.
- The Cube of Sorcery and Recharge the Fury rewards from the Preferred Player Lucky Box have been removed and the Interstellar Vessel has been added.
4/9/21 - New Veldara Caves Quest:
Lvl 85: Creya in the Veldara Caves is offering a new quest called Lurkers of the Depths.
4/2/21 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.
3/19/21 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
- Crusaders have replaced Combatants as Tier 1 mobs and Tier 2 Conjurers have been added.
- Conjurers now have triple drop chances for loot.
- The Trial Conjurer Orb has replaced both Contender and Crusader Orbs.
- Trial Insignia drop rates and requirements have been increased by 10x.
- Players can now participate in the Top 5 Contest on 1 character per server.
- Interstellar Vessels have replaced Cubes of Sorcery as contest dungeon key rewards.
- Two additional steps have been added to the Collecting Insignias quest (1250 and 2500), each awarding an Elementium Wand, Elementium Curio, Divine Augment, Grand Augment and Preserved Aegis.
- Loot from the Arkron server boss has been updated, with some lower value items being replaced with higher value items.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. Those with the power to do so can defeat Conjurers for triple drop chances! During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk, who will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap.

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wands (top 3), Augment of the Divine Combatant (top 5), Elementium Curios (top 10) and Recharge the Fury potions (top 20).

Players can only participate with 1 character per server in the Trial Insignia Contest. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
3/12/21 - Equip Limit Changes:
Today we have made further changes to the Daily Equip Limit. With this update we have set the equip limit of most items in-game to 1. The exceptions to this will be tradeable sets and badges, which each now have custom equip limits as follows:

Chancellor Fangore Reborn Set - 5 equips per day
Red Dragon Set - 10 equips per day
Blackhand Reborn Set - 25 equips per day
Badge of Virtuosity & Absolution - 75 equips per day

With these changes now implemented, event tier gear will once again be fully tradeable, including existing gear from cycle 1 that were binding / bound.
3/5/21 - New Veldara Woods Quest & Trial of Power Alert:
Lvl 85: Hawlan in the Veldara Woods is offering a new quest called Beasts of the Forest.

The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 19th of March at 8am EDT.
2/26/21 - Interstellar Vessel Augments, Old Augment Price Reductions:
New augments have been added to the Treasury in the form of the Interstellar Vessel. These newly found forms of dispersing power have been uncovered in the space around Veldara. Opening them will reward players with one of four new augments.

Prices for old augment dungeons have now been reduced. The new prices are as follows:

Scroll of Sorcery - 125 (was 250)
Cube of Sorcery - 50 (was 100)
Proof of Purity - 35 (was 100)
Ticket to the Mystifying Carnival - 25 (was 50)

We have also reduced transfer prices for many augments. The new prices are as follows:

Augment of the Throne Conqueror - 100 (was 150)
Augment of the Universal Balancer - 50 (was 100)
Augment of the Cave Beast - 50 (was 100)
Augment of the Woodland Knight - 50 (was 100)
Augment of Dread - 50 (was 100)
Augment of the Necrodragon - 50 (was 100)
Augment of Sorcery - 50 (was 100)
Augment of the Prince - 25 (was 50)
Augment of the Spectral Deathlord - 10 (was 25)
Grandiose Elemental Augment - 10 (was 25)
Augment of Zhulian Warfare - 10 (was 25)
Spectral Augment of Power - 10 (was 25)
Augment of the Guard - 5 (was 10)
Augment of Temptation - 5 (was 10)
Spectral Augment of Versatility - 5 (was 10)
Animalistic Augment - 5 (was 10)
Augment of Rejuvenation - 5 (was 10)
Faithless Vitality Augment - 5 (was 25)
Augment of the Seeker - 5 (was 10)
Spectral Augment of the Elements - 5 (was 10)
Augment of Obliteration - 5 (was 25)
Spectral Augment of Rage - 5 (was 10)
2/20/21 - New Veldara Arena Quest:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering a new quest called Fighters of the Coliseum.
2/15/21 - Weekly PvP Tournament & Epic Chest:
A new PvP Tournament has been released for characters level 80 and above. Every week players can attack other players to increase their total experience stripped. Every Monday at 1am, the experience stripped leaderboard will be reset and the top 30 ranked players will be awarded ranked chests containing Prominent Arena Coins. These coins can be exchanged with the Prominent Mentor in the Gladiator Arena for the Augment of the Prominent Warrior or the Prominent Medal, which is used for the new Epic Chest questline. While the augment is a one time completion which is playerbound and non-transferable, the medal is tradeable and the quest to obtain it is repeatable.

A new Epic Quest has been released to obtain the Warplate of the Prominent Champion. Akan, Mentor of Champions in the Gladiator Arena now offers the Will of a Champion quest, where players can complete tasks including exchanging a Prominent Medal for a Gem of Champions to craft this new epic chest. There will also be an upgrade available to this chest in a future PvP update.

Prominent Arena Coins awarded per rank are as follows:

Rank 1: 15 Coins
Rank 2: 13 Coins
Rank 3: 11 Coins
Rank 4: 9 Coins
Rank 5: 8 Coins
Rank 6-10: 7 Coins
Rank 11-15: 6 Coins
Rank 16-20: 5 Coins
Rank 21-25: 4 Coins
Rank 26-30: 3 Coins
2/5/21 - New Veldara Cliffs Quest:
Lvl 85: Dyler in the Veldara Cliffs is offering a new quest called Ambushers of the Mountains.
1/24/21 - Superbowl 2021 Pool - Chiefs and Buccaneers:
The 2021 Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! If you wish to confirm your entry was added you can message Slash on discord. All entries must be sent before the game begins.
1/22/21 - New Veldara Wastes Quest:
Lvl 85: Parro in the Veldara Wastes is offering a new quest called Marauders of the Junkland.
1/15/21 - Level 85 PvP Expanders:
PvP Expanders have now been added to the Treasury for those with excess experience seeking an edge for upcoming PvP content. The newly added Expanders are as follows:

PvP Damage - Increases your total damage dealt in PvP Attacks (up to 20%).
PvP Defense - Decreases your total damage taken in PvP Attacks (up to 20%).
PvP Precision - Decreases your opponent's Block in PvP Attacks (up to 25%). E.g if your opponent has 45% block and you have 25% PvP Precision, your opponents chance to block will then be 20%.
1/8/21 - New Veldara Quest:
Lvl 85: Tordin in the Veldara Garrison is offering a new quest called the Emblems of Veldara, where players must collect a unique emblem from each zone in Veldara.
1/1/21 - PvP Balance Changes:
We have made some balance changes to PvP combat in preparation for more in depth PvP content in the coming months. Base damage in PvP has been significantly lowered (including GPS attacks), which will result in longer lasting PvP attacks. We have also increased the amount of EXP gained in PvP attacks, while lowering the amount stripped.

In the coming weeks we will be releasing new PvP Expanders, before releasing the first major PvP contest in February where players can earn new rewards such as a new epic chest, augment and more. We will release more details about this in the coming weeks.
12/27/20 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you with potions and a wealth of experience. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 30th of December at 8am.
12/18/20 - New Garden of Chaos Quests:
Lvl 85: Kinnar in the Garden of Chaos is offering 2 new quests called The Deeper Chaos and Chaotic Harvest.
12/11/20 - Boss Loot Increases, New Astral Rift Quest & Christmas Warning:
Today we have increased Set Dungeon Key rewards for all server boss raids. The additions are as follows:

Cosmos: +3 Key to Knights Horror.
Death: +3 Pirate Treasure Map / +3 Key of the Elements.
Maekrix: +4 Astral Totem / +1 Key to the Alsayic Ruins (Solo).
Blackhand: +3 Profound Ward.
Zyrak: +3 Thunder Ball / +3 Force of Veldara.

A new solo quest has been added to the Astral Rift, providing level 60+ players with an easier method of obtaining rewards from the One Pill quests in Wonderland. Luthen is now offering a quest called The Astral Guardian, where players are required to defeat some high rage enemies, then the Astral Guardian itself. Completing this repeatable quest provides EXP and potions, with the Astral Guardian also having a chance to drop gear rewards.

The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 27th of December at 8am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience and potions. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!
12/4/20 - New Garden of Chaos Quests:
Lvl 85: Kinnar in the Garden of Chaos is offering 2 new quests called Dangerous Gardening and Pulling the Weeds.
11/27/20 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Zora, Prince of War is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Zora, Prince of War.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
11/13/20 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Zora, Prince of War has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The major changes this event include:
- The War of Zhul format has been changed to now be similar to the Trial of Power. Many old mobs and quest items have been replaced.
- 2 Mob tiers of Withered and Horrific (similar to Combatants and Crusaders from ToP). Horrific mobs have double drop rates. Both mob tiers are now significantly more powerful.
- Increased drop rates to balance for equip limit and mob power changes.
- Tier 1 gear is now binding with a 5 point transfer cost.
- Added the Withered Augment.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Marks of Zhul, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Recharge the Fury potions and WoZ quest items.

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
11/10/20 - Minor Updates:
- EXP rewards from the One Pill quests in Wonderland have been significantly reduced.
- The Vogel Sword requirement has been removed from the Jabberwocky quest in Wonderland.
- Added a speed run quest to the Metallurgist to hand in 1 Key of the Elements for 3 Metallurgy Coins.
- Added a 10000 item view limit to the Item Transfer page to prevent the page from erroring for some users with mass items on one character.
11/6/20 - Token Quest Changes & New Tyrisar City Quests:
We have now made previously mentioned changes to Token Challenge quests, aimed at preventing mass abuse of this system. All challenges to obtain gear except Bronze have had their Token entry requirement increased above the free token maximum of 30. Other content outside of these gear challenges will remain unchanged. The changes for each challenge are as follows:

1) Silver - 32-40 Tokens per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
2) Gold - 60-100 Tokens per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
3) Platinum - 90-150 Tokens per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
4) 8-Bit - 90 Tokens per item, mushrooms and quest removed.
5) Spiral - 140 Tokens per item.
6) Noble - 200 Tokens per item.
7) Perfection - 260 Tokens per item.
8) Exalted - 260 Tokens per upgrade, fragments and quests removed.
9) Ghostly - 750 Tokens per item, fragments and quests removed.

Lvl 85: Ranzo in Tyrisar City is offering 2 new quests called Stopping the Production Line and Mechanical Scraps.
10/31/20 - Halloween Event & War of Zhul Warning:
Halloween fever has struck the haunted streets of Stizzy! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers! The event will run for 3 days, ending at 8am on the 3rd of November. During the event players can attack minions to collect Pumpkins which can be handed in to Peg Legged Timmy for a wealth of experience. Help Timmy also find his Goody Bags and he will reward you with a variety of Halloween and Zombie potions.

Scary Jack has also returned! Crews can raid Scary Jack every 24 hours for a chance at Candy Potions and Elemental Shots. All Halloween quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 3rd of November at 8am, so be sure to hand them in before they disappear. Happy Halloween!

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on November 13th at 8am. Prepare for war!
10/23/20 - New Tyrisar City Quests:
Lvl 85: Ranzo in Tyrisar City is offering 2 new quests called Robot Slaying and Decomissioning the Cyborgs.
10/16/20 - Equip Limit Changes, Jabberwocky Changes & Upcoming Halloween Ev:
Today we have enforced previously mentioned limitations in regards to equipping gear on multiple characters. Each item can now only be equipped by 25 characters per day, however there is no limit to how many times a character can equip an item that is locked to them during that day. This daily limitation will reset at midnight.

Drop rates of all potions from Jabberwocky have been increased by 50%.

The annual Halloween event will begin on the 31st of October at 8am and run for 3 days until the 3rd of November at 8am. During this time, players will be able to attack mobs and a 24 hour raid to receive halloween potions and experience.
10/9/20 - New Zaldar City Quests & Upcoming Token Quest Changes:
Lvl 85: Serrel in Zaldar City is offering 2 new quests called Minions of the Spire and Zaldarian Menace.

On the 6th of November we will be making changes to some Token Challenge quests, aimed at preventing mass abuse of this system. All challenges to obtain gear except Bronze will have their Token entry requirement increased above the free token maximum of 30. Other content outside of these gear challenges will remain unchanged.

We also plan to remove the RNG factor for these quests by making each quest a fixed token price for each item or cache. All of these changes mean we will be removing items and associated quests such as participant coins and fragments, as well as lowering requirements to compensate, so be sure to hand them in before the changes are live. The upcoming changes for each set are as follows:

1) Silver - Fixed price per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
2) Gold - Fixed price per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
3) Platinum - Fixed price per cache, participant coins and quests removed.
4) 8-Bit - Fixed price per item, mushrooms and quest removed.
5) Spiral - Fixed price per item.
6) Noble - Fixed price per item.
7) Perfection - Fixed price per item.
8) Exalted - Fixed price per item, fragments and quests removed.
9) Ghostly - Fixed price per item, fragments and quests removed.
10/2/20 - New PvP Quest:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering a new PvP quest called A Test of Skill.
9/25/20 - New Zaldar City Quests:
Lvl 85: Serrel in Zaldar City is offering 2 new quests called Outskirt Hunting and Entering the City.
9/18/20 - New PvP Quest:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering a new PvP quest called A Test of Strength.
9/10/20 - New Veldara Caves Quests:
Lvl 85: Creya in the Veldara Caves is offering 2 new quests called Clearing the Caves and Provisions of Darkness.
9/4/20 - Server Boss Updates:
We have made a number of changes to Server Boss survivability and their loot tables. Firstly, the health of each boss has been increased by the following amounts:

Cosmos - 200% health increase.
Death - 100% health increase.
Maekrix - 100% health increase.
Blackhand - 100% health increase.
Zyrak - 150% health increase.

We have also made some changes to Set Dungeon Key drops, such as moving/removing some older set keys, increasing the amount of existing key drops and adding some more recent keys. The Set Dungeon Key drop list is now as follows:

Cosmos - 6x Key to Knights Horror / 4x Astral Shard.
Death - 3x Pirate Treasure Map / 3x Key of the Elements.
Maekrix - 6x Astral Totem / 1x Key to the Alsayic Ruins (Solo).
Blackhand - 5x Profound Ward / 1x 8-Bit Banana.
Zyrak - 4x Thunder Ball / 3x Force of Veldara.

Bacaba and Gnomish keys have now been removed, while Metallurgy, Alsayic and 8-bit keys have been added. The Core of Cosmos and Core of Death have also been removed.
8/28/20 - New Veldara Caves Quests:
Lvl 85: Creya in the Veldara Caves is offering 2 new quests called Under the Mountains and The Cavern Demons.
8/18/20 - Preferred Player Updates:
We have made a number of changes to Preferred Player rewards. The changes are as follows:

- Attack increased.
- Hit Points increased.
- Experience Per Turn increased.
- Rage Per Turn increased.
- Maximum Rage increased.
- Gold Per Turn increased.
- Added Original Elemental Damage.
- Reworked the Exclusive PP Sales to be a permanent feature for PP users.
- Removed Quest Shard, Potion of Enraged Alsayic and Profound Ward from Lucky Box. Added Force of Veldara and increased the chances to obtain a dungeon key.
8/14/20 - New Veldara Woods Quests:
Lvl 85: Hawlan in the Veldara Woods is offering 2 new quests called Beasts of the Night and Foraging the Woodland.
8/7/20 - Veldar Ranger Set & Set Price Reductions:
Lvl 82+: Ranger Garza in the Veldara Wastes is now offering players a way to obtain the new Veldar Ranger Set! Players can exchange a Force of Veldara for a Veldar Ranger piece of their choice.

We have also reduced the cost of some older sets. The changes are as follows:

Thunder Mage - 45% price reduction.
Profound - 52% price reduction.
8-Bit - 40% price reduction.
Platinum - 34% price reduction.
Astral - 37% price reduction.
Gold - 44% price reduction.
Alsayic - 49% price reduction.
Metallurgy - 34% price reduction.
Scallywag - 33% price reduction.
Silver - 33% price reduction.
7/31/20 - New Veldara Woods Quests & Upcoming Maintenance:
Lvl 85: Hawlan in the Veldara Woods is offering 2 new quests called The Forest Threat and Beneath the Treetops.

Over the coming days, Outwar will be undergoing 2 downtime periods as our host performs scheduled maintenance. Please allow for up to 2 hours of downtime for each maintenance period, however the actual downtime should be much less. The maintenance times are as follows:

August 4th @ 10pm - Both Servers downtime
August 7th @ 10pm - Sigil downtime

There will also be a live maintenance period of up to 3 hours on August 3rd starting at 9pm. There will be no downtime dsuring this time, however loading times may be slower.
7/24/20 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.
7/10/20 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
- Trial Insignia requirements and drop rates have been lowered by 10x to reduce item clutter.
- Top 5 contest rewards have been significantly increased, including Dungeon Key choices.
- Further improvements have been made to the Collecting Insignias quest, with an Elementium Curio now awarded at the 30 and 35 steps and an Elementium Wand now awarded at the 50 and 75 steps. Other potion rewards have also been added.
- Elementium Wand drop rates from Crusaders have been lowered to compensate for the above change.
- Combatant Augments have been replaced with Challenger Augments.
- Globe requirements for the quest The Trial of Power have been increased from 2 to 3.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. Those with the power to do so can defeat Crusaders for double drop chances! During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk, who will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap.

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wands (top 3), Augment of the Divine Combatant (top 5), Elementium Curios (top 10) and Recharge the Fury potions (top 20).

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

For the first 3 days of the event, there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale, ending on Monday morning at 8AM! The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
7/3/20 - New Veldara Arena Quests:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering 2 new quests called An Evil Audience and Tools of the Arena.
6/26/20 - Trial of Power Alert:
The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 10th of July at 8AM.
6/24/20 - Character Class Changes:
Players can now change their class! Purchase a Character Class Change from the treasury to change your class between Monster, Gangster or Popstar.

We have also updated the bonuses for Monster and Popstar. The bonuses for each class now are:

Gangster - 5% Attack / 10% Defence.
Monster - 5% Rage Per Turn / 10% Max Rage.
Popstar - 2.5% Attack / 5% Defence / 2.5% Rage Per Turn / 5% Max Rage.

Because of these changes, we have added a one time completion quest to obtain a Character Class Change from ??????.
6/17/20 - New Veldara Arena Quests & Feedback Updates:
Lvl 85: Bacro in the Veldara Arena is offering 2 new quests called Joining the Fight and Fighting for Survival.

We have added some more quality of life updates to the game thanks to player feedback. These updates include:

- Added an option for the crew vault to select all items raidbound to specific users.
- Added a remove all button on the My Account page to remove all characters trusteed to you.
- Crew leaders will now receive a message when an item has sold on the crew treasury.
6/15/20 - Illusions:
We have released a new system that enables players to change the image of gear items. Illusions can be accessed from the new look Blacksmith page. Similar to gemming an item, premium points will be required to illusion a tradeable item and the higher the rarity the higher the illusion cost will be. Illusioning an item back to its original state also costs just 1 point. Price factors for illusioning are as follows:

1) Item Rarity - Higher rarity of the original item increases cost. Increasing penalties are also applied for illusioning to an item with a higher rarity.
2) Demand - Each time somebody applies an illusion to an item, the demand for that illusion increases by 10% which increases the cost to illusion to that item. The minimum demand is 100% and the demand is lowered by 5% every night.

6/10/20 - Upcoming Maintenance & Ghostly Challenge (Helm):
Starting on Monday the 15th of June, Outwar will be undergoing 2 downtime periods as our host performs scheduled maintenance. Please allow for up to 2 hours of downtime for each maintenance period, however the actual downtime should be much less. The maintenance times are as follows:

June 15th @ 9pm - Torax downtime
June 16th @ 1am - Both Servers downtime

A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

6/9/20 - Crew Trades:
Crew trading is here! Similar to the player trading system, crews can now engage trades with other crews to exchange items from crew vaults. To initiate a crew trade, click the Trade link on a crew profile (next to the Treasury Items link). Once a trade has started, it can then be managed via the Crew Trade icon on the toolbar.

In order to participate in a crew trade, a crew must have a two way vault and enough vault space to receive the selected items. Only characters with the Manage Vault permission can manage crew trades.
6/7/20 - Content Update:
We would like to update players on some of our content plans for the remainder of 2020. Starting with the basics, outside of major event periods we will continue to release new level 85 quests every fortnight. These quests will continue to be released until early 2021 and the current format of these quests (excluding others released inbetween) will also remain similar. We are also planning on releasing a new set in August along with price reductions for older sets and plan to follow a 2 year per release plan for new sets. We do not however plan on releasing new augments to replace the Throne of Sorcery augments until next year, at which point we will also evaluate augment transfer prices.

As we outlined in our last future plans announcement, major events will remain on a 4 month cycle with the next event being the Trial of Power on the 10th of July. This means the War of Zhul will then be held 4 months later, currently planned for the 20th of November. As always we will also be holding Halloween and Christmas events later in the year.

We are also working toward more balance changes for major events, focused on making main characters more relevant. In the upcoming Trial of Power we have further lowered the difficulty of obtaining tier 2 and tier 3 items from the collecting insignias quest. Thanks to player feedback, we are also planning much larger changes starting with the War of Zhul in November where we will be scaling up the minimum power required to defeat event mobs, which will then allow us to significantly increase the drop rates of event items. This will be a significant change, so we ask for your patience while we work on finding the correct balance for this.

Player feedback has also helped us compile another list of updates which are currently being worked on. We expect to be releasing these updates over the coming weeks, starting with crew trades. Once we have finished these projects, we plan on having a deep dive into the PvP system to once again make this method of play relevant for endgame players for reasons other than experience.

We would like to hear your feedback and ideas for any of the topics mentioned in this announcement, so we welcome any feedback left in the suggestions channel of our discord server. We hope you enjoy what's to come and we will post another update of our plans for 2021, Outwars' 20th anniversary year, at a later date.
6/5/20 - New Veldara Cliffs Quests & Other Updates:
Lvl 85: Dyler in the Veldara Cliffs is offering 2 new quests called The Overhead Threat and Scaling for Supplies.

Drop rates for the Spirit of Viserion and Spirit of Balerion have been increased by 50%. 10x rage / requirement changes have also been made to the Alsayic Dungeon and Skill Crest quests. Quests affected include both Alsayic quests, all tier 2 and 3 skill crest quests and Normok Reputation 1.
6/3/20 - Item Rarity Updates:
We have completed a large scale update to gear rarities, aimed at making gemming costs more affordable. The majority of items have been lowered in rarity, while few have remained the same. Most items less powerful than Ethereal have also been adjusted with this update to now be uncommon rarity.
6/1/20 - Quarantine Supplies:
Lvl 75+: Orangutan Donald has returned to Diamond City to hand out some much needed supplies in these hard times. Characters on both servers are able to accept the Quarantine Supplies quest, however only characters on Sigil server will be able to accept the Quarantine Supply Crate quest. The quests will remain active for 10 days before they are removed at 8am on Friday the 12th of June.
5/29/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Weapon):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

5/23/20 - New Veldara Cliffs Quests:
Lvl 85: Dyler in the Veldara Cliffs is offering 2 new quests called Cliff Hanging and Reaching the Peaks.
5/15/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Shield):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

5/8/20 - New Veldara Wastes Quests:
Lvl 85: Parro in the Veldara Wastes is offering 2 new quests called Protecting the Garrison and Scavenging for Junk.
5/5/20 - Sigil Maintenance:
Tomorrow morning at 8am Sigil server will be going down for maintenance as we continue to work on recent issues. Please allow for up to 5 hours of downtime.
5/1/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Core) & PP Sale:
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

From now until Monday morning at 8AM there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale.
4/27/20 - Sigil Maintenance:
Tomorrow morning at 9AM Sigil server will be going down for an extended maintenance period of up to 5 hours as we escalate our efforts to fix recent lag issues.
4/26/20 - New Veldara Wastes Quests:
Lvl 85: Parro in the Veldara Wastes is offering 2 new quests called Waste Management and Taking Out the Garbage.
4/17/20 - Sigil Maintenance:
Sigil server will be going down for maintenance tomorrow morning at 830AM as we work on the recent lag issues. Please allow for up to 1 hour of downtime, however we expect it to last no longer than 30 minutes.
4/17/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Neck):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

4/11/20 - Eternity, Wonderland and Junk Item Updates:
We have made some more quality of life updates to the game. Eternity raids have been changed similarly to the recent Ethereal changes, with each raid now a 24 hour respawn with much higher drop rates. Each quest item for Eternity is also now an equal drop chance, set as double the chance of Ethereal quest items. Deep Forest gear has also been removed from these raids.

We have also made 10x rage / requirement changes to both One Pill quests in Wonderland. The Augment of Science will also no longer drop.

Randomly generated junk gear items have also been removed. Backpacks rejoice!
4/10/20 - Old Skill Updates & Level 80 Master Skills:
We have made a large number of changes to many older skills, primarily focused on lowering rage costs. The majority of skills have had their rage costs reduced significantly while some have been increased slightly, however the overall cost of skilling is now significantly lower. Some skill durations and cooldowns have also been changed and for all information on these changes, see the table posted in our discord server. Some older skill effects have also been changed, along with the Elemental Block cap being raised to 65%. The changes at rank 10 are as follows:

1) Protection - Increased Block from 10 to 20 and now increases Block at all times to also affect Parry (was DC mobs only).
2) Accurate Strike - Increased Critical Hit gain from 10 to 20.
3) Elemental Barrier - Now increases Deflect if over the Elemental Block cap. The Elemental Block cap has been raised to 65% to compensate for this change.
4) Poison Dart - Increased damage from 500 to 5000.

We have also released 3 new Master Skills for the Class skill tree for characters level 80+. The only way to level up these new skills is by training them with skill points. Each of these skills has a duration of 2 hours with a 12 hour cooldown. Rank 10 effects for each Master Skill are as follows:

1) Masterful Ferocity - All damage taken from DC mobs is reduced by 5%.
2) Masterful Preservation - Increases all elemental damages by 30.
3) Masterful Affliction - Strip and Gain 20% more EXP from players.
4/9/20 - Fuser Exchange & Please Save Him Updates:
We have added 2 new Fuser Exchange quests to obtain Griznix Potions and Fire Waters from the Fuser Collector. In addition to this, all Fuser Exchange quests now only require 3 fusers.

We have also made some changes to the Please Save Him quest to remove some confusion, with Titonoclasim Veins now dropping the Kiro of Titonoclasim needed for this quest instead of Gnawlers.
4/4/20 - Tome of Daily Grind & Carnival Updates:
The Tome of Daily Grind has been added to the loot tables of Cosmos and Death, with each of these server bosses dropping 3 tomes per spawn. Activating the tome permanently awards that character the Daily Grind skill, which acts as an experience boost potion and doubles your experience gained from DC mobs for 15 minutes. The skill also now has a 24 hour cooldown.

We have also released 10x rage cost / 10x less requirement Quality of Life changes to The Mystifying Carnival.
4/3/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Ring):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

3/27/20 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Algor, Knight of Death is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Algor, Knight of Death.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
3/20/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Belt):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

3/13/20 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Algor, Knight of Death has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The major changes this event include:
- Further improvements have been made to the Collecting Shards quest which now awards a Curio at the 300 and 750 steps, along with a Wand at the 500 and 1000 steps, ensuring anyone who collects 1000 shards can receive both T3 items.
- Quest requirements and drop rates of quest items have been significantly lowered to make managing items much easier.
- Tier 2 and 3 gear rewards are now binding with a 10 point transfer cost.
- Top 5 Contest Augments have been upgraded, total rewards have been increased for some ranks and Thunder Balls have replaced Profound Wards as contest rewards.
- The Augment of Zhulian Strife has been added to the Zhulian Succubus.
- The drop rates of all items from Vezzul have been increased by 50%.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Recharge the Fury potions and WoZ quest items.

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA (winning server only) to receive the rewards.

There will be a 20% treasury discount Preferred Player sale for the first 3 days of the event, ending on Monday morning at 8AM! The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
3/6/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Boots):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

2/28/20 - New Slot, Securing the Garden & War of Zhul Warning:
Lvl 80+: Weekly Quests have been added to the game, allowing players to earn Boosters for the new Booster slot. Players can complete 1 quest of their choice per week, with each quest rewarding a unique type of Booster which lasts for 1 week once claimed. Weekly quests reset every Friday at 1AM at which point the mob requirements will rotate. You can access them by clicking the Weekly Quests icon on the toolbar next to your equipment.

There are 5 unique Boosters to choose from every week, each providing a boost to different types of content. The Boosters are:
1) Stalwart Booster - Increases damage dealt to DC mobs. Affects content such as Infinite Tower, Gladiators and Wilderness.
2) Converged Booster - Increases damage dealt to DC raids. Affects all raids except Server Bosses.
3) Energized Booster - Increases damage dealt to Server Boss raids.
4) Flourishing Booster - Increases EXP and Gold gains from defeating DC mobs.
5) Turbulent Booster - Increases EXP stripped and gained in PvP.

Each Booster has a base effectiveness of 5% once equipped, however you can purchase a Tier 2 Booster Upgrade from the Treasury to permanently upgrade your Boosters to 10% effectiveness.

Lvl 84+: For those that have completed Purging the Garden, Lucas in the Garden of Chaos is offering a new quest called Securing the Garden with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.

The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on March 13th at 8am. Prepare for war!
2/21/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Pants):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

2/15/20 - Ethereal Raid Changes:
We have made some alterations to the 5 Ethereal raids aimed at improving quality of life and reducing server load. The respawn time of these raids has now been increased to 24 hours (was 30 minutes) and the drop rate of all Ethereal quest items has been increased by 48x to match. This change does not affect the amount of Ethereal you will obtain per day on average, it will just require you to raid 48x less per day.
2/14/20 - Securing Tyrisar:
Lvl 84+: For those that have completed Defending Tyrisar, Kyren in Tyrisar City is offering a new quest called Securing Tyrisar with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.

The Scepter Shaft from Q-SEC Commander is now tradeable.
2/7/20 - Ghostly Challenge (Chest):
A new challenge has been released to obtain a piece of Ghostly Stalker gear. Speak with Rollez in the Veldara Wastes to earn Ghostly Fragments. Once you have collected 30 fragments you can have Rollez upgrade them to a Ghostly Diamond which can be turned in to the Ghostly Challenge Master in exchange for a Ghostly Stalker piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Ghostly Diamond quest from Rollez to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 750 Tokens.

In addition to this release, we have now lowered the prices of previous Best in Slot challenge gear. These changes include:

- Required tokens for Exalted reduced to 260 (down from 600).
- Average runs for Perfection reduced to 13 (down from 30).
- Average runs for Noble reduced to 10 (down from 19).
- Average runs for Spiral reduced to 7 (down from 13).
- Uber Epic Trinkets reduced to 225 points (down from 450).

Prices for any shortcut or guarantee quests for these challenges have also been reduced to match.
1/31/20 - Securing Zaldar:
Lvl 84+: For those that have completed Saving Zaldar, Oscar in Zaldar City is offering a new quest called Securing Zaldar with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.
1/24/20 - New Guardian - Thanox, Balancer of Chaos:
A new Guardian raid has appeared in the Garden of Chaos. With his armies now defeated, Thanox, Balancer of Chaos is now vulnerable to attack. Level 84 characters who have completed Defending Tyrisar can now speak with Tordin to accept "The Endgame".

This raid is a 2 week respawn and drops many powerful items including gear, augments, points and quest items including the new Boon of Chaos, which can now be exchanged with Horan for the final Chaotic Inscription. For level 85 characters that have completed the Secrets of Veldara quest, Horan now offers the Power of Veldara quest to obtain the final helm upgrade, the Helm of the Chaotic Veldarian. God Slayer quests for Thanox have also been released.

Point rewards have now been removed from Skybrine, Ariella and Narada.
1/19/20 - Superbowl 2020 Pool:
The 2020 Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win, like in the example below. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! If you wish to confirm your entry was added you can message Slash on discord. All entries must be sent before the game begins on the 3rd of February.

1/17/20 - Level 85 Enhancements:
Expanders have now been added to the Treasury for characters that have reached level 85. While you are able to purchase Expanders at any time, you must complete the corresponding lvl 70 or 80 Enhancement before activating the Expander for the original Elemental Damages and Critical Strike. The list of newly added Expanders is as follows:

Gladiator Damage - Increases your total damage dealt to Gladiators (up to 15%).
Gladiator Defense - Decreases your total damage taken from Gladiators (up to 15%).
Chaos Resist - Increases your Chaos Elemental Resistance (up to 10%).
Chaos Damage - Increases your Chaos Elemental Damage (up to 100).
Perfect Strike - Increases your Perfect Strike chance (up to 5%).
Holy Damage - Increases your Holy Elemental Damage (up to 1000).
Arcane Damage - Increases your Arcane Elemental Damage (up to 1000).
Fire Damage - Increases your Fire Elemental Damage (up to 1000).
Kinetic Damage - Increases your Kinetic Elemental Damage (up to 1000).
Shadow Damage - Increases your Shadow Elemental Damage (up to 1000).
Ramage - Increases your Rampage chance (up to 100%).
Critical Strike - Increases your Critical Strike chance (up to 100%).
1/10/20 - Veldara Expansion - Part 2:
Part 2 of the level 85 Veldara Expansion is now LIVE! This update brings a range of content including 3 new zones, new high experience quests, quests to earn the final Chaos Ore needed to obtain the Claw of Chaos and more. In addition to this we will be releasing level 85 enhancements next week, plus a new Guardian raid along with the final Epic Helm upgrade in a fortnight.

Lvl 83+: For those that have completed the Return of Chaos quest, Tordin in the Veldara Garrison is now awaiting you with a new quest called Saving Zaldar, which will lead to the quest Defending Tyrisar. Then, level 84 players that have completed these quests will be able begin the final main quest, Purging the Garden. Once players have reached level 85, all experience gained can then be used to purchase level 85 enhancements, which will be released next week.

This update brings a range of quests to obtain the final 12 Chaos Ore required to obtain the Claw of Chaos. Quests to obtain this ore are listed below.

Lvl 83+: (4 ORE) Tordin offers 3 new quests to obtain Ore. Completion of the Saving Zaldar and Defending Tyrisar main quests will award 1 Ore each and completion of the Purging the Garden main quest will award 2 Ore.

Lvl 83+: (3 ORE) Cyborg 42069 offers 1 new quest to obtain Ore. For this task you will need to seek out the ten different models of Tyribots in Tyrisar City and defeat them to find rare, tradeable CPUs. NOTE: This quest does not need to be accepted for the CPUs to drop.

Lvl 84+: (1 ORE) Trooper Soze offers 1 new quest to obtain Ore. Soze requires you to defeat a powerful rare spawn until you destroy its soul. The minions to bring Aezel out of the shadows will respawn every 10 days. NOTE: The quest Defeating the Manic must be accepted before Aezel will drop his soul.

Lvl 85: (4 ORE) Lavana offers 4 new quests to obtain Ore. To obtain the Exposed Rocks for the Rocks for Ore quests, speak to Yerken in the Garden of Chaos to exchange Challenge Tokens for Exposed Rocks. 6 of these rocks can be exchanged with Lavana for 1 Ore, for a total of 4 Ore.
1/3/20 - Preferred Player Sale:
From now until Monday the 6th of January at 8am there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale.
1/3/20 - Veldara Part 2 Warning:
Part 2 of the level 85 Veldara expansion will be live next week! On Friday the 10th of January at 8am, 3 new zones along with multiple new quests will be released, allowing players to gain high amounts of experience and reach the max level of Chaos Gem.
12/30/19 - Updates and Improvements:
We have released another wave of updates thanks to player feedback. We have also released 2 new overstats for Block and Elemental Block. These updates include:

- New stat: Parry. Decreases the amount of base damage you take. Increased by block over 45%.
- New stat: Deflect. Decreases the amount of elemental damage you take from raids. Increased by elemental block over 45%.
- Auto Attacking rage costs will now correctly factor both Warrior's Instinct and Circumspect when both active.
- Increased Strength, Experience and Gold rewards for defeating mobs lvl 46 and above by 10x.
- Auto generated augments will no longer drop from mobs lvl 46 and above.
- Skill orb mobs in the Dungeon of Horrors and Slaughter have had their rage costs increased and drop rates increased to match. On top of this even change, drop rates have been increased by a further 50% for all orbs.
- The Jabberwocky raid in Wonderland is now a 1-3man raid.
- Items listed on the Crew Treasury will now show as blurred in the Crew Vault.
- Added a Select All button to the Auto Skiller.
- Chaos damage is now 5x more effective in PvP.
- Chaos damage is now displayed on character profiles.
- Added rankings for Total and Average Crew Elemental Power.
- The Potion Backpack will no longer create blank boxes for the amount of potions you have.
- Added a "Clear all my notifications" button to the My Account page to clear all mail / attack notifications.
- Added a teleporter in Chuggers Palace Bar for direct Veldara Access.
- Added current room number next to room details on the world page.
- Changed Equipment hotkey to E on the world page.
12/28/19 - Upcoming Downtime:
On Monday the 30th of December at 9am (1 hour after the Christmas event ends) there will be a short downtime period as we prepare for the launch of the Veldara Part 2 release. We expect this downtime to last no longer than 15 minutes, however please allow for up to 30 minutes of downtime.
12/27/19 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you with potions and a wealth of experience. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 30th of December at 8am.
12/20/19 - Chaotic Outbreak:
Chaos has escaped into Diamond City! The leak seems to have originated from Vork in the Gladiator Arena. Speak with Kellen to track down the leak before it spreads too far.

The outbreak has already claimed some victims. All Gladiators will now deal and have weakness to Chaos damage. Chaos has also reached the Infinite Tower, infecting aspirants from floor 25 and up.
12/13/19 - Level 85 Remnant Solice & Upcoming Christmas Event:
We have added the level 85 Remnant Solice potion to the Treasury, providing consumers with +750ATK, +1500HP and +25 Chaos Damage.

The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. The event will run for 3 days, starting on the 27th of December at 8am. During this time players can obtain candy canes and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience and potions. During the event we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!

The Gold Digger potion has also been added back to the Treasury.
12/6/19 - Return of Chaos:
The Chaos has returned! Tordin has requested that you meet with him immediately to begin the quest to deal with this threat. This quest will reward users with a high amount of experience along with 1 Chaos Ore and completion of this quest will also be required to progress the main storyline in the Part 2 launch next month.
11/29/19 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Overseer and Merchant will remain in Rallis with all quests for 1 week.
11/21/19 - Lost Artifact Changes:
With the recent God Slayer improvements in mind, we have now significantly increased the drop rate of all Lost Artifacts due to the recent higher demand for them. Each Lost Artifact will now drop over 3 times more often.
11/15/19 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
- All quests and quest items will now be removed 1 week after the event ends instead of during the end of event downtime.
- The Arkrons Collector Augment quest has been replaced with the Collecting Insignias quest, which will reward users with the Arkrons Collector Augment and more, including rare ToP quest items. Requirements for this quest and the WoZ equivalent have also been significantly reduced. Aura drops have now been removed.
- The drop rates of all items from Golluk have been increased by 50%.
- The Trial Combatant Orb has been replaced with the Trial Contender Orb.
- The Augment of the Grand Combatant once again drops from Trial Crusaders.

During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians Shaik and Rook will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk. This raid will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap, however only the most powerful of crews will be able to defeat him!

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wands (top 3), Augment of the Divine Combatant (top 5), Elementium Curios (top 10) and Recharge the Fury potions (top 20). Teva will spawn twice during the event.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. The Combatants drop quest items, augments and a skill orb, however those with the power to do so can defeat the Crusaders for DOUBLE DROPS! Crusaders drop everything Combatants do except the skill orb is replaced with a more powerful version and the Crusaders can drop more powerful augments. Also, while both of these minions drop the Elementium Curio, only the Crusaders can drop the Elementium Wand.

During this event players can obtain Trial Insignia's from enemies, which will be the currency for the top 5 contest. Players will also have a 1 week grace period after the event to hand Insignia's in to the Trial Merchant for EXP before they are removed. Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Trial Insignia contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

For the first weekend of the event, there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale, ending on Monday morning at 8AM!

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
11/9/19 - God Slayer Updates:
The next God Slayer wave has been released. Speak to the Endgame Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.

This update brings significant buffs to the God Slayer skill. God Slayer will now provide +10 ATK, +20 HP and +2 All Original Elemental Damages per level. The skill has also had its recharge time reduced to 12 hours, rage cost reduced to 500 and skill duration has been increased to 4 hours. Another God Slayer level will be released with the Veldara Part 2 Guardian.
10/31/19 - Halloween Event & Trial of Power Alert:
Halloween fever has struck the haunted streets of Stizzy! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers! The event will run for 3 days, ending at 8am on the 3rd of November. During the event players can attack minions to collect Pumpkins which can be handed in to Peg Legged Timmy for a wealth of experience. Help Timmy also find his Goody Bags and he will reward you with a variety of potions.

Scary Jack has also returned! Crews can raid Scary Jack every 24 hours for a chance at Candy Potions and Elemental Shots. All Halloween quests and quest items will be removed when the event ends on the 3rd of November at 8am, so be sure to hand them in before they disappear. Happy Halloween!

The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on the 15th of November at 8AM.
10/24/19 - Gem Hunting:
Lvl 83+: Lavana is offering a new quest called Gem Hunting. Speak with her to begin collecting rare gems throughout Veldara for high experience rewards.
10/16/19 - Securing the Caves:
Lvl 82+: Wenda in the Veldara Caves is offering a new quest called Securing the Caves with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with her to begin the task.
10/11/19 - Upcoming Maintenance, Securing the Woods & Halloween Alert:
Over the next 2 weeks Outwar will be undergoing multiple downtime periods as our host performs scheduled maintenance, the first starting on the 17th of October. Please allow up to 2 hours for each downtime window, however we expect it to be much less. Information for these downtime periods is as follows:

17th October @ 9pm - Torax downtime.
18th October @ 9pm - Full game downtime.
18th October @ 10pm - Full game downtime.
24th October @ 9pm - Sigil downtime.

While both full game downtime periods start at different times, these periods may overlap. The game may be available to play periodically during this time, however please allow until midnight on this day for all maintenance to be complete.

Lvl 82+: Muric in the Veldara Woods is offering a new quest called Securing the Woods with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.

The annual Halloween event will begin on the 31st of October at 8am and run for 3 days until the 3rd of November at 8am. During this time, players will be able to attack mobs and a 24 hour raid to receive halloween potions and experience.
10/4/19 - Securing the Arena:
Lvl 82+: Veshon in the Veldara Arena is offering a new quest called Securing the Arena with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.
9/27/19 - New Perfection Method & Super Rewards Updates:
We have added a new method to obtain Perfect Challenge gear. Speak with the Perfectionist Merchant and trade him an Exalted Diamond provided by the Exalted Forgers to receive a guaranteed Perfection piece of your choice. The cost of obtaining an Exalted Diamond has been slightly reduced to 600 tokens (was 625).

We have also improved the cost of purchasing points via Super Rewards. The majority of methods under Super Rewards are now almost twice as efficient as before.
9/20/19 - Securing the Cliffs & Brutality Potion Changes:
Lvl 82+: Imoran in the Veldara Cliffs is offering a new quest called Securing the Cliffs with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.

We have recently made a quality of life change to Brutality Potion drops throughout the world. Brutality Potions will no longer drop from mobs, however Master Brutality Potions can now drop directly from mobs.
9/12/19 - Treasury and King of the Week Updates:
We have made numerous changes to vendor items sold on the Treasury. Many old items have been removed to reduce clutter, some items have been moved to categories better suiting them and prices of many items have been lowered.

We have also added some new items to the treasury. The first is the Jumbo Backpack upgrade, allowing players to increase their base regular backpack size to 100 slots!

Another addition is the Spark the Fury potion. This potion will restore 50% of your maximum rage.

The Special Gift has also been added to the treasury, replacing the Wrapped Gift. Players can unwrap the gift to receive a Spark the Fury, Recharge the Fury or Cube of Sorcery.

We have also significantly increased the stats of the King of the Week set, obtained from the weekly Raffle.
9/6/19 - Securing the Wastes:
Lvl 82+: Tordin in the Veldara Wastes is offering a new quest called Securing the Wastes with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin the task.
8/30/19 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Jevas, Master of Decay is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Jevas, Master of Decay.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with all quests for 1 more week, at which point WoZ quest items will also be removed.
8/25/19 - Changes to Red Dragon Set:
We have updated all Red Dragon items dropped from Maekrix to start default with 4 augment slots (up from 2). This will not affect any existing items, only items that drop from this point onwards.
8/16/19 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Jevas, Master of Decay has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The major changes this event include:
- All quests and quest items will now be removed 1 week after the event ends instead of during the end of event downtime.
- The Augments of Zhul quest has been replaced with the Collecting Shards quest, which will now reward users with the original 3 augments and more, including rare WoZ quest items.
- The Zhulian Succubus can now also drop Shrunken Spirits and Kinetic Spirits at a lower rate than the Zhulian Shade.
- The Zhulian Potion quest and Pristine Orb upgrade quests have been removed.
- The Guardians of Zhul quest has been removed and EXP rewards for killing each god have been increased.

The 3 Zhulian Guardians have once again appeared to protect their new master. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

Welx, Gladiator of Zhul is once again available to attack. Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days. Rewards for the top 20 damage dealers include Recharge the Fury potions and WoZ quest items.

Brutus is now offering the Collecting Shards quest, which offers Zhulian Slayer augments, potions and rare WoZ quest items. This quest will not remove your summoning shards.

The Efflorescent Spear, found on the Zhulian Succubus, can be used to upgrade your Tier 2 items to a Tier 3 version. Speak with Brutus to initiate this trade.

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

There will be a 20% treasury discount Preferred Player sale for the first 3 days of the event. The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
8/9/19 - Stizzy Crawler Changes:
We have made some changes to resist potion farming via the Crawlers in the Stizzy Waterway Keep. Each Crawler has had it's rage cost significantly increased, but will now directly drop elemental resistance potions instead of elemental drops at an identical rage cost as the previous cauldron method. The elemental drop cauldron recipes will remain unchanged for those with leftover drops.
8/2/19 - War of Zhul Imminent:
The next War of Zhul nears! Scouts report a large army heading for Diamond City that will reach the gates on August 16th at 8am. Prepare for war!
7/26/19 - New Server Boss - Zyrak, Vision of Madness:
A new server boss has been released! Players can now attack Zyrak, Vision of Madness for a range of loot including gear, a new augment, quest items, dungeon keys, potions and more.

With this update we say our farewells to the server boss Juggernaut, however the majority of Juggernauts loot has been spread out between the existing bosses. Loot inherited from Juggernaut by other bosses includes:

- Maekrix gains 5x Astral Totem / 9x Elemental Orbs / 2x Containment Orb / 2x Orb of the Scepter / 3x HK-22 / 3x Standard Issue Kevlar / 3x Tactical Pants / 2x Seals Pendant.
- Blackhand gains 8x Juggernaut Talisman / 5x Quest Shard / 3x Proof of Purity.
- Zyrak gains 10x Unstoppable Concoction / 6x Recharge Totem / 6x Recharge the Fury. Zyrak has also inherited 6x Cube of Sorcery and 3x Scroll of Sorcery from Blackhand.

Loot added to Zyrak includes Thunder Balls, Advanced Neuralyzers, 3 new gear items, Pulsating Stones and a Bottled Chaos. Zyrak also drops a number of new quest items that Ashala is interested in including Unstable Jewels which can be exchanged 3 times for Chaos Ore, Veldarablooms which can be exchanged repeatably for experience, and the Scripture of Zyrak which can be exchanged once for experience. There is also a chance for Zyrak to drop the Boon of Vision, which can be exchanged with Horan, Enchanter of Chaos for a Chaotic Inscription via the recently added Boon of Vision quest. This now means the fourth Epic helm upgrade can be obtained by collecting all 4 unique Boons.

Lastly, Zyrak has a rare chance to drop 3 new Ancestral Tombs, each containing powerful sets forged by Zyrak's unparalleled insight into history. These exceptionally rare sets can be used to empower clonable gear with the most powerful set bonuses ever known.

7/18/19 - New Guardian - Murfax, Beast of the Caves:
A new Guardian raid has appeared in the Veldara Caves. Murfax, Beast of the Caves has awoken due to the ongoing wars on Veldara. The strongest Guardian ever known to Outwar, Murfax possesses loot such as powerful gear, augments, rare quest items including the Boon of Unity and more. One of these quest items is the Scripture of Murfax which can be exchanged once with Ashala for a high experience reward. Rally your alliances and defeat this chaotic evil.

7/12/19 - Astral Rift & Potion of Amdir Updates:
Rage costs of mobs in the Astral Rift have now been increased and quest requirements have been lowered. In addition to this, the Potion of Amdir quest has had it's requirements doubled, however the Potion of Amdir is now tradeable (existing Amdir potions have been updated as well).
7/7/19 - New Gladiator & Epic Helm Upgrade:
A new Gladiator has been added to the Gladiator Arena in Diamond City. Vork, Gladiator of Chaos has been exiled to the arena from Veldara. Vork will remain active for 4 days, during which time players can attack him to raise their damage and rank as high as possible. When the 4 day timer is up, Vork will retreat for 10 days before restarting the cycle.

Upon Vork's retreat, reward chests will be awarded to the top 30 damage dealers for that 4 day period. These chests contain a new currency called Chaotic Gladiator Marks. The higher your rank the more marks you will receive and the top 5 ranked players will also receive a Recharge the Fury. You can redeem your marks to the Veldara Treasurer for the following rewards:

- Orb Booster - used to upgrade Irthys orbs to the new Chaotic Orbs (more info below).
- Recharge the Fury.
- Potion of Enraged Alsayic.
- Halloween Potion Set - 1x Damned Holy Shot / Damned Arcane Shot / Damned Fire Shot / Damned Kinetic Shot / Damned Shadow Shot / Damned Element Shot / Snickers Bar / Starburst / M&Ms / Skittles / Kit Kat Bar / Sugar Daddy / Tootsie Pop / Bubble Gum / Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.
- Wonderland Potion Set - 1x Holy Vile / Arcane Vile / Fire Vile / Kinetic Vile / Shadow Vile / White Vile / Natas Vile / Rampage Vile / Squidberry Juice / Jabberwocky Blood / Liquid Bone Juice.

The Gladiator Missionary is offering 3 new quests to upgrade each orb from the Irthys Orb set. Present him with an Orb Booster and your Irthys Orb to complete this exchange.

The top 20 damage dealers for Vork will also receive a ranked specialty chest with a common chance to receive a Chaotic Gladiator Mark, an uncommon chance to receive an Unstable Mineral which can be exchanged with the Gladiator Missionary five times for Chaos Ore, a rare chance to receive a Scripture of Vork which can be exchanged once with Ashala for a high experience reward, or a very rare chance to receive one of two new quest items. The first very rare drop, the Chaotic Nucleus, increases in drop chance every five ranks you climb and can be exchanged with the Gladiator Missionary for the Chaotic Titan Augment.

The second very rare drop, the Boon of Power, can be exchanged with Horan, Enchanter of Chaos for a Chaotic Inscription via the recently added Boon of Power quest to upgrade your Epic helm. This now means the third Epic helm upgrade can be obtained by collecting all 3 unique Boons.

6/28/19 - New Epic Helm Questline - Secrets of Veldara:
Lvl 82+: The next Epic questline is here! For those that have completed the Veldara Caves, Horan, Enchanter of Chaos in the Veldara Garrison is now offering the Secrets of Veldara quest, where players can discover new sources of Chaos and use them to enchant a powerful helm. This Epic questline however is different than previous ones, as players can obtain multiple items to upgrade the helm in any order they choose.

Once players have advanced through the bulk of the questline, Horan will require you to present a Chaotic Inscription along with the Helm of Enchantment provided by this quest to upgrade to the first Epic helm - the Helm of the Erratic Veldarian. Chaotic Inscriptions can be obtained by exchanging rare items called Boons via Horan's separate Boon quests. Currently there are 2 Boons available to obtain: the Boon of Nature from the treasury and the Boon of Unity from Gregov and another upcoming Guardian raid. Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing 2 new Boons, making this stage of the Epic questline have a total of 4 best in slot upgrades. As the Boon quests are separate quests from the main quest, players can exchange them for Chaotic Inscriptions in any order. There will also be a 5th and final upgrade to this helm in the level 84-85 update at a later date.

6/24/19 - Upcoming Maintenance & New Notification Preferences:
Over the coming week Outwar will be undergoing 2 more downtime periods as our host performs scheduled maintenance. Please allow up to 2 hours for each maintenance period, however the actual downtime is expected to be much less. The upcoming maintenance times and expected loss of service are as follows:

28th June @ 10pm - Torax only downtime.
1st July @ 11pm - Full game downtime.

We have also added 2 new notification Preferences. Players now have the option to disable mail notifications for completed trades and crew loot awards.
6/23/19 - Sigil Maintenance:
Tomorrow morning (24th June) at 3am, Sigil server will be undergoing maintenance. Please allow for up to 2 hours of downtime, however the actual downtime should be much less.
6/23/19 - Performance Update, CoES & Phoenix Updates:
We have pushed a performance update aimed at improving loading times. Player and Crew profile picture uploading is currently disabled, but will be fixed as soon as possible. We have also completed rage updates to the City of Eternal Star and Phoenix Plume, mobs in these zones have had their rage increased and quest requirements have been lowered.
6/20/19 - Chaos Augments, Old Zone Rage Updates:
Zivien is offering 5 new quests to empower all 5 of your Transcended augments. Bring her a Bottled Chaos from the treasury or Gregov along with your Transcended augments to unleash their full potential.

The Eyes of Burn, Kix Woods, Abandoned Desert and Valley of Death rage changes are now live and the old Eyes of Burn main quests have been removed. Rage costs of mobs in these zones have been increased and quest requirements have been lowered. In addition to the 10x drop rate increase on Journal Pages because of these changes, they have also been increased a further 10x. Todd Shoe now offers the new The Eyes of Burn quest for characters level 45+ which is similar to the old main questline, but compressed into 1 main quest. A new Radiation Prototype quest is now available from Rindo Tan for those that have completed The Eyes of Burn.
6/18/19 - New Feature - Crew Treasury!:
Players can now sell items on the Treasury directly from their crew vault with the new Crew Treasury! Items can now be listed by a crew on the Treasury for a value of Premium Points (including playerbound items with the exception of raid bound items). The last 50 items sold will be viewable in the Crew Treasury Log along with their selling price and point incomes will also be logged in the Crew Point Deposits log.

Each crew starts with 10 Crew Treasury slots, however this can be upgraded 4 times at 10 slots per upgrade by purchasing and activating the Crew Treasury Slots Upgrade for a maximum of 50 slots. Similar to the Treasury links on the Treasury Shoutbox, adding ~CT~ to your Treasury post will now link to your crew treasury.
6/16/19 - More Updates and Improvements:
Extending on from our update last week, we have made more quality of life updates to the game thanks to player feedback. The updates include:

- Added a trade icon on the My Account page for pending trades.
- New icons on the My Account page are now clickable and will link to those specific pages.
- Elemental Power has been added to the My Account page.
- Gear will no longer deselect when inserting an augment on the Manage Augments page.
- Prevented some non-transferrable items from displaying on the Item Transfer page.
- Numerous other minor updates including capping the Refill Rage page at 100 points.
6/14/19 - Level 85 Expansion - Veldara Part 1:
The level 85 expansion has arrived! This update brings a large range of content including 5 new zones, the Chaos Gem slot and Chaos damage, new raids and more. While this initial launch is primarily aimed at levelling, we have many more updates planned for the near future including a new Epic questline, Guardian raid, Gladiator, Server Boss and more. The initial 5 zones of Veldara will be the first of a 2 part major release, the second being released early next year.

Veldara, once a lavish and peaceful planet, has recently experienced a catastrophic event. A new form of power that the natives call "Chaos" has swept over the planet rapidly, engulfing all living things it comes into contact with and is turning the majority of Veldara into one of the most hostile environments ever known. The source of this power must be found and destroyed, before Veldara is lost forever. Kellen has teleported from Veldara to Diamond City seeking help to defeat this evil. Once you have proven yourself to him, he will present you with the Veldara Teleporter. He awaits you in the Chuggers Palace Bar.

Character experience over the amount of 2,000,000,000 has now been converted into "Enhancement Experience". Enhancement EXP will not count toward level progression, but can be used to purchase items from the treasury such as Enhancers. Once you reach Veldara, speak with Tordin to begin eliminating the threats consuming the planet. After the introductory Studying the Chaos quest, Tordin will start you on your path to cleanse the 5 new zones via the 5 main quests - Veldara Wastes, Veldara Cliffs, Veldara Arena, Veldara Woods and Veldara Caves. After completion of the Veldara Wastes, players can choose to enter any of the next 3 zones, however all 3 of these zones will need to be completed to progress to the Veldara Caves. Upon completion of the Veldara Caves, players will be rewarded with the Veldarian Augment. This augment can be empowered by presenting a Bottled Chaos from the treasury or Gregov to Zivien. Information about the new levels can be found on the EXP Chart page.

Upon reaching Veldara, Tordin will introduce you to Lavana via the Studying the Chaos quest. She has found a way to confine the Chaos inside a special gem, allowing it's holder to use the Chaos to their advantage. This gem can be empowered by presenting Chaos Ore to Lavana to upgrade your gem. Players can obtain Chaos Ore from completing a large range of tasks which are listed below.

(6 ORE) Tordin offers 6 quests to obtain Ore. On top of the bonus Ore awarded by Lavana in the Studying the Chaos quest, completion of the Veldara Wastes, Veldara Cliffs, Veldara Arena, Veldara Woods and Veldara Caves main quests will also award 1 Ore each.

(6 ORE) Lavana offers 5 quests to obtain Ore. For every new level you reach starting at level 81, you will unlock a new Earning the Ore quest. Earning the Ore (Level 85) will also award 2 ore.

(6 ORE) Rorvono offers 3 quests to obtain Ore. For characters level 82+, the Chaos Golem quests require you to collect rare crystals from golems that can be attacked every 2 weeks.

(10 ORE) Norin offers 10 quests to obtain Ore. The Pulsating Exchange quests require you to bring a Pulsating Stone to Norin which can be purchased on the treasury or found as a rare drop from powerful raids.

(6 ORE) Dorgon offers 3 quests to obtain Ore. After completing the Veldarian Cuisine quest, Dorgon will offer 3 Secret Recipe quests in which players must locate rare, tradeable ingredients and cook them in the cauldron to make special dishes. Players must find clues from residents of Veldara about where these ingredients can be found. The 3 recipes are as follows:
"Secret Meaty Pizza" = Cook 1x Unusual Egg / Strange Mushrooms / Perplexing Fillet.
"Secret Hearty Stew" = Cook 1x Obscure Ribs / Abnormal Heart / Mysterious Peas.
"Secret Juicy Kebab" = Cook 1x Bizarre Flank / Anomalous Steak / Peculiar Haunch.

This update brings 2 new Guardian raids. Dexor, Victor of Veldara is the weakest of the new gods and can drop a weapon, a rare augment, new Inhibitor quest items and more. Inhibitors can be presented to Smorkol in the Veldara Arena for experience.

While Dexor may be an easier Guardian, Gregov, Knight of the Woods is the most powerful Guardian raid released to this date. This raid can drop gear, augments, a Pulsating Stone, Bottled Chaos, a rare item for an upcoming Epic questline and more. We will be releasing a third Guardian raid in the coming weeks. To balance the addition of these new gods, point rewards have now been removed from Lord Varan, Baron Mu and Freezebreed.

Another addition with this update is a new 2 day raid, The Chaotic Elemental. As well as rewarding experience, this raid can drop Minor Chaos Philter potions, along with Arena Teleporters. These teleporters can be used to access the central pillar of the Veldara Arena, where Skor the Arena Conqueror resides. While this rare spawn can drop Minor Chaos Philters, he is also the only being on Veldara in possession of Major Chaos Philters. Accept the Minions of Skor quest from Rorvono to start this process.

Remember to stay tuned for more content in the coming weeks!
6/12/19 - Updates and Improvements:
With the expansion just around the corner, we have made a few updates to the game thanks to player feedback. These changes include:

- Treasury Transaction Fee (Tax) has been reduced from 10% to 5%.
- Players can now choose what item to receive from a set when morphing.
- Potions will now stack. Potions for sale on the treasury will also separate into individual stacks.
- Added icons next to character names on the My Account page for characters with unread mail and new incoming attacks.
- The effects of set bonus decay have been reduced, meaning set bonus stat losses from missing set components will now be significantly less.
- Added an icon for attacks in raids to indicate perfect strikes.
- Added a ranking for Chaos Damage.
- Drop rates for the Spirit of Viserion and Spirit of Balerion have been doubled.
6/7/19 - Expansion Launch Downtime:
On the 14th of June at 8am there will be a short downtime period to launch the level 85 Veldara Expansion. Please allow up to 1 hour for this downtime, however the actual downtime should be much less.
6/7/19 - Preferred Player Sale:
From now until Monday morning at 10am there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale.
5/31/19 - Lost Grind Rooms Update:
We have made some quality of life changes to the Lost Grind Rooms in the Abandoned Desert. Similar to recent changes we have been making to old zones, mobs in grind rooms 1-10 have had their rage increased 10x and quests have had their requirements lowered the same amount. Drop rates of bonus items have also been increased. We have also removed excess mobs in each zone caused by this change.
5/18/19 - Upcoming Eyes of Burn Changes:
In just under 5 weeks from now on the 21st of June, we will be making major changes to the Eyes of Burn. Similar to the recent changes for the Underground Caverns and Divided Planes, all mobs in the Eyes of Burn will have their rage significantly increased and all associated quests will have their requirements significantly lowered.

Unlike other zones undergoing these changes, the Eyes of Burn will also have it's main quest replaced. A new, single main quest will be added (still starting from Todd Shoe) to fix some issues with the old questlines. This means that characters wanting to complete the current Eyes of Burn questlines (ending with Conspiracy Now) should complete them before they are removed on the 21st of June.
5/16/19 - Quest Experience Potion Updated:

With the level cap increase just around the corner, we have made some changes to the Quest Experience Potion. The potion will now last for a duration of 2 weeks and will now affect characters level 79 and below.
5/10/19 - New City of Corruption Quest & Expansion Release Date:
Lvl 80: The Corrupt Princess in the City of Corruption has a new quest available called Corruption Cleanup. Speak with her to begin the task.

The level 85 expansion will launch on the 14th of June! We will release more information about this in the coming weeks in regards to release time etc.
5/3/19 - Crew Upgrade Costs Reduced:
We have made reductions to the price of many crew upgrades. The new prices per upgrade are as follows:

Essential Power - 150 Points.
Essential Resistance - 100 Points.
Under Fire - 50 Points.
Maximum Temper - 25 Points.
GPS - 15 Points.
Wardrums - 75 Points.
Fury - 25 Points.
Depository - 150 Points.
Morale - 100 Points.
100 Crew Vault - 50 Points.
300 Crew Vault - 150 Points.
500 Crew Vault - 500 Points.
750 Crew Vault - 750 Points.
1000 Crew Vault - 1000 Points.
Camera - 50 Points.
Camera Mark II - 200 Points.
Camera Mark III - 500 Points.
Two Way Vault - 50 Points.
Upgrade Crew Action Log - 50 Points.

We have also significantly lowered the drop rate of components used to create the Ethereal Set.
5/1/19 - Upcoming Maintenance:
Outwar will be undergoing a short maintenance period starting at 9AM this Saturday, 4th of May. Please allow for up to an hour of downtime, although we do not expect the downtime to last this long.
4/26/19 - New Winteros Quest:
Lvl 79+: Daenerys in the mountains of Winteros has a new quest available called Winteros Cleanup. Speak with her to begin the task.
4/19/19 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Merchant will remain in Rallis with the Trial Insignia and Aura quests for 1 week.
4/12/19 - Augment of Kinetic Transcendence:
The Transcended Merchant in the City of Corruption has offered to trade an exceptionally powerful augment in exchange for a rare extract. Purchase a Transcended Extract from the treasury and speak with the merchant to begin the trade.

4/6/19 - New Payment Method: Cryptocurrency:
You can now purchase Points and Tokens with Cryptocurrency! Using the link added to the "Get Points and Tokens" form, you can now purchase in-game currencies with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin.

We have also made some quality of life changes to mobs and quests in the Underground Caverns and Divided Planes. The majority of mobs in these zones have had their rage increased, however quests requiring these mobs and items they drop have had their requirements reduced. This change is aimed at reducing the time players spend attacking in these areas, which will also help with server load.
4/5/19 - The Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

The major changes for this event include:
-Trial Insignia drop rates have been significantly reduced and requirements reduced for EXP hand-in.
-Added a 50 insignia version of the Trial Insignia EXP quest.
-Crusader health has been slightly reduced.
-Augment of the Divine Combatant drop rate from Crusaders significantly increased.

During the trial, Arkrons most trusted guardians, Shaik and Rook, will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk. This raid will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap, however only the most powerful of crews will be able to defeat him!

Arkron has also recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wands (top 3), Augment of the Divine Combatant (top 5), Elementium Curios (top 10) and Recharge the Fury potions (top 20). Teva will spawn twice during the event.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. The Combatants drop quest items, augments and a skill orb, however those with the power to do so can defeat the Crusaders for DOUBLE DROPS! Crusaders drop everything Combatants do except the skill orb is replaced with a more powerful version and the Crusaders can drop the Augment of the Divine Combatant. Also, while both of these minions drop the Elementium Curio, only the Crusaders can drop the Elementium Wand.

Combatants and Crusaders can also drop rare items called Auras. Each elemental type of minion will drop an Aura specific to that element and one each of these can be handed in to the Trial Merchant to receive Arkrons Collector Augment. Excess Auras can also be handed in for EXP.

During this event players can obtain Trial Insignia's from enemies, which will be the currency for the top 5 contest. Players will also have a 1 week grace period after the event to hand Insignia's in to the Trial Merchant for EXP before they are removed. Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Trial Insignia contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

For the first weekend of the event, there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale, ending on Monday morning at 9AM!

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
3/28/19 - Augment of Shadow Transcendence:
The Transcended Merchant in the City of Corruption has offered to trade an exceptionally powerful augment in exchange for a rare extract. Purchase a Transcended Extract from the treasury and speak with the merchant to begin the trade.

3/22/19 - New Acirum Freelands Quest & Trial of Power Alert:
Lvl 78+: The Deflated Soldier in the Acirum Freelands has a new quest available called Acirum Cleanup. Speak with him to begin the task.

The next installment of the Trial of Power is imminent. Arkron and his minions will arrive at the Rallis docks on April 5th at 9AM. Train well during this period, because if the prophecy is true, this will be the last chance to train before a catastrophic event in the coming months.
3/15/19 - Augment of Fire Transcendence:
The Transcended Merchant in the City of Corruption has offered to trade an exceptionally powerful augment in exchange for a rare extract. Purchase a Transcended Extract from the treasury and speak with the merchant to begin the trade.

3/8/19 - New Underworld Quest:
Lvl 77+: Mick in the Underworld has a new quest available called Underworld Cleanup. Speak with him to begin the task.
3/1/19 - Augment of Arcane Transcendence:
The Transcended Merchant in the City of Corruption has offered to trade an exceptionally powerful augment in exchange for a rare extract. Purchase a Transcended Extract from the treasury and speak with the merchant to begin the trade.

2/28/19 - Set Transfer Price Reductions:
We have reduced the transfer prices for all major sets. The new prices per item are as follows:
Thunder Mage - 100 points
Profound - 80 points
8-bit - 60 points
Platinum - 50 points
Astral - 40 points
Gold - 30 points
Alsayic - 30 points
Metallurgy - 20 points
Scallywag - 20 points
Silver - 15 points
Knights Horror - 15 points
Ascended Ethereal - 15 points
Gnome - 10 points
Bronze - 10 points
Ethereal - 2 points
2/22/19 - New Deathbat Graveyard Quest:
Lvl 76+: Aggathen in the Deathbat Graveyard has a new quest available called Deathbat Cleanup. Speak with him to begin the task.
2/18/19 - Augment Transfer Price Changes:
We have reduced the transfer price for a number of augments. The new prices are as follows:
Augment of the Throne Conqueror - 150 points
Augment of Sorcery - 100 points
Augment of the Prince - 50 points
Augment of the Spectral Deathlord - 25 points
Augment of Zhulian Warfare - 25 points
Augment of Nanomite Force - 25 points
Augment of the Guard - 10 points
Augment of the Seeker - 10 points
Animalistic Augment - 10 points
Augment of Rejuvenation - 10 points
Augment of the Scallywag - 10 points
Knights Horror Augment of the Legion - 10 points
Silvery Augment - 5 points
Bronzed Augment - 5 points
Charred Augment - 5 points
Augment of Cosmos - 5 points

We have also made 3 guardian augments transferable:
Augment of Dread - 100 points
Augment of the Necrodragon - 100 points
Augment of the Undead Custodian - 25 points
2/15/19 - Augment of Holy Transcendence:
The Transcended Merchant in the City of Corruption has offered to trade an exceptionally powerful augment in exchange for a rare extract. Purchase a Transcended Extract from the treasury and speak with the merchant to begin the trade.

2/10/19 - Potion Backpack Changes:
We have changed the potion backpack to now work similarly to how the quest backpack works. The potion backpack will no longer have a limit, meaning potions can now be awarded to characters from crew vaults regardless of the amount of potions in their backpack.
2/8/19 - Elemental Fuser Vendor & Scallywag Change:
A new trader has arrived in the Astral Rift for those wanting to make use of their excess Elemental Fusers. The Fuser Collector offers 4 quests to exchange fusers for old potions. Players can also still exchange tokens with the Elemental Overlord to obtain these potions at a much easier and cheaper rate than their original methods. The 4 potions obtainable are:
Marsh Water - 3 Fusers.
Evil Scream - 3 Fusers.
Holy Vile - 9 Fusers.
Rampage Vile - 9 Fusers.

We have also updated the Easy Way Out method to obtain the Scallywag weapon and chest provided by Tracy McScurvy. This quest will now award both the Buccaneers Slop Coat and One Eyes Cutlass.
2/1/19 - Preferred Player Sale:
From now until 9pm Monday the 4th of February there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale.
2/1/19 - Badge Level 25:
The warriors of the Diamond City Sanctum have found new ways to refine the elemental power of your badge. Complete specific tasks set by the warriors of the sanctum to gain Badge Reputation. This reputation can then be handed in to Wade to increase your badge rank. Wade will now offer quests to level your badge as far as level 25. All new Badge Reputation NPCs are listed below, along with quest requirement information and how much reputation you can earn from each NPC.

(18 Rep) Normok provides 2 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to defeat a large number of enemies held in both of Diamond City's prisons. Quest 2 requires you to find a rare item from an enemy that can be attacked once per week.

(30 Rep) Dione provides 2 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to collect Greater Experience Wards which can be found on the treasury. Quest 2 requires you to collect Yorrons Fragments which can also be found on the treasury.

(27 Rep) Archuv provides 3 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to have completed Floor 24 of the Infinite Tower (this quest will not appear until the Infinite Tower Floor 24 quest has been completed). Quest 2 requires you to have obtained all 4 of the Tier 3 Skill Crests (this quest will not remove your Skill Crests). Quest 3 requires you to collect 200 Honored Gladiator Marks (this quest will not remove your Gladiator Marks).

For those wanting to skip the process of ranking up a badge, the warriors of the sanctum have also found a way to refine the Badge of Virtuosity. Purchase an Essence of Absolution and present it to Jeya, Guardian of Absolution to receive the Badge of Absolution. The cost to purchase the Badge of Virtuosity has also been lowered by 20%.

1/25/19 - Onslaught Crest of Affliction, Clone Update & Kix Potion Changes:
For those who have obtained the Excelled Crest of Affliction, the Skill Master of Affliction has found a way to further empower your Skill Crest. Speak with him to begin your task which will involve extracting soul fragments from Hovok the Archfiend. Hovok will respawn every 10 days, however for those wanting to skip the long process of collecting Archfiend Soul Fragments, they can be purchased on the Treasury.

Cloning prices have been revamped. The cost of cloning an item will now solely depend on the rarity of the item you are cloning and now accepts playerbound points!. The new prices per rarity are as follows:
Common - 5 points.
Uncommon - 10 points.
Rare - 15 points.
Elite - 25 points.
Godly - 50 points.
Brutal - 75 points.
King - 125 points.
Mythic - 175 points.

We have also revised the method to obtain Kix Potions. The Kix Potion Masters in the mountains of Kix Woods now have a chance to drop Kix Potions. Quest items for the old Hadley quest will drop for 1 more week and we will be leaving the quest up for 2 weeks before the quest and items are removed.
1/21/19 - Superbowl 2019 Pool:
"It's Superbowl time again! This year we will be hosting 2 pools - one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be seperate, therefore every player can enter both pools. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win, like in the example below. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the losers points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! If you wish to confirm your entry was added you can message Slash on discord. All entries must be sent before the game begins on the 4th of February.

1/18/19 - Violent Crest of Preservation:
For those who have obtained the Excelled Crest of Preservation, the Skill Master of Preservation has found a way to further empower your Skill Crest. Speak with him to begin your task which will involve extracting soul fragments from Hovok the Archfiend. Hovok will respawn every 10 days, however for those wanting to skip the long process of collecting Archfiend Soul Fragments, they can be purchased on the Treasury.

1/11/19 - Explosive Crest of Ferocity:
For those who have obtained the Excelled Crest of Ferocity, the Skill Master of Ferocity has found a way to further empower your Skill Crest. Speak with him to begin your task which will involve extracting soul fragments from Hovok the Archfiend. Hovok will respawn every 10 days, however for those wanting to skip the long process of collecting Archfiend Soul Fragments, they can be purchased on the Treasury.

1/4/19 - Quantum Crest of Class:
For those who have obtained the Excelled Crest of Class, the Skill Master of Class has found a way to further empower your Skill Crest. Speak with him to begin your task which will involve extracting soul fragments from Hovok the Archfiend. Hovok will respawn every 10 days, however for those wanting to skip the long process of collecting Archfiend Soul Fragments, they can be purchased on the Treasury.

12/27/18 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him and he will reward you with potions and a wealth of experience. This year we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the quest and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 30th of December at 7am.
12/17/18 - Upcoming Christmas Event:
The annual Outwar Christmas Event draws ever so closer. This year the event will run for 3 days, starting on Thursday the 27th of December at 7am. During this time players can obtain candy cane's and present them to Saint Nick for rewards including experience and potions. This year we will be doing regular discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel!
12/14/18 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Xerok, Apostle of Death is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Xerok, Apostle of Death.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the Summoning Shards and Augments of Zhul quests until Xerok has been killed on both servers.
12/7/18 - Exalted Challenge (Shield):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

11/30/18 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Xerok, Apostle of Death has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City. Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

The unsuccessful attempt to invade Diamond City by Irthys meant his minions shifted their allegiances to a new form of power, including the three Zhulian Guardians. These Guardians have a chance to drop items including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. Vezzul has also returned. Crews can attack this raid every 24 hours for a chance at rare items.

The major changes this event are aimed at reducing item clutter. These changes include:
-Summoning Shards will now drop 10 times less often. Quests requiring Summoning Shards have had their requirements lowered.
-Minion Cloth, Decay Tomb, Secret Purse, Lost Feather and Kinetic Bracer drops have been removed.
-The quest for the Augment of Zhulian Warfare has been removed and the augment has been replaced by the Augment of Zhulian Bloodshed. This augment can drop from the Zhulian Succubus and Vezzul.
-A new gladiator has been added to the event. Similar to the Trial of Power gladiator, Welx will remain active for 4 days before retreating for 4 days.

Brutus is once again offering the Augments of Zhul quest. This quest presents war participants with the opportunity to obtain 1 of 3 tiers of augment, depending on the amount of summoning shards collected. This quest will not remove your summoning shards.

The Efflorescent Spear, found on the Zhulian Succubus, can be used to upgrade your Tier 2 items to a Tier 3 version. Speak with Brutus to initiate this trade.

Brutus is once again temporarily allowing you to upgrade your Pristine Orbs to the Infused Pristine Set at the cost of Zhulian Power Shards. Zhulian Power Shard requirements have now been halved for this quest. Speak with Brutus again to upgrade your Infused Pristine Set to the Unstable Pristine Set.

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

There will be a 20% treasury discount Preferred Player sale for the first 3 days of the event. The war will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
11/22/18 - Exalted Challenge (Weapon):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

11/16/18 - Excelled Crest of Affliction & War of Zhul Warning:
The Skill Master of Affliction requires your aid to deal with a new threat emerging from the Underground Prison. Help eliminate this threat to have your skill crest empowered by the Skill Master.

Scouts report that an invading Zhulian army will reach the city gates on November 30th at 7am. Prepare for war!
11/9/18 - Exalted Challenge (Core):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

10/31/18 - Halloween - 31st October to 5th November:
Halloween fever has struck the haunted streets of Stizzy! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers! The event will run for 5 days, ending at 8am on the 5th November. During the event players can attack minions to collect Pumpkins which can be handed in to Peg Legged Timmy for a wealth of experience. Help Timmy find his Goody Bags aswell and he will reward you with a variety of potions.

This year, pumpkins will not be used for a collection contest. Instead, for those seeking a few more potions, a new step has been added to the Grabbin' Bags quest. The Pumpkins and Pumpkin Experience quest will be removed when the event ends on the 5th of November, so be sure to hand them in before the event ends!.

Scary Jack has also returned! Crews can raid Scary Jack every 24 hours for a chance at Candy Potions and Elemental Shots.
10/26/18 - Exalted Challenge (Ring):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

10/25/18 - Upcoming Halloween Event:
The 2018 Halloween event will begin on the 31st of October at 8am and run for 5 days until the 5th of November at 8am. During this time, players will be able to attack mobs and a 24 hour raid to receive halloween potions and experience.
10/22/18 - Excelled Crest of Preservation:
The Skill Master of Preservation requires your aid to deal with a new threat emerging from the Underground Prison. Help eliminate this threat to have your skill crest empowered by the Skill Master.

10/11/18 - Exalted Challenge (Neck):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

10/1/18 - Excelled Crest of Ferocity:
The Skill Master of Ferocity requires your aid to deal with a new threat emerging from the Underground Prison. Help eliminate this threat to have your skill crest empowered by the Skill Master.

9/28/18 - Exalted Challenge (Belt):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

9/21/18 - Excelled Crest of Class:
The Skill Master of Class requires your aid to deal with a new threat emerging from the Underground Prison. Help eliminate this threat to have your skill crest empowered by the Skill Master.

9/15/18 - Exalted Challenge (Boots):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

8/31/18 - Exalted Challenge (Pants):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

8/24/18 - PP Sale, Infinite Tower & Lucky Box Changes:
From now until Monday morning at 8am there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale.

The Prefferred Player Lucky Box rewards have been updated. The Proof of Purity, Astral Totem and Key to the Alsayic Ruins rewards have been replaced by Cube of Sorcery, Profound Ward and Thunder Ball respectively.

Aspirants on the first 9 floors (including the trial) in the Infinite Tower have had their elemental damage reduced by 75%.
8/17/18 - Exalted Challenge (Chest):
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

8/7/18 - Gladiator Update - Zerx Specialty Chest:
A new reward has been added to Zerx, Gladiator Titan in the form of the Zerx Specialty Chest.

The top 20 damage dealers for Zerx will now receive a ranked specialty chest with a common chance to obtain an Honored Gladiator Mark, or a rare chance to receive one of two new quest items. The first rare drop, the Eye of Zerx, increases in drop chance for each rank you climb and can be handed in to the Gladiator Advocate in the Gladiator Arena in exchange for an Augment of Zerx.

The rarest drop, the Heart of Zerx, increases in drop chance every five ranks you climb and can be turned in to the Gladiator Advocate for the extremely powerful Gladiator Titan Augment.

We have also recently made a few minor updates to the game. These include:
-Added hoverovers to display information about stats on the Home page.
-Changed the default method to purchase Preferred Player to stripe.
-Added a link to purchase Tokens via the old order form.
8/3/18 - Exalted Challenge (Helm) & Challenge Price Reductions:
A new challenge has been released to obtain an Exalted piece of Perfection gear. To obtain this gear, speak with the Exalted Forgers to earn Exalted Fragments. Once you have collected 25 fragments you can have the forgers upgrade them to an Exalted Diamond which can be turned in to the Exalted Challenge Master along with a Perfection item in exchange for an Exalted Perfection piece. For those wanting to speed up this process, you can complete the Exalted Diamond quest from the Exalted Forgers to skip the collecting of fragments and obtain a diamond directly for 625 Tokens.

NOTE: Remove any augments you wish to keep from your Perfection gear before exchanging it.

We have also reduced the prices of some previous challenge gear. These changes include:
-Perfection average cost reduced by 40% (from 50 attempts to 30).
-Noble average cost reduced by 45% (from 35 attempts to 19).
-Spiral average cost reduced by 50% (from 26 attempts to 13).
-Trinket prices have been reduced by 50% to 450 points.
7/29/18 - Dungeon Page Overhaul & Other Updates:
The Dungeon page has had a complete makeover! Multiple types of content can now be viewed from this page including current and previous Best in Slot gear, Sets (both group and solo forms), Augment Dungeons and Orb Dungeons. By clicking the View Items button, you can view every item obtainable from that quest or dungeon, along with any notes or tips that may apply. You can also click the name or image of the quest giver to teleport to them.

We have also made a couple of minor changes:
-Mob requirements for the Metallurgy quest have been significantly reduced.
-Captchas have been slightly changed to fix a recent problem with them.
7/24/18 - New Slot - Skill Crests:
Say goodbye to equipping items to skill! The Skill Masters in the Underground Prison have devised a new way to focus your skills into new items called Skill Crests. Once each skill-tree specific crest is equipped, you will permanently have a +8 bonus for all skills in that tree (as long as the crest remains equipped), meaning you will no longer require skill orbs and pants to skill. Speak with the masters to exchange your skill-tree specific orbs and master pants for the new Skill Crest.

Stay tuned for more Skill Crest updates coming soon!
7/20/18 - Augment of Desecration & New Frenzy Stat:
Lvl 80+: Part 2 of the Augment of Corruption quest has been released! Players who have completed the Power Struggle quest can now speak with the Corrupt Prince to begin the quest The Betrayal to upgrade the Augment of Corruption to the new Augment of Desecration.

A new stat has been added as an extension of the Rampage stat called Frenzy. Similar to how Overkill works for Critical Strike, this new stat takes any Rampage past 100% and converts it into increased EXP stripped and gained in PvP. This includes increasing any other factors like brutality potions etc. You can track your Frenzy % on the Home page.
7/12/18 - Thunder Mage Set & Other Updates:
Lvl 80+: The Thunder Mage Set has been released! Speak with Farad, the Thunder Mage in the mountains of Winteros and present him with a Thunder Ball to obtain this thunderous gear! Collecting the entire Thunder Mage set will provide it's carrier with the most powerful set bonus in the game.

We have also reduced the price of some older sets:
-8-Bit token requirement for mushrooms has been lowered by 40%.
-Platinum cache drop rates increased by 40%.
-Astral Totem price reduced by 20%.
-Gold cache drop rates increased by 40%.

A new speedrun quest has been added to obtain the 8-Bit set for playerbound points! Speak with Jedin Knoot and present him with an 8-Bit Banana to obtain a full 8-Bit set.

In preperation for a future update, we have also made some adjustments to old skill gear content. Bar of Soap has now been added to the Treasury for 3000 Gold! All Preservation and Affliction skill orbs from mobs in the Dungeon of Slaughter have also been changed to now drop as player bound (existing orbs remain binding), but have had their drop rate increased by 10 times.
7/6/18 - Trial of Power Complete:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Merchant will remain in Rallis with the Trial Insignia EXP quest for one week.
6/27/18 - Earn Free Points - Crypto Miner:
A new way to earn free premium and no-trade points has been added in the form of crypto mining! Click the Earn Free Premium Points icon under the menu and let the miner run in the background to accumulate points. If you have trouble viewing the miner, you may need to disable your adblocker.
6/22/18 - The Trial of Power Begins!:
The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trial. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trial!

During the trials, Arkrons most trusted guardians, Shaik and Rook, will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his powerful assistant Golluk. This raid will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap, however only the most powerful of crews will be able to defeat him!

Arkron has also now recruited his very own Gladiator! Players can attack Teva, Gladiator of Power in the Gladiator Arena to attempt to be one of the top 20 damage dealers who will receive loot. Loot from Teva's chests includes Elementium Wands (top 3), Augment of the Divine Combatant (top 5), Elementium Curios (top 10) and Recharge the Fury potions (top 20). Teva will spawn twice during the event.

Some other changes for this event include:
-The Trial Merchant will now trade 1 of each Aura for EXP.
-Elementium Wand drop rate has been doubled!
-Augment of the Grand Combatant has been replaced with a Divine version.
-Combatant Augment drop rates have been increased by 50%.
-Globe drop rates have been lowered.
-Main Quest Globe requirements have been lowered.
-More Globes have been added to recipes.

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. The Combatants drop quest items, augments and a skill orb, however those with the power to do so can defeat the Crusaders for DOUBLE DROPS! Crusaders drop everything Combatants do except the skill orb is replaced with a more powerful version and the Crusaders can drop the Augment of the Divine Combatant. Also, while both of these minions drop the Elementium Curio, only the Crusaders can drop the Elementium Wand.

Combatants and Crusaders can also drop rare items called Auras. Each elemental type of minion will drop an Aura specific to that element and one each of these can be handed in to the Trial Merchant to receive Arkrons Collector Augment.

During this event players can obtain Trial Insignia's from enemies, which will be the currency for the top 5 contest. Players will also have a 1 week grace period after the event to hand Insignia's in to the Trial Merchant for EXP before they are removed. Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Trial Insignia contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

For the first weekend of the event, there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale, ending on Monday morning at 6AM!

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
6/8/18 - New CoC Quest, Quest Potion & ToP Update:
A new quest has been released in the City of Corruption where players can put use to the Corrupted Tomes collected over the previous weeks. Speak with the Corrupt Princess to begin the Power Struggle to obtain the Augment of Corruption. This is a 2-part quest, so once you obtain the augment be sure to keep it safe until part 2 is released!

A new potion has been added to the Treasury to increase levelling speed for characters under level 75. Once you cast the new Quest Experience Potion, all quest EXP rewards will be increased by 50% until you reach level 75, at which point the potion will no longer have any effect.

The Trial of Power nears! Arkron and his allies will return to Rallis to train your armies on the 22nd of June. Downtime will begin at 10PM before the event starts at 11PM. Rumor has it that Arkron has now recruited his very own Gladiator for the Trial.
6/2/18 - Gladiator Update & World Cup Pool:
We have added point rewards for Zerx, Gladiator Titan! All players in the top 100 will now receive point rewards. Players ranked 1-30 will receive 70 points and ranks starting at 31 will be awarded 1 less point per rank. For example rank 31 will receive 69 points, rank 32 will receive 68 points, scaling down to rank 100 which will receive 1 point. Stay tuned for new Gladiator content coming soon!

Once again we will be hosting a pool for the Fifa World Cup! To enter the pool, send 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win, like in the example below. Outwar will attach a 25 point fee onto your transfer, meaning the total cost of entry will be 525 points, however make sure you only send 500. If your team wins, you will get your 525pts (500+transfer fee) back and the losers points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 1050 points to the pool as well! If you wish to confirm your entry was added you can message Slash on discord. All entries must be sent before the first match kicks off on June 14.

5/20/18 - The Gladiator Arena:
A new test of strength has been added to Diamond City. The Gladiator Arena is now open for all characters level 75 and above! Prove your strength to the community by dealing as much damage as you can. The more damage you do, the higher your rank climbs and the greater your rewards will be.

To gain access to the Gladiator Arena, speak with the Gladiator Trumpeter to receive your admission ticket. You can then enter the arena and attack Zerx, Gladiator Titan when he appears. Zerx will remain active for 4 days, during which time players can attack him to raise their damage and rank as high as possible. When the 4 day timer is up, Zerx will retreat for 10 days before restarting the cycle.

Upon Zerx's retreat, reward chests will be awarded to the top 30 damage dealers for that 4 day period. These chests contain a new currency called Honored Gladiator Marks. The higher your rank the more marks you will receive. You can redeem your marks to the Gladiator Treasurer for rewards including Irthys Orbs, Recharge the Fury, Zombie Potion set, Unstoppable Concoction and the new Honored Gladiator Augment. The top 5 ranked players will also receive a Recharge the Fury.

5/12/18 - The Infinite Tower & PP Sale:
From now until 11pm Monday night there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale!

Lvl 80: The Infinite Tower in the City of Corruption has now been opened to the public! Fighters from around the world have come to challenge the tower and climb to the highest floor possible. Speak with the Infinite Gatekeeper to prove yourself worthy of challenging the tower. Once you have passed the Infinite Trial you can begin ascending floors, defeating aspirants to claim your rewards including EXP and an upgradeable Augment. Starting on floor 12, every 6th floor you will need to present the Infinite Gatekeeper with an Infinite Tower Spheroid from the treasury in exchange for his open passage to higher floors. Each floor will increase roughly 10% in difficulty.

Once you have completed the 3rd floor you will be awarded an Infinite Augment. You can then upgrade the augment every 3 floors you complete (floor 6, floor 9 etc). The more floors you clear, the more powerful this augment becomes. Do not delete your Infinite Augment as you will need to turn it in to upgrade it.

5/6/18 - New Quest - City of Corruption:
Lvl 80: Blight Creighton is offering a new quest called One Last Stand including a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with them to begin your task.
4/29/18 - New Quest - City of Corruption:
Lvl 80: Gotham Talbot is offering a new quest called Corrupt Conduct including a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with them to begin your task.
4/24/18 - Scheduled Maintenance:
Over the coming 9 days Outwar will be having 3 short maintenance periods. All 3 of these periods will begin at 8pm, the first starting in 3 days (27th April). The downtime window may be up to 2 hours, however we expect it to be much less. Information for these downtime periods is as follows:

Sigil downtime: 27th April 8:00-10:00pm
Full game downtime: 1st May 8:00-10:00pm
Full game downtime: 3rd May 8:00-10:00pm
4/22/18 - New Quest - City of Corruption:
Lvl 80: Umona Vexx is offering a new quest called Blazing Action including a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with them to begin your task.
4/15/18 - New Quest - City of Corruption:
Lvl 80+: Thorne Woods is offering a new quest called Corrupt Collectibles including a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your task.
4/9/18 - New Zone - City of Corruption:
Lvl 80: Noira Vixen has discovered a pathway to the North of Winteros that leads to a hidden city. Speak with her to gain access to exploring this new land, starting with The Power of Corruption questline. Keep your eye out for more quests being released in this area in the coming weeks!
3/30/18 - Mythic Sword of Legends & New Guardian:
With Viserion having been defeated, another powerful presence is stirring in Winteros. Balerion, Dragon of Dread has awoken, seeking to avenge his fallen brother.

With the discovery of the Winteros Dragons, Dyrin, Blacksmith of Winteros has found a way to further enhance the Sword of Legends. Speak with him to begin your quest in obtaining the Mythic Sword of Legends.

Other Updates
-Added a Continue button when completing a quest step.
-Fixed players own health bar for PvP and Mob attacks to adjust with elemental damage taken.
-Rankings link in menu now directly links to Power Ranking.
-Login page has been updated (more updates coming to this page).
-Added text to display what item you received when activating some items (Lucky Box, Cube of Sorcery etc).
-With the addition of new Guardians, point drops from Baron Mu and Freezebreed have been reduced by 50%
3/24/18 - New Guardian - Viserion:
A powerful Guardian has been uncovered in the land of Winteros. Viserion, the Necrodragon has surfaced in the wake of the invasion on his land. Defeat him to reap his powerful rewards including gear, augments and more.

3/21/18 - Torax Downtime:
In 30 minutes at 10:45am the Torax server will be going down for up to 1 hour for maintenance to fix the recent lag issues.
3/16/18 - Boss Loot Changes & PP Sale:
We have made a few minor changes to Server Boss loot, including:
-Replaced Astral Totems with Profound Wards on Blackhand.
-Added Cube and Scroll of Sorcery to Blackhand.
-Moved Proof of Purity from Blackhand to Juggernaut.
-Moved Carnival Tickets and Scally Maps from Juggernaut to Maekrix.
-Moved Astral Shards from Juggernaut to Death.
-Replaced Stoneraven Crates with 2 more Bacaba Crates on Cosmos.

From now until Monday at noon there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale!
3/15/18 - Maintenance:
There will be server maintenance happening on March 16th at 2AM game time. Estimated downtime of an hour.
3/12/18 - Maintenance:
There will be server maintenance happening on March 16th at 2AM game time. Estimated downtime of up to an hour.
3/10/18 - Speed Dungeon (Scally):
Jedin Knoot is offering a new way to obtain the Scally set at a much more efficient rate. Speak with him in the Reel Theater, hand over your maps along with a Sack of Gems and he will hand you a set of gear on the spot!
3/2/18 - Throne of Sorcery & Other Updates:
Lvl 75+: A new Augment Dungeon has been released just East of the entrance to Winteros. Allakor, the Sorcerer Prince has escaped the lands of Winteros and has built a throne room to protect him and his allies. This dungeon contains 3-man raids, however there is also a way to obtain augments via a solo method.

For solo adventurers wanting a quicker, easier way of obtaining the new augments, you can purchase a Cube of Sorcery from the treasury and activate it to obtain one of four new augments. Using this method however will result in a 30% reduced chance to receive rarer augments.

Speak to Willix and present him with a Scroll of Sorcery to begin your crew's assault on the Throne of Sorcery. By participating in the 3-man dungeon as opposed to opening Cubes, you will have a 30% increased chance to obtain rarer augments, aswell as a chance for each of the three raids to drop the Augment of the Throne Conqueror.

Other Updates
Added a hoverover to display Server Boss loot for the Items Received column. This will work on bosses killed after this news post.

Changed the captchas on Guardian raids.

Main header images changed.

Menu changes.
- Made rankings its own menu tab. More rankings to come in the future.
- My Account renamed to My RGA. (Rampid Gaming Account)
- Character Home renamed to Home.
- Members renamed to Character.
- Logout button has moved into the Characters tab.
- Collections has moved into the Characters tab.
- Underlings has moved into the Characters tab.
- Explore World renamed to World.

Changes to the Dungeons page will be coming soon.
2/23/18 - Blacksmith & Item Rarities Changes:
- Confirmation dialog added to ungemming of an item.
- Removed the Prestige option.
- Added a De-Aug option to destroy all augs in an item.
- Gem price changes.
- Clone price changes will come at a later date.

Item Rarities:
We have updated a large number of item rarities, primarily from Sovereign and above in power. To check the new gem costs for items you have with changed rarities, head to the Blacksmith page.
2/23/18 - New Stat - Overkill:
A new stat has been added as an extension of the Critical Hit stat called Overkill. This new stat takes any crit past 100% and converts it into increased base damage for that attack. This stat scales slower as your crit % increases.

For example:
100% Crit = 100% crit chance / 0% Overkill
200% Crit = 100% crit chance / 5.5% Overkill
400% Crit = 100% crit chance / 11.5% Overkill
600% Crit = 100% crit chance / 14.7% Overkill

You can track your Overkill % on the Home page.
2/16/18 - War of Zhul Complete:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Irthys, Titan of Zhul is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Irthys, Titan of Zhul.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the Summoning Shards and Augments of Zhul quests until Irthys has been killed on both servers.
2/12/18 - Outwar Discord:

Outwar now has an official Discord server! To obtain an invite, click here and join the community to discuss all things Outwar. Our Discord server has many features including voice chat, god spotters, bots to retrieve character / item stats and more. Upon joining please make sure you read the rules posted in the #welcome channel.

2/2/18 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Irthys, Titan of Zhul has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City, along with his own personal Guardians! Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Herrivon's failed attempt to invade Diamond City meant his minions shifted their allegiances to a new form of power, including the three Zhulian Guardians. These Guardians have a chance to drop item loot including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. These 3 guardians spawn randomly over the first 12 hours of the invasion.

The major changes this event include:
-The addition of Vezzul, a 30 man raid respawning every 24 hours during the event. This raid can drop rare items and orbs from the new Irthys Orb set.
-Rage amounts for mobs have been lowered to 5000, with drops being adjusted accordingly.
-The Zhulian Succubus now also has a chance to drop the new Irthys Orbs. More info on these orbs can be found on the Command Center page.

Brutus is once again offering the Augments of Zhul quest. This quest presents war participants with the opportunity to obtain 1 of 3 tiers of augment, depending on the amount of summoning shards collected. This quest will not remove your summoning shards.

The Efflorescent Spear, found only from the Zhulian Succubus, can be used to upgrade your Tier 2 items to a Tier 3 version. Speak with Brutus to initiate this trade.

During this event you can speak with Brutus to once again upgrade your Infused Pristine Set to the Unstable Pristine Set. Brutus is also once again temporarily allowing you to upgrade your Pristine Orbs to the Infused Pristine Set at the cost of Zhulian Power Shards.

Players can once again obtain the Augment of Zhulian Warfare. Speak to Brutus for more information!

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

The event will end in 2 weeks, at which point the server boss will appear. For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
1/23/18 - Super Bowl 52:
We are having another pool this year for Super Bowl 52. The two teams are the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles. How this works is you pick the team you think is going to win. If your team wins, you will get your 525pts (500+transfer fee) back and the losers points will be split evenly between all the winners. This years entry fee is 500 points. Send 500 points to Vengenz and in the message write which team you want to pick. If you would like you can either message Vengenz on IRC or in game and let him know you have paid him. All bets must be made before kickoff. Any points sent after will not be returned and put into the losers pot at the end.

All players who participate in this pool will receive this medal.
1/19/18 - War of Zhul Imminent:
Scouts have reported a large army headed for the gates of Diamond City! The War of Zhul will begin on the 2nd of February at 10AM EST. Prepare your alliances to defend the city from the invasion!
1/18/18 - Maintenance Update:
The maintenance for Jan 18th at 2AM has completed.

We will also be having more downtime at Jan 18th 11:55PM EST today. This should only last for around 20-30 minutes.
1/17/18 - Maintenance:
We will be having server maintenance on Jan 18th at 2AM EST. Estimated downtime of 1 hour.
1/8/18 - Augment of Perfection:
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain the Perfect Strike enhanced augment?

12/31/17 - A Strange Disturbance:
With Straya, the Underworld Ruler having been defeated, it seems a more powerful entity has awoken in the land beyond the Underworld. Dlanod, the Crazed Chancellor sensed the defeat of Straya and has risen to seek revenge. Head to the Acirum Freelands to stop him at once!

Only with the power of your Badge will you defeat him. Speak with Wade to upgrade your badge. For the fastest way to obtain Badge Reputation, speak with Yorron to obtain 6 Badge levels worth of reputation! Who will be the first to Badge Level 20?!

For those adventurers wanting to skip the hard work of leveling a Badge, and help support the game, residents of the Sanctum have placed an even more powerful Badge on the Treasury just for you!

12/30/17 - A Strange Disturbance:
With Straya, the Underworld Ruler having been defeated, it seems a more powerful entity has awoken in the land beyond the Underworld. Dlanod, the Crazed Chancellor sensed the defeat of Straya and has risen to seek revenge. Head to the Acirum Freelands to stop him at once!

Only with the power of your Badge will you defeat him. Speak with Wade to upgrade your badge. For the fastest way to obtain Badge Reputation, speak with Yorron to obtain 6 Badge levels worth of reputation! Who will be the first to Badge Level 20?!

For those adventurers wanting to skip the hard work of leveling a Badge, and help support the game, residents of the Sanctum have placed an even more powerful Badge on the Treasury just for you!

12/27/17 - Christmas Event!:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him and he will reward you with a wealth of experience. Help him greatly and have a chance to be one of the top 3 collectors of each server and be rewarded nicely! Since this is the season of giving, Saint Nick will also choose 2 random participants from the top 50 in Candy Cane count (excluding top 3) to receive a Dungeon Key of choice.

1st place: Dungeon Key of choice, 3x Lucky Box
2nd place: Dungeon Key of choice, 2x Lucky Box
3rd place: Dungeon Key of choice, 1x Lucky Box
Top 50 Lucky Draws: Dungeon Key of choice

Saint Nick will remain in DC for 3 days after the event has ended with the Candy Cane quest. This event will run until Dec 30th at 12 noon. Have fun and good luck!
12/20/17 - The Diamond City Sanctum (LVL 75+):
The Badge update has finally arrived! Players can now complete a wide range of new tasks to rank up a Badge that fits in a newly added slot. Badges rank from 1 to 20, with each level giving more ATK, HP and Elemental Damage. This update brings in a new area opened to the public, the Diamond City Sanctum. The Sanctum is home to some of Diamond City's most fearsome warriors. Only by completing tasks set by them can you prove yourself worthy to increase your Badge rank.

This update also brings a new 10 man Guardian Raid in The Underworld. Straya, the Underworld Ruler has risen, seeking revenge on the proud warriors of the Sanctum. Only with the help of your new allies in the Sanctum can you defeat him and reap his rewards, including new gear and augments!

To gain access to the Diamond City Sanctum and start escalating your Badge rank, speak with Wade to obtain your key. Badges are levelled up by earning Badge Reputation for completing tasks set by residents of the Sanctum. Once you have earned Badge Reputation, you can speak with Wade again to rank up your Badge. Every quest to earn Badge Reputation is named by the NPC and numbered, e.g Aestor Reputation 1. All Badge Reputation NPCs are listed below, along with quest requirement information and how much reputation you can earn from each NPC.

(39 Rep) Aestor provides 5 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to defeat a large number of enemies held in the Sanctum, quest 2 requires you to find rare items from enemies in the Sanctum and quests 3, 4 and 5 require you to find rare items from enemies that can be attacked once per day.

(24 Rep) Wilker provides 6 quests to obtain reputation. Quests 1, 2 and 3 require you to find very rare but tradeable items from enemies in the Sanctum and quests 4, 5 and 6 require you to find tradeable items from new raid encounters.

(55 Rep) Roelor provides 11 quests to obtain reputation. Quests 1, 2 and 3 require you to defeat a range of Guardian raids, quests 4, 5 and 6 require you to find rare items from Guardian raids and quests 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 require you to find items from Server Boss raids.

(18 Rep) Jainel provides 9 quests to obtain reputation. Each quest requires you to have completed Rank 3 of each Collection questline. (Note: these quests will not appear until the rank 3 collection quest has been completed).

(90 Rep) Yorron provides 3 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to collect Lesser Experience Wards which can be found on the Treasury. Quest 2 requires you to collect Yorrons Fragments which can also be found on the treasury. Quest 3 requires you to collect Blood Crystals from the Blood Sorceress. Yorron will allow you to attack the Blood Sorceress in exchange for Tokens.

(30 Rep) Berkaz provides 2 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to defeat extremely powerful enemies alone and quest 2 requires you and your allies to defeat extremely powerful raid encounters.

(20 Rep) Virxen provides 2 quests to obtain reputation. Quest 1 requires you to defeat a large number of players in PvP combat and quest 2 requires you to strip a large amount of experience from players.

(12 Rep) Feran provides 6 quests to obtain reputation. Each quest requires you to complete an epic questline. These questlines are: Astral Sword of Legends, Seeking Valyrian Power, A New Age, Epic 2.0, Epic 3.0 and Mystic Elemental Rune.

(12 Rep) Lushor provides 6 quests to obtain reputation. These quests involve travelling to previously explored lands and defeating a large number of enemies.

As an added incentive set by the Sanctum, players who rank their Badge up to levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 will be awarded special keys that can be used to access secret rooms to obtain powerful augments. Once you have obtained a key, speak with Gangor for more information.

12/18/17 - Care Package & Content Updates:
To thank you for your patience during the server migration, Orangutan Donald has provided a way for lvl 20+ characters to obtain a Migration Egg which when activated will award rage and experience potions. This quest will remain for 1 week. We hope you enjoy the new servers and ask that you please still report any issues you may find.

On the 20th December at 12 noon there will be a downtime period of up to 1 hour as we launch the next major update. We will also be launching a 3 day Christmas event starting on the 27th December at 12 noon. There will be downtime for 10 minutes prior to the event starting.

We would also like to take the time to mention that the Paymentwall system on the old order form is now working again.

We hope you have a safe and happy holidays and we look forward to seeing you in 2018!
12/15/17 - Purchasing Fixed & Server Migration Progress:
As some of you may have noticed, earlier today there were issues when trying to purchase points / tokens. These issues have now been fixed!

We are still making daily progress with the server migration and thank everyone for their patience during this period. Everything will be back to normal in the coming days and we will release more content as soon as we are comfortable with the server performance.

To apologize for the downtime and any other issues during this period, we will be releasing a one time quest in the coming days for players to claim a compensation package.
12/9/17 - Item Cleanup Downtime & Server Migration Downtime:
There will be a maintenance period of up to 1 hour at 1AM tomorrow morning to complete the item cleanup. The following morning on Monday the 11th at 3AM EST, there will be a downtime period of up to 5 hours while we transfer to our new, shiny servers! If you find any issues after the server migration, please contact staff on IRC or send a support ticket. Once everything has settled down after the migration, we will launch the next major update!
12/3/17 - Item Cleanup:
On the 10th of December there will be a short downtime to delete old unused items to help clean up the database. From the list provided below, all quest items will be deleted and all non-equipped Battle Uniform gear will be deleted.

11/27/17 - Drolba Collection:
Lvl 75+: Drolba has a new collection available in which you need to present her with Drolba Tonics. Speak with Drolbas Guard to obtain these tonics. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.
11/20/17 - New Winteros Quest:
Lvl 79+: Valyrian Lock Box has a new quest available called Clearing Winteros. Speak with it to begin your quest.
11/14/17 - Halloween End & Perfect Challenge (Weapon):
Halloween has ended! Congratulations to the contest winners, please submit a ticket to claim your prizes. The Pumpkin EXP quest will remain for 3 more days.

The contest winners are:
Sigil - 1st: xafloc, 2nd: TrollFrog, 3rd: Vicodia, 4th: delete91, 5th: StanTheMan
Torax - 1st: TheReno, 2nd: MontezumasRevenge, 3rd: RuntOfTheLitter, 4th: BossEffect, 5th: FFury

The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

11/7/17 - Halloween Event:
Halloween fever has struck the haunted streets of Stizzy! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers! The event will run for one week, ending at 12 noon on the 14th November. During the event players can attack minions to collect Pumpkins which can be handed in to Peg Legged Timmy for a wealth of experience. The Pumpkin Experience quest will remain for 3 days after the event at which point the Pumpkins will also be removed. Pumpkins can also be collected to participate in the Top 5 Contest, the rewards for which are listed below. As always, only one character per person is eligible to place in the Top 5 Contest.

A new addition to Halloween is Scary Jack. Players can raid Scary Jack every 24 hours for a chance at Candy Potions and Elemental Shots!

Contest rewards:
1st: Augment of Hallowed Souls, 5x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items, Dungeon Key of Choice
2nd: Augment of Hallowed Souls, 4x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items, Dungeon Key of Choice
3rd: Augment of Hallowed Souls, 3x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items, Dungeon Key of Choice
4th: Augment of Hallowed Souls, 2x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items, Dungeon Key of Choice
5th: Augment of Hallowed Souls, 1x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items, Dungeon Key of Choice

1 Overflowing Goody Bag = 3x Bubble Gum, 1x Starburst, 1x Snickers Bar, 1x Sugar Daddy, 1x M&Ms, 1x Quest Shard, 1x Damned Element Shot

To apologize for the event delay, EXP rewards for the Pumpkin EXP quest have been increased by 50% and the first step of the Grabbin Bags quest now awards a Pumpkin Juice potion.
10/30/17 - Halloween Delay:
Unfortunately due to mass power outages in the US, the Halloween event will be delayed by 1 week. The event will now start on the 7th November and end on the 14th November. We apologize for mother nature's inconvenience.
10/23/17 - Perfect Challenge (Core):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

A 1 week long Halloween event will begin on the 31st October at 12 noon. Prepare your candy bags!
10/15/17 - Vanisha Collection:
Lvl 75+: Vanisha has a new collection available in which you need to present her with Vanishas Fragrances. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.
10/3/17 - Perfect Challenge (Shield):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

9/29/17 - Trial of Power:
The Trial of Power has concluded. Arkron, God of Trials is now ready to test your strength. Defeat him to prove yourself worthy of his rewards!

Click here to raid Arkron, God of Trials.

Congratulations to the Trial Insignia Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

The Trial Merchant will remain in Rallis with the Trial Insignia EXP quest for one week.
9/15/17 - Trial of Power:
For the entire duration of the event, there will be a 20% off treasury Preferred Player sale!

The Trial of Power has been initiated! Arkron, God of Trials has summoned combatants to the streets of Diamond City to participate in the trials. Prove your strength to obtain powerful items and prepare for the wars to come! Speak to the Trial Overseer to begin the trials!

During the trials, Arkrons most trusted guardians, Shaik and Rook, will occasionally appear. Arkron has also sent his most powerful assistant Golluk. This raid will spawn every day and will not count towards the crew cap, however only the most powerful of crews will be able to defeat him!

The minions Arkron has summoned are fused with each of the elemental powers and will drop items associated with that element. The Combatants drop quest items, augments and a new skill orb, however those with the power to do so can defeat the Crusaders for DOUBLE DROPS! Crusaders drop everything Combatants do except the skill orb is replaced with a more powerful version and the Crusaders can drop the Augment of the Grand Combatant. Also, while both of these minions drop the Elementium Curio, only the Crusaders can drop the Elementium Wand.

Combatants and Crusaders can also drop rare items called Auras. Each elemental type of minion will drop an Aura specific to that element and one each of these can be handed in to the Trial Merchant to receive Arkrons Collector Augment.

During this event players can obtain Trial Insignia's from enemies, which will be the currency for the top 5 contest. Players will also have a 1 week grace period after the event to hand Insignia's in to the Trial Merchant for EXP. Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Trial Insignia contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

The Trial of Power will end in 2 weeks, at which point Arkron himself will arrive to test your strength. For further information on these topics, see the Trial of Power Q&A on the Trial of Power page.
9/7/17 - Trial of Power Imminent:
In light of the recent wars waged between Diamond City and the Zhulian armies, Arkron, God of Trials has arranged a training event to help prepare every citizen for the future wars to come. Arkron and his training army will arrive at the Rallis Docks on Friday the 15th of September at 12 noon. After 2 weeks of training, Arkron will appear to see for himself the improvement this training has made.
9/3/17 - New Winteros Quests:
Lvl 79+: Valyrian Lock Box has a new quest available called Valyrian Experience with a 50% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your quest.
8/28/17 - Perfect Challenge (Ring):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

8/20/17 - New Winteros Quests:
Lvl 79+: Dextran has a new quest available called Defending Winteros with a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your quest.
8/14/17 - Perfect Challenge (Neck):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

8/6/17 - New Winteros Quests:
Lvl 79+: Gate Keeper Frosty has a new quest available called Fortifying the Defense with a 25% bonus EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your quest.
7/30/17 - Perfect Challenge (Pants) & Blacksmith:
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

The Blacksmith has had a color change to some of the item rarities. So make sure you check out the new colors before you gem or clone your items. There will be more changes to the Blacksmith in the coming weeks.
7/25/17 - New Winteros Quest:
Lvl 79+: Dextran has a new quest available called The Hunt for Supplies. Speak with him to begin your quest.
7/20/17 - Perfect Challenge (Chest):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

7/9/17 - Quibel Collection:
Lvl 75+: Quibel has a new collection available in which you need to present her with Collection Experience Wards. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.
7/1/17 - Perfect Challenge (Helm) & God Slayer:
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

The next God Slayer waves has been released. Search for Elemental Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.
6/18/17 - Perfect Challenge (Belt):
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

6/12/17 - New Winteros Zone, Epic Quest & God Slayer:
Lvl 79+: A new zone has opened up to the East of Diamond City. Winteros is a land blasted by freezing winds, only the fearless dare traverse this landscape. Speak with Daenerys to begin the quest "Winter is Coming".

Lvl 80+: Scouts inspecting Winteros have found new forms of power possessed by the creatures within. Speak with Sorach, Keeper of Valyrian Power to begin the epic adventure in obtaining the Infused Shield of Valyrian Power.

The next God Slayer waves has been released. Search for Straf Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.

(Update) Ethereal Protection quests have been reset and made repeatable for all players who already handed the items in for the Astral Sword of Legends.
6/4/17 - Perfect Challenge (Boots), Blackhand Reborn, Set Price Reduction:
The Perfectionist Challenge Master wishes to speak with you concerning a new daunting Challenge. Can you defeat the Challenge Opponent and obtain their Perfect Strike enhanced gear?

Blackhand has returned! Our scouts have located him in a previously unknown winter tundra land to the West of Diamond City. Be weary however, as Blackhand has used the life force of Chancellor Fangore and Lord Sandelman to perform his rebirth. It is believed he possesses powerful items such as dungeon keys and new gear sets. Shortly after he is defeated, we will continue to explore this new land to see what it may contain.

With this update also comes a number of price reductions on older gear sets. The changes are as follows:

Astral Protector - Key price reduced to 450 points.
Gold Challenge - Cache drop rates increased by 39%.
Ancient Alsayic - All items are now a 100% drop rate.
Metallurgy Composite - Key price reduced to 650 points.
Dread Pirates Regalia - Key price reduced to 550 points.
Silver Challenge - Cache drop rates increased by 32%.
Noble Lord Gear - Drop rates increased by 56%.
Spiral World Gear - Drop rates increased by 53%.
Uber Epic Gear - Trinket prices have been reduced to 900 points.
5/28/17 - God Slayer:
The next God Slayer waves has been released. Search for Astral Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.
5/19/17 - Weima Collection & God Slayer:
Weima Collection
Lvl 75+: Weima has a new collection available in which you need to defeat powerful protectors in singular combat. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.

God Slayer
The Eighth wave of the God Slayer has been released. Search for Darkened Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.

Damning reports are surfacing that an old foe of Diamond City has risen from the dead and is planning to take revenge on the city. Our scouts are searching tirelessly for Blackhand and will report back when he is located.
4/21/17 - Lucile Collection, God Slayer, King of the Week & Max Character :
Lucile Collection
Lvl 75+: Lucile has a new collection available in which you need to defeat powerful protectors in singular combat. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.

God Slayer
The Seventh wave of the God Slayer has been released. Search for Phoenix Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.

King of the Week
We have updated the King of the Week set. The set bonus was raised from 3000 ATK / 6000 HP to 4000 ATK / 10000 HP. Also each Elemental Damage has gone from 150 to 350 if the item had Elemental Damage on it.

Max Character Slot Upgrade
A lot of you have been asking for ability to get more character slots on your RGA since some players currently have 75/25 from the server merge in 2015. Well this option is now available to everyone. Check out the treasury for the +25 Character Slots to start building your RGA even bigger.
This item will unlock character slots for both servers no matter which server you purchase the item on.
4/14/17 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Herrivon, Mercenary of War is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Herrivon, Mercenary of War.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the Summoning Shards and Augments of Zhul quests until Herrivon has been killed on both servers.
3/31/17 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Herrivon, Mercenary of War has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City, along with his own personal Guardians! Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Belvok's catastrophic failure to invade Diamond City meant his minions shifted their allegiances to a new form of power, including the three Zhulian Guardians. These Guardians have a chance to drop item loot including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. These 3 guardians spawn randomly over the first 12 hours of the invasion.

The major changes this event include:
-To help prevent backpack and item transfer lag, general quest/recipe drop rates have been reduced. This also means that the requirements of quests / recipes have also been lowered to compensate for this change.
-Brutus is offering a new quest called Augments of Zhul. Similar to the Augments of the Mind quest from the Zombie Invasion, this quest presents war participants with the opportunity to obtain 1 of 3 tiers of a new augment, depending on the amount of summoning shards collected. This quest will not remove your summoning shards.
-The competition winner from each server will now receive the new Zhulian Conqueror Orb Set. See the WoZ page for more on this topic.

The Efflorescent Spear can be used to upgrade your Tier 2 pants to a Tier 3 version. Speak with Brutus to initiate this trade.

During this event you can speak with Brutus to once again upgrade your Infused Pristine Set to the Unstable Pristine Set! Brutus is also once again temporarily allowing you to upgrade your Pristine Orbs to the Infused Pristine Set at the cost of Zhulian Power Shards.

Players can once again obtain the Augment of Zhulian Warfare. Speak to Brutus for more information!

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.

Due to the Zhulian Army stampeding over our servers, there is a possibility of a downtime period up to 1-2 hours shortly after the launch of WoZ to defeat the Lock Error boss. We apologize for this inconvenience.
3/30/17 - Treasury Sale:
For the next 72 hours there will be a 20% sale on all treasury items for Preferred Players.
3/26/17 - God Slayer:
The next God Slayer waves has been released. Search for COES Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.
3/24/17 - War of Zhul Imminent:
The Zhulian army approaches! Scouts estimate it will arrive at the gates of Diamond City on Friday, 31st of March at 1pm. Prepare your alliances for battle!
3/19/17 - God Slayer:
Two more God Slayer waves has been released. Search for Castle Slayer and Foundry Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.
3/8/17 - Collections & Inbound Zhulian Forces!:
Lvl 75+: A new form of content has been added to the game called Collections. This new feature allows players to complete a range of quests with different requirements for specific permanent rewards such as attack, hit points, rage, elemental damages and more. To track your collections, head over to the Collections page.

On the Collections page you can view all current collections in the game, which collections you have completed and what total reward each collection gives. Every collection can be started in the Hall of the Guardians, just West of the Dusty Glass Tavern. You can locate the NPC to start each collection by clicking on their image on the collections page. When you have completed the quest for each collection tier, a green check mark will appear next to it's name to confirm you have completed that collection. At the end of each quest you will be rewarded with a Collection Piece which you can activate to gain permanent stat upgrades (similar to enhancements).

With this initial launch comes 4 collections:
Anjou Collection - Defeat a large number of enemies throughout the world.
Reikar Collection - Retrieve items from enemies throughout the world.
Lorren Collection - Retrieve items from enemies with long respawns.
Souma Collection - Defeat powerful Guardian Raids.

More collections will be released one at a time over the coming weeks. Do not put your full focus on completing these collections however, as it has been reported a large Zhulian Army has started their march toward the city and will be here as early as the end of the month! Will they end their march by the ..... end of March?!
3/5/17 - God Slayer:
The newest God Slayer wave has been released. Search for Five Man Slayer and Noob Slayer to see who you need to defeat next to raise your God Slayer skill.
3/3/17 - Game Downtime:
There will be downtime on March 4th @ 10PM. Total downtime of 2hrs.
2/26/17 - God Slayer:
There's a rumor that behind one of the trophy cases in the Hall of Fame there is a portal to some unknown area that has never been mapped. Stories of Wuxtyx Antecedent, The First have been told for many of years. It's been said that this being used to roam around these lands killing all the gods that you yourself now kill honorably. He gained immense power from killing all of them. Now is your chance to acquire the same power he has.

These god slayer quests will be released in waves. First we are starting with the Original Ten gods that showed up in Diamond City. Synge, Rancid, Tarrance, Zertan, Quiver, Garland, Tylos, Threk, Jazzmin, and Sigil. They require you to kill these gods and hand in the Artifact that specific god. Once you've completed the entry quest you should look for Original Ten Slayer. He will have the list of gods you need to slay.

As a bonus, we've decided to also release the second wave of gods to kill. Seek out Potion Slayer to acquire more god slayer kills.

If you find yourself lucky enough to get your hands on a Lost Artifact of said god, you may claim the slayer kill for a price, without having to kill the god itself. Or if you already have the kill but would like to also use the Lost Artifact, you will find a traveler in each room who is willing to exchange your Lost Artifacts for the more common Artifacts.

More skill stats will be added to the God Slayer skill once more waves are released
2/20/17 - New Acirum Quests:
Lvl 78+: Goel the Enthraller has a new quest available called Acirum Purge with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your quest.
2/10/17 - New 8-Bit Set & Perfect Strike Stat:
Lvl 75+: A new set has been added to the game, bringing with it the new Perfect Strike stat. When a Perfect Strike procs, your base attack will no longer be a random roll. Instead, the base attack will be maximum possible damage.

To obtain the new 8-Bit Set you will need to present some 8-Bit Mushrooms to the 8-Bit Supplier. To obtain the mushrooms, talk to the 8-Bit Instructor in the same room.

1/28/17 - New Acirum Quests:
Lvl 78+: Goel the Enthraller has a new quest available called Acirum Freedom with a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your quest.
1/23/17 - New God & Superbowl Pool:
A new Guardian raid has appeared in the Deathbat Graveyard! Skarthul the Avenged has returned to find his undead army vanquished. Seek him out, defeat him and you shall reap powerful rewards, such as 2 new augments, 2 new pieces of gear and more. To balance the arrival of this new god, point rewards have been removed from the 5 castle gods.

We are having another pool this year for the 51st Superbowl. The two teams are the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons. How this works is you pick the team you think is going to win. If your team wins, the losers points will be split evenly between all the winners. This years entry fee is 500 points. Send 500 points to Vengenz and in the message write which team you want to pick. You can either PM Vengenz on IRC or in game and let him know you have paid him.

All players who participate in this pool will receive this medal.
1/11/17 - Sigil Rollback:
Due to a hardware malfunction on our hosting company's end, we recently had to perform a 24 hour rollback on the Sigil server. If you are missing any points from item purchases or trades between 12:01AM and 7:00PM on January 10th, please send in a support ticket to have this resolved. Any false claims will result in suspensions.

We apologize for the downtime and hope you enjoy the upcoming content!
1/7/17 - New Acirum Quests:
Lvl 78+: Goel the Enthraller has 3 new quests available including a +25% EXP Quest Shard version. Speak with him to begin your tasks.

We have started doing an overhaul to some pages in the game aimed at improving performance, aswell as visual looks and convenience. There will be more page updates coming in the future but for now check out the new Trade and Manage Augment pages.
12/31/16 - Ultra Augment (Vile):
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

12/23/16 - Zombie Invasion Complete & Zombie General Spawned!:
With the Zombie Horde wiped out, the Zombie Invasion has now come to an end. You must now however defend the city from the Zombie General! Kill him before he has a chance to catch Diamond City off guard!

Congratulations to the contest winners, placings have been displayed on the Zombie Invasion page and winners can submit a support ticket to claim their chosen prizes.

Stay tuned for more updates in the near future. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
12/17/16 - Ultra Augment (Shadow):
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

-Augments of the Mind quest's brain requirements have been changed to 200/400/800.
-To clarify about drops being removed at the end of the event, Zombie Essences will also be removed when the boss is spawned.
12/9/16 - Zombie Invasion!:
The zombie plague has risen again and is terrorizing the streets of Diamond City! You must help defend the city from the mass horde of undead, as well as their 3 ruling guardians ordering the attack! Attack as many zombies as you can find to collect zombie brains, fragments and other items used to craft special augments or gear. The event will run for 2 weeks, ending on Friday 12/23/2016 at noon, at which point the Zombie General will appear.

Changes for this event include:
-Rage amounts have been increased on the 4 main zombie mobs. This also means drop rates have been equally increased to balance this change. Yay server speed!
-Zombie Brain drops now scale, meaning they have a higher chance to drop from higher level mobs. This means contest participants will no longer be disadvantaged for attacking different mobs.
-As a result of the previous change, brain requirements for the belt quests have been reduced.
-Generals Scourgeplates have been replaced with a new chest item, the Zombie Tunic, which is obtainable from the 3 Guardians and the Zombie General.
-Zombie Augment 5 recipe now only requires 1 Zombie Heart, but the Zombie Augment 6 recipe now requires 1 Zombie Heart.
-Zombie Augment 4 recipes no longer require Zombie Hearts, but 2 extra Zombie Heads instead.
-Zombie Augment 3 recipes now only require 1 Zombie Head.
-Zombie Essence drop rate has been doubled on Zombie Knights but slightly decreased on the 3 gods.
-Zombie Hearts and Heads will no longer remain after the event. They will now be removed when the boss is spawned at the end of the event. This change also means that drop rates will increase for future events.
-Zombie Brains will no longer be removed when the event ends. Instead, players will now have until the Boss Spawn is dead on both servers to hand in brains for experience before they are removed. Brain counts for the contest will still be taken when the event ends, meaning winners will no longer miss out on EXP!
-Lowered the mob requirements of the Zombie Invasion quest, get those Zombie Slayers! The Zombie Slayer's stats have also been increased.

As a new addition for this event, you can present your collected Zombie Brains to Dillan and he will award you with a new augment depending on how many brains you have collected. You can upgrade this new augment a further 2 times if you collect more brains. Please note, this quest WILL NOT remove any brains from your account, Dillan only wants to check to see how many you have! These augments can not be transferred between characters. This quest will be removed at the end of the event when the boss spawns.

To begin your Zombie Invasion adventure, speak to Cyprus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern and acquire your zombie killing weaponry!

As usual, Macky is willing to help you create Zombie Heads if you help him gather some supplies!

If you are looking for new gear to battle the zombies, speak to Carman and she will gladly equip you with powerful belts in exchange for Zombie Brains. For those with leftover Zombie Brains who are not interested in placing in the contest, she will also allow you to trade them in for experience.

For those with leftover Fragments, hand them over to Dillan for some bonus experience.

For more information including winners rewards for the contest and recipes, head over to the Zombie Invasion page. Please note, you will be able to claim multiple of some keys (eg. 4x Profound Ward). Happy Apocalypse!
12/3/16 - Boss Damage Enhancer:
A new lvl 80 Enhancer has been added to the treasury, giving players more damage against raid bosses. If you dare defeat the Zombie General later this month, you'll want to have this!
12/3/16 - Zombie Invasion Imminent!:
Scouts have reported sightings of a massive horde of zombies approaching Diamond City! It is estimated they will reach the city gates on Friday, 9th of December around noon time. Prepare yourselves for battle champions, fending off these undead beings will be a challenging task!

The event will last for 14 days, at which point the Zombie General will appear. Changes/additions for this event will be listed when the event begins.
11/28/16 - Cyber Monday Preferred Player Treasury Discount:
For the next 24 hours (Nov 28th 9am EST to Nov 29th 9am EST) everything on the Treasury will be 20% off for Preferred Players.
11/27/16 - Ultra Augment (Kinetic):
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

11/19/16 - Profound Warden Set:
The Profound Warden set has been added to the game for those wanting to even further their power level. Collecting this whole set will provide it's bearer with power never seen before!

Speak with the Profound Warden to enquire about obtaining this set. He will trade one Profound Ward for each piece of the set, which can be found on the treasury.

We are working hard on releasing more endgame content in the coming weeks, including new Guardian raids, challenging ways to amplify power and experience (both passive and items), new Enhancers and more. Stay tuned!
11/16/16 - Ultra Augment (Fire):
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

11/10/16 - New Acirum Quest:
Lvl 78+: Highogre Guardian wishes to observe your combat skills. Speak with him in the Acirum Freelands to begin the Helping the Highogre quest.
11/2/16 - Ultra Augment (Arcane) & Preferred Player Changes:
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

The Preferred Player system has undergone a much requested overhaul, making each pack more desirable and affordable for players. Point / Token amounts have now been removed, and the package prices have now been significantly reduced. The new package prices are as follows:

Basic: $4.99
Elite: $14.99
Ultimate: $29.99

You can purchase Preferred Player by clicking the Members tab on the menu and selecting Preferred Player. This page will also contain all information on package prices and rewards, including bonuses to stats, backpack slot increases, treasury tax discounts and more. The Ultimate Package will also reward you with unique bonuses such as a lucky box (chance to contain potions/dungeon keys etc), DC mob EXP increases and more.
10/24/16 - Halloween Event:
Word has it that there is a Haunted Doll located at the crossroads in Diamond City. Go and see what you can find there.
10/19/16 - Ultra Augment (Holy):
Athena wishes to speak with you in the Challenge Arena regarding a new Challenge. If you complete her challenge you may be rewarded with a Vanguard Token which Athena will accept for a new powerful augment. Do you have what it takes?

10/4/16 - Acirum Freelands:
Lvl 78+: A boat leading to a new area has arrived at the docks in the Underworld, for those that have completed the Land Down Under questline. This is the initial zone release for the Acirum Freelands, with more content being added in the coming weeks! Speak to the Deflated Soldier to begin the Land of the Free questline.
9/28/16 - Ultra Challenge (Core):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

9/21/16 - Mass Defender Bonus Quest:
A bonus quest shard version of the Mass Defender quest has been released for players lvl 77+. Speak to Pella to begin your quest.

Word has it there's a boat arriving on the coast of The Underworld in the coming weeks from a distant land. You should investigate this boat once it arrives, who knows where it could lead!
9/15/16 - Ultra Challenge (weapon):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

9/7/16 - New Underworld Quest:
Pella is calling for your aid in the northern lands of the Underworld. A massive invasion force build primarily of wildlife is planning to attack her land, you must help her defend it!
8/31/16 - Ultra Challenge (chest):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

8/24/16 - Speed Dungeons:
Jedin Knoot has arrived in Diamond City and is offering a new way to obtain gear sets at a much more efficient rate. Speak with him in the Reel Theater, hand over your keys along with a Sack of Gems and he will hand you a set of gear on the spot!
8/17/16 - Ultra Challenge (ring):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

8/10/16 - Path of Ascension (Affluent Path):
The final quest has been released in the Path of Ascension for those that have completed the Land Down Under questline. Speak with the Affluent Warden to begin your ascension along the Path of the Affluent Warrior. This path will require you to use Quest Shards to barter for information to defeat increasingly harder rivals in one on one combat.
8/3/16 - Ultra Challenge (Neck):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

7/26/16 - Path of Ascension (United Path):
The second quest has been released in the Path of Ascension for those that have completed the Land Down Under questline. Speak with the United Warden to begin your ascension along the Path of the United Warrior. This path will require you and your allies to face increasingly harder rivals in group combat.
7/20/16 - Ultra Challenge (Pants):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

7/8/16 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Belvok, World Destroyer is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Belvok, World Destroyer.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the Summoning Shards quest until Belvok has been killed on both servers.
6/24/16 - The War of Zhul has begun:
Belvok, World Destroyer has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City, along with his own personal Guardians! Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

Sylastra's failure to claim power in Diamond City meant her minions shifted their allegiances to a new form of power, including the three Zhulian Guardians. These Guardians have a chance to drop item loot including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power, Efflorescent Spears and more. These 3 guardians will now spawn randomly over the first 12 hours and you are no longer required to obtain the Zhulian Ward to access them.

The major changes this event include:
-Rings of Kinetic Power and Zhulian Power Shards will no longer remain after the War of Zhul. They will now be removed when the boss is spawned at the end of the event. This change also means that the drop rates will increase for future events.
-Summoning Shards will no longer be removed when the event ends. Instead, players will now have until the Boss Spawn is dead on both servers to hand in shards for experience before they are removed. Summoning shard counts for the contest will still be taken when the event ends, meaning winners will no longer miss out on EXP.

-Addition of a new Zhulian mob, the Zhulian Succubus. Only the strongest of fighters can defeat this invader, but those that do have the potential to obtain Summoning Shards, Rings of Kinetic Power and a new exceptionally rare drop, the Efflorescent Spear. Due to the Zhulian Succubus's arrival, Ring of Kinetic Power drops are now less common from the Zhulian Shade.
-The Efflorescent Spear can be used to upgrade your Tier 2 Ring to a new Tier 3 version .. a Signet of the Destroyer. Speak with Brutus to initiate this trade.
-Zhulian Mistress and Friar are now 25 and 50 man raids respectively. The Zhulian Friar now also has a chance to drop Trinkets!

During this event you can speak with Brutus to once again upgrade your Infused Pristine Set to the Unstable Pristine Set! Brutus is also once again temporarily allowing you to upgrade your Pristine Orbs to the Infused Pristine Set at the cost of Zhulian Power Shards.

Players can once again obtain the Augment of Zhulian Warfare. Speak to Brutus for more information!

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well. You can however choose any character on your winning RGA to receive the rewards.

For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
6/22/16 - Ultra Challenge (Shield) & WoZ:
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

The War of Zhul is fast approaching! Scouts report that the Zhulian Army will reach the city gates on Friday, 24th June at noon Outwar time.
6/14/16 - Underworld Expansion - Path of Ascension (Lone Path):
Lvl 77+: A new side area has been opened in The Underworld for those who have completed the Land Down Under questline and received the Key of Ascension. You will be able to train your skills against progressively harder opponents, with potentials of grand experience rewards! This is the first of three quest releases for the Path of Ascension, with the other 2 to be released in the coming weeks.

Speak with the Lone Warden to begin your ascension along the Path of the Lone Warrior. This path will require you to face increasingly harder rivals in one on one combat.
6/7/16 - Ultra Challenge (Helm):
The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

Our scouts are reporting that there is a massive Zhulian army headed for the city! At their current pace, the scouts estimate they will reach the city gates on Friday, 24th June. Prepare your alliances, the city must not fall!
5/31/16 - New Underworld Quests:
Lvl 77+: Veliana has a new quest for you called Underworld Hunt. This side-quest also has a Quest Shard bonus version giving an extra 25% EXP!

You can now get points and tokens for up to 10% off using the new order form! If you have had problems ordering points in the past, please try again!

Do you hear that rumbling in the distance? Sounds like trouble!
5/24/16 - Level 80 Enhancers & Ultra Challenge (Belt):
10 New Enhancers are now available for level 80 players! Head to the Enhancers tab in the treasury to purchase your Enhancer/s of choice. Please note, while you are able to purchase the level 80 Enhancers at any time, you must complete the corresponding lvl 70 Enhancement before activating it's lvl 80 Enhancer. We will also be releasing an 11th Enhancer in the near future.

The Ultra Challenge Master wishes to speak with you again in regards to a new fearsome Challenge. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponent and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

5/18/16 - New Content Expansion - The Underworld & New Mobile App:

A new questing area has been added to the game for players level 77+. Speak with Mick to begin the quest "Land Down Under". This is just the first of multiple updates for this zone, more quests and raiding content will be released in the coming weeks. We will also be releasing new level 80 enhancements in the coming days!

We would also like to remind players to NOT give out their login/security information. Doing so puts your account at great risk and you are responsible for any activity that takes place on your account.

New Mobile App!
Outwar has released a new Mobile App! Players can now obtain EXP and Potion rewards by completing specific missions every day/week. Player stats on the App are determined by your current attack and hit points on Outwar. Upon completing a mission, rewards will be automatically awarded to your character, and you can retry the mission once the cooldown has expired. Once you have started a mission, you may attempt the mission as many times as you like without cost until it is completed, within the given timeframe. There are 4 tiers of standard missions, awarding a total of 1 million EXP per day. There is also a rare weekly mission that will appear lasting for 24 hours with an entry cost of 30 Tokens, in which players can obtain a Flask of Endurance for completing the mission.

Currently this app is only available on Android devices, however we are working to have a release for Apple devices in the near future!

5/10/16 - Ultra Challenge (Boots):
Your victories in the Challenge Arena have caught the eye of some very powerful beings.The Ultra Challenge Master has descended from the Astral World to oversee the battles that take place in the Challenge Arena, and has raised the bar on the risk and reward for entering the arena. Can you defeat the Ultra Challenge Opponents and obtain their Astral enhanced gear?

Stay tuned for a flurry of upcoming updates, including a new high end questing zone, level 80 enhancements and more!
4/29/16 - Treasury sale for Preferred Players:
From now until May 1st 11:59PM EST. Preferred players will have a 20% discount on the entire treasury.
4/22/16 - Platinum Challenge:
New Platinum Challenge quests have been released, allowing players access to obtain the new, exceptionally powerful Godly Challenge gear. To begin your quest to obtain the Platinum Challenge Regalia, speak with the Platinum Challenge Master. Once again, you can turn in your Platinum Participant Coins to the Platinum Challenge Trainer in order to obtain specific pieces of Platinum gear.
4/15/16 - Server Maintenance:
We will be undergoing server maintenance on April 16th at 2am EST. (1 Hour 15 mins from now) Expected downtime will last about an hour but we're shooting to get back online before then.
4/10/16 - Juggernaut Returns:
Word has it that Juggernaut, Unstoppable Force has stolen some items from the Astral World. Numerous items have been reported missing including potions, orbs and keys. He has however been marked by one of the Astral Guards, making him more susceptible to the elements. Defeat him and recover these items, you never know what may help you in your future endeavors.

Lvl 60+: Amdir, the Potion Merchant has a new repeatable quest for you. Help Amdir defeat the Elemental Keepers and he will reward you with an elemental potion you can use to defeat powerful enemies.
3/31/16 - Astral Sword of Legends & Mystic Elemental Rune:
A new update has been released, adding quests to obtain the Astral Sword of Legends, the Mystic Elemental Rune and the Augment of Supremacy. This update also introduces a new, exceptionally powerful guardian: Nafir, God of Desolation.

Lvl 79+: For those who have completed the Reforged Sword of Legends questline, you can speak with Lundar, the Astral Blacksmith to begin the process of crafting the Astral Sword of Legends.

Lvl 75+: To begin your quest in obtaining the Mystic Elemental Rune, speak with the Rune Master of Mysticality in the Astral Rift. Remember, to obtain the Elemental Fusers required for this quest you can talk to the Elemental Overlord.

Lvl 75+: Lorgun in the Astral Rift has a new quest to obtain a new, powerful augment. In order to gain possession of this augment you will need to present a Master Bauble to Lorgun, which can be purchased on the Treasury. There is a rumor however, that there is a very rare chance you could get one from defeating the Elemental Master guardians, or Nafir.
3/3/16 - Astral Expansion & New Slot:
A new expansion area has been added to the Astral Rift, bringing multiple new additions to the game. This lvl 60+ content gives players access to new items that can be placed in the new "Rune" slot, which will help boost elemental damages. In addition to this new slot, there has also been 15 new Guardians added to the game, along with some other changes. A further update to this expansion will be released in the coming weeks.

To begin your quest in obtaining these Elemental Runes, you should speak with the Elemental Overlord. This being will also help you find the Elemental Fusers you will require for the more powerful Elemental Runes. Once you have obtained the Basic Elemental Rune from the Elemental Overlord, you can speak in turn with the three Rune Masters to further enhance your rune, however only lvl 75+ players will have access to the Amplified or higher runes.

There have been multiple additions and changes with this update, including:
-Addition of the new Rune slot. Runes can not be augmented or gemmed.
-15 new Guardian Raids, seperated into 3 tiers of difficulty.
-Each tier of 5 raids share the same loot table, with chances to drop new gear and augments. Elemental Fusers can also drop from these guardians.
-To balance the new guardians being introduced, points have been removed from the 5 Man and Foundry Guardians. Point drops have also been reduced from Ebliss, Brutalitar and the Castle Guardians.

We hope you enjoy this update and we look forward to releasing the second, more difficult half of this expansion in the coming weeks!
2/25/16 - Treasury sale for Preferred Players:
From now until the end of the month, the entire Treasury (Vendor) will have a 20% discount on all items.
2/9/16 - New Daily EXP Raids:
New Daily content has been added to the Astral Rift, allowing players to complete up to 2 new raids per day for a wealth of experience. Speak to Celio in the Astral Rift to begin your daily training. Any Lvl 75+ character with access to the Astral Rift will be eligible for the first raid, guided by the Astral Training quest. To participate in the second raid for the Astral Refinement quest, you will need to purchase an Astral Aura from the Treasury and use it for the Obtaining the Chalice quest, in which you will be awarded a permanent key to enter the room for the raid. Both of the main quests are repeatable, and each 1-100 man raid will respawn every 24 hours. While the primary focus for these raids is currently EXP, they will eventually serve another purpose in obtaining items required for the next large content expansion coming to the Astral Rift soon!
1/30/16 - Zombie Invasion Complete & Zombie General Spawned:
With the Zombie Horde wiped out, the Zombie Invasion has now come to an end. You must now however defend the city from the Zombie General! Kill him before he has a chance to catch Diamond City off guard!

Congratulations to the contest winners, placings can now be viewed on the Zombie Invasion page and winners can submit a support ticket to claim their chosen prizes.

Stay tuned for some exciting updates coming in the near future!
1/26/16 - Preferred Player is Back:
Preferred Player has returned to the game, giving players the option to activate a monthly subscription in return for special upgrades and rewards. There are 3 new PP subscriptions, each with varied prices and rewards. You can purchase Preferred Player by logging on to the RampidGaming website and clicking the "add preferred player subscription" button for the character/s of your choice, or by clicking the Preferred Player banner in-game. This page will also contain all information on package prices and rewards, including bonuses to stats, backpack slot increases, treasury tax discounts and more. The Ultimate Package will also reward you with unique bonuses such as a lucky box (chance to contain potions/dungeon keys etc), DC mob EXP increases and more.
1/16/16 - Zombie Invasion:
The zombie plague has risen again and is terrorizing the streets of Diamond City! You must help defend the city from the mass horde of undead, aswell as their 3 ruling guardians ordering the attack! Attack as many zombies as you can find to collect zombie brains, fragments and other items used to craft special augments or gear. The event will run for 2 weeks, ending on Saturday 1/30/2016 at 1PM, at which point the Zombie General will appear.

There have been a number of changes / additions for this event, including:
-Mob rage and drop rate increases similar to the War of Zhul event.
-Addition of the Zombie Augment 6 recipe. The Zombie Essence can be obtained from the 3 Zombie Guardians or an extremely rare drop from the 4 normal Zombie Mobs.
-Reduced fragment requirements for the Fragment Experience quest.
-Reduced brain requirements for the Zombie Shield quests.
-Increased EXP reward for some quests.
-The 1v and 2v Augment drops from mobs will now be tradeable.
-Unsheathed Cleaver, Evil Eye and Mask of Infection have been replaced with more powerful items! These items will now also have a rare chance to drop from the 3 Zombie Guardians.

To begin your Zombie Invasion adventure, speak to Cyprus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern and acquire your zombie killing weaponary!

As usual, Macky is willing to help you create Zombie Heads if you help him gather some supplies!

If you are looking for new gear to battle the zombies, speak to Carman and she will gladly equip you with powerful shields in exchange for Zombie Brains. For those with leftover Zombie Brains who are not interested in placing in the contest, she will also allow you to trade them in for experience.

For those with leftover Fragments, hand them over to Dillan for some bonus experience.

For more information including winners rewards for the contest and recipes, head over to the Zombie Invasion page. Please note, you will be able to claim multiple of some keys (eg. 4x Astral Totem). Happy Apocalypse!

Due to unforseen circumstances, we were recently forced to remove a number of items from the game. Therefore, for those of you with missing items after the recent downtime, please contact support asap and we will resolve this issue as fast as we can for you.
1/12/16 - Zombie Invasion Imminent:
Scouts have reported sightings of a massive horde of zombies approaching Diamond City! It is estimated they will reach the city gates on Saturday, 16th of January. Prepare yourselves for battle champions, fending off these undead beings will be a challenging task!

The event will last for 14 days, at which point the Zombie General will appear. We have also made a number of user friendly changes/additions for this event that will be listed when the event begins.
1/1/16 - New Sets and Christmas Event End:
Happy New Year Outwarians! We hope you enjoyed your night and we thank you for spending yet another year with us! May your 2016 resolutions be filled with many powerful upgrades!

The Christmas Event has now come to an end. Congratulations to the winners on each server:
1st - StanTheMan
2nd - NuBeRt
3rd - Andreas
4th - Createur
5th - PurePwnageBeast

1st - Jahhmezz
2nd - motto
3rd - xTheEaterGuy
4th - Uchiha
5th - LetGodSortEmOut

Send in a support ticket with which Dungeon key you would like.

Five new raids have been added to the Astral Rift, each with a chance to drop specific tradeable items that the Ethereal Defender would be interested in. For those wanting more power, you can place your Ethereal Set with an Astral Shard inside the Reliquary of Endowment to receive an Ascended Ethereal Set.

12/26/15 - Christmas Event:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick on Main Street, help him and he will reward you greatly, or take a chance to be one of the top 5 collectors of each server and be rewarded nicely this holiday!

1st place: Dungeon key of choice 2nd place: Dungeon key of choice 3rd place: Dungeon key of choice 4th place: Dungeon key of choice 5th place: Dungeon key of choice

Top 5 players from each server with the most Candy Canes on them when the event ends will win! This event will run until the end of the year, Dec 31st 11:59pm Outwar Time. Have fun and good luck!
12/9/15 - Astral Protector Set:
Hungry for more power? Need that extra edge in your battles? Level 78+ players can now speak with the Astral Warden to obtain a new extremely powerful set of armor, in return for helping defend the Astral land. To progress through this quest, you will need to kill specific enemies of the Astral people, aswell as handing in an Astral Totem for each piece of gear (10 in total for complete set).

Stay tuned for more updates, including new multi sets very soon, more additions to the Astral Rift and Christmas / Zombie events!
11/5/15 - New Content Expansion - The Astral Rift & Uber Challenge Core:
A rift has been opened up between worlds above Diamond City. If you wish to gain knowledge and power from the people in this new mysterious world, you must help them defend their land from the dark entities who are attempting to overrun the land.

While this expansion brings varied content and multiple questlines, this is only the initial zone launch and first update of many intended for this area. Future plans will be explained at the bottom of this news post.

Lvl 60+: Speak to Kiana near the Challenge Arena on Broadway St. to begin your adventure and gain the ability to travel through the Astral Rift, aswell as obtaining a means to teleport to the Astral World whenever you desire.

Lvl 70+: Tree of Anhur has a new quest for you called Astral Fortification.

Uber Challenge Core
Lvl 77+: The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to his final exceptionally hard challenge. It is reported that the recent Astral Rift opening up has deposited powerful elements throughout the world, one of which has been found by your opponent, Grilkron the Orc Champion. Once you obtain the fragment, you should speak to Kiana to gain acess to the Astral Rift. Once inside, speak with Phobos. He should know something about converting this fragment into a powerful core.

Epic Augment
Lvl 75+: (3 man quest) Svarog wishes to speak with you in regards to a powerful augment he has been saving for you. To progress through this quest, you can obtain a Containment orb from Maekrix, Dreader Striker and Juggernaut, Unstoppable Force ... or by purchasing one on the Treasury.

As previously mentioned, this is only the first of many updates planned for this zone. Future planned content for the Astral Rift includes:
-Set raid content for your warrior armies!
-Daily raids for experience rewards.
-Bonus crew raids - unlocked by defeating guardians / bosses.
10/24/15 - Halloween Event - 24th to 31st October:
The frenzy that is Halloween has struck the streets of Diamond City once again! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers!

For the Halloween event, players placing in the top 5 for item drop counts will receive a prize. 9 evil beings have been seen in the streets of Diamond City, forming 3 primary groups: Pumpkin beings, Skeleton beings and Candy lovers. Each of these 3 groups of mobs drop an item specific to that group. Pumpkin mobs will drop Pumpkins, Skeleton mobs will drop Skeleton Heads and Candy Lover mobs will drop Candy Corn. (The original mobs for the "Grabbin' Bags" quest do not drop any of these items.) The top 5 player counts for each item will be eligible for a reward, therefore there will be 15 winners on each server!

Please note, you can NOT place in more than one tier of rewards. E.g If you place in the top 5 for Pumpkins, you will not be eligible for rewards in the Skeleton and Candy tiers. Also as usual, only one character per player is eligible for rewards (including multiple servers).

1st Place: Halloween Core, 7x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 2nd Place: 6x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 3rd Place: 5x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 4th Place: 4x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 5th Place: 3x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items.

Overflowing Goody Bag = 3x Bubble Gum, 1x Starburst, 1x Snickers Bar, 1x Sugar Daddy, 1x M&Ms, 1x Quest Shard, 1x Hallowed Augment.
10/2/15 - Uber Challenge (Chest):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a chestplate with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

8/24/15 - New Solo Augment Dungeon - Spectral Grove:
A new dungeon has been released to the East of the Deathbat Graveyard! Cleanse the Spectral Grove of evil and you will be rewarded with new, powerful augments! To begin your defense of the Spectral Grove, purchase a Proof of Purity and speak with the Guardian of the Grove.

You can choose 3 quest paths to complete this dungeon, each awarding you a different augment of your preference. For each quest, you are guaranteed to obtain either a Rage, Elements or Versatility augment (depending on the quest), aswell as a guaranteed Spectral Augment of Power. You also have a rare chance of obtaining an exceptionally powerful augment! You can complete all 3 of these quests at the same time.

8/22/15 - Uber Challenge (Weapon):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a weapon with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

8/11/15 - Uber Challenge (Neck):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a necklace with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

7/18/15 - Uber Challenge (Ring):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a ring with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

7/9/15 - War of Zhul Boss:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Sylastra, Witch of Death is now vulnerable. Defeat her before she has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Sylastra, Witch of Death.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes.

On a side note, Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the Pristine Orb and Zhulian Augment quests until shortly after Sylastra has been killed on both servers.
7/8/15 - Second WoZ Bundle:
A new Potion Bundle is now available from the treasury! Get your last minute potions and a bonus Advanced Neuralyzer before the bundle becomes unavailable once Sylastra is defeated! To purchase one of these bundles head over to the War of Zhul page!

7/1/15 - New Payment System and WoZ Sales:
A new payment system has been added to replace PayByCash which shut down earlier this week. PaymentWall is a worldwide payment system that supports over 200+ international payment types. Check them out and let us know what you think about them.

To celebrate this new system being added, there will be 2 rounds of bundle pack sales lasting for 4 days each until the end of WoZ. Each sale will offer free bonus items such as keys and potions for purchasing either 5 Recharge the Furys or 5 Potions of Enraged Alsayic. For more information on these amazing deals, head over to the War of Zhul page!

6/25/15 - The War of Zhul has begun:
Sylastra, Witch of Death has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City, along with her own personal Guardians! Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

After Reikavon's failure to destroy Diamond City, Sylastra took on the role of Zhulian Leader, giving her full control of the Zhulian minions including Reikavon's Guardians. There are 3 guardians to attack that have chances to drop item loot including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions, Rings of Kinetic Power and more. Seek out Brutus for the Quest "Attacking Zhulian Gods" for protection in fighting the Zhulian Mercenary, Mistress and Friar. These 3 guardians will now spawn randomly over the first 24 hours.

The major change during this War of Zhul is that rage amounts of mobs have been significantly increased. This however means that drop rates of items have also been increased significantly. This change has been aimed at improving ease of play as well as increased server speeds during the event.

During this event you can upgrade your Infused Pristine Orb set to a more powerful, unstable version! Speak to Brutus to obtain the Unstable Pristine Set. Brutus is once again temporarily allowing you to upgrade your Pristine Orbs to the Infused Pristine Set at the cost of Zhulian Power Shards.

Another addition during this event is the Augment of Zhulian Warfare. Speak to Brutus to find out how you can obtain this mighty augmentation!

The quest to hand in Summoning Shards for EXP has now been moved to Brutus.

Only 1 character per person is eligible to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes cross server and using other RG accounts as well.

For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.

6/19/15 - Uber Challenge (Pants) and WoZ Update:
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with Legplates with such immense power, even he fears wearing them.

The War of Zhul is imminent! Scouts have reported that a monstrous army is headed right for the gates of Diamond City, and are only 1 week away from reaching the city gates! Prepare yourselves and stay rested, you will need more energy than ever if you are to overcome the incoming onslaught!
6/12/15 - Uber Challenge (Belt):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a Belt with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

6/5/15 - Uber Challenge (Boots):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a pair of Boots with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

5/30/15 - Uber Challenge (Shield):
Your skills in the Challenge Arena are continuing to impress. The Challenge King wishes to speak with you again in regards to another exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful, the Challenge King will reward you with a Shield with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

5/27/15 - Challenge System (Repost):
A new major update has been added, bringing powerful new items and a new currency to the game! The Diamond City Challenges will test your combat skills, but only those worthy enough will be presented with powerful apparel to assist you in advancing to the more difficult challenges.

With the challenge system comes a new currency ... the Challenge Tokens. On the Challenge page, you are able to claim 3 Challenge Tokens every 24 hours per Rampid Account and they can be used on any character on that Rampid Account. You can also choose to purchase Challenge Tokens to speed up the process of obtaining the challenge sets. You can view your challenge token count on the challenge page or by hovering over the red points icon on the main toolbar.

Head over to the Challenge Page for more information on this update and to begin your quest to become Outwar's greatest Challenge Master!

5/24/15 - Webchat & New Profile:
We have added a webchat under the MEMBERS menu. We heard a lot of Outwar players didn't know we had a chat on the Quakenet IRC server. Come join us.

We have also rolled out the new Profile today. More stats have been added under the "Player Info". You can now upload player images with the dimensions of 504x250. A new 2MB Digital Camera had been added to the Treasury and all the prices for the Digital Cameras have been reduced. The Underling area has had some more info added to it. More new features will be added to it in time but we felt like rolling out the new look for the current features.
If you find any bugs on the new profile, please message Shady. You can find me in the IRC server. Use that webchat ;)
5/22/15 - Uber Challenge (Helm):
Your efforts in the Challenge Arena have not gone unoticed. The Challenge King himself wishes to speak with you in regards to a new, exceptionally hard challenge. If you are successful however, the Challenge King will reward you with a helm with such immense power, even he fears wearing it.

5/14/15 - Diamond City Challenges:
A new major update has been added, bringing powerful new items and a new currency to the game! The Diamond City Challenges will test your combat skills, but only those worthy enough will be presented with powerful apparel to assist you in advancing to the more difficult challenges.

With the challenge system comes a new currency ... the Challenge Tokens. On the Challenge page, you are able to claim 3 Challenge Tokens every 24 hours per Rampid Account and they can be used on any character on that Rampid Account. You can also choose to purchase Challenge Tokens to speed up the process of obtaining the challenge sets. You can view your challenge token count on the challenge page or by hovering over the red points icon on the main toolbar.

Head over to the Challenge Page for more information on this update and to begin your quest to become Outwar's greatest Challenge Master!

In consideration with balancing the new token system, the price of the Ancient Alsayic set has been adjusted to be 15% cheaper than its original cost.
4/5/15 - Deathbat Graveyard Area & Edit Characters Update:
A new questing zone has been added to the game intended for players level 76+ ... the "Deathbat Graveyard".

The undead have been rising from their graves and are forming a decaying army that is approaching Diamond City. You should head to the Deathbat Graveyard located to the North of Rallis and speak with Aggathen to begin "The Graveyard Shift".
Lvl 76+: Jiraya has a new quest for you called Combat Experience (Quest Shard), which awards a bonus 25% EXP!
Lvl 76+: Vixianne has a new quest for you called Fighting Knowledge (Quest Shard), which awards a bonus 25% EXP!

We have done a total overhaul to the Edit Characters page. If some things look weird, please do Ctrl+f5 to refresh and clear the cache of that page.

You'll notice the Create Character page is totally different and much more informative of each class. All you have to do is select your class, pick your server, type in the name you would like and click create.

The Delete Character page has a new layout and look to it.

We have also done a major overhaul to the Trustees page. You can now type in all the different RGA's you want to trustee in one single line. Example "RGA1, RGA2, RGA3, RGA4" and so on. Once you're done with that, you can click the "Cast Potions", "Cast Ling Buff", and "Activate Keys" to select all the check boxes for all the RGA's you have trusteed. Make sure you click the "Update Permissions" button to have them saved. We have also added a "Remove All Trustees" button to help clear your trustees if needed.

Lastly, we have combined the Trustee and IP log into one single page. Pretty self explanatory.

Last but not least, Happy Easter to you and your families.
4/1/15 - WOZ IS ON THE WAY:
We know there hasnt been a War of Zhul in while. This is mostly due to the server merge and getting everything with that sorted out. We will have a WoZ for you within the next two months. To get yourself ready, we've made a quest to help you get started once WoZ is launched.

Speak to ?????? to get your starter kit for WoZ.
3/13/15 - Item Transfer Updates:
The Item Transfer page has overgone a major overhaul. Items are now seperated in rows by their slot (Head, Neck, Other etc). You can still select multiple of the same item by double clicking the checkbox of a single item.

You can also now view the direct cost of transfering each item by hovering over each item on the item transfer page. The cost is listed at the bottom of the item in red text ... e.g "This item will cost 25 pts to transfer".

Set Item transfer costs have also been slightly reduced as listed below:
250 Points Per Ancient Alsayic Set Item
200 Points Per Metallurgy Composite Set Item
150 Points Per Dread Pirates Set Item
100 Points Per Godly Protection Set Item
75 Points Per Clockwork Armament
50 Points Per Celestial Set Item
25 Points Per Other Playerbound Items

Item sets not listed above now have a free transfer cost (Sovereign, Oblivion etc).
3/9/15 - Wilderness Returns:

The Wilderness has been added back to the game, but this time with a change! Instead of Wrapped Gifts being awarded every 10 levels, each level you gain now gives you a permanent 1 ATK / 1 HP bonus to your character. For example, if you reach level 308, your character will have a permanent +308 ATK and HP increase.

Head over to the Wilderness page to increase your Wilderness level. If you manage to increase your Wilderness level high enough, your character name will be displayed on the Wilderness Rankings page.
3/5/15 - Major PVP Updates:
Some major changes have been made to the current PvP system in an effort to make PvP much more rewarding and desirable. The changes are as follows:

The 2-50 rage slider for PVP attacks has now been removed, instead there is now fixed rage amounts for the following level brackets:
lvl 10-34 = 50 rage
lvl 35-44 = 100 rage
lvl 45-54 = 200 rage
lvl 55-64 = 300 rage
lvl 65-74 = 400 rage
lvl 75-80 = 500 rage

EXP Strips / Gains have been significantly increased.

Circle of Protection now reduces damage taken by 40%, down from 60%.

A new Master Brutality Potion has been added to the game that causes 100% extra EXP to be stripped / gained. The current Brutality Potions now only cause 50% extra EXP to be stripped and gained (down from 100%). You can create a Master Brutality Potion in the Cauldron by mixing 10 Brutality Potions and a Refined Lignite, or obtain one by handing in 100 Brutality Potions to the Guardian of Brutality in the Dusty Glass Tavern.

Bounties on players now cause an extra 15% EXP to be stripped.

You can now purchase a PVP Immunity item from the treasury, causing you to be immune to all attacks for either 1 day or 7 days, but also not being able to attack during that period.

The Pity Cap has been altered - now players 11 levels or more above a target will take pity on that player (changed from 50% of the attacker's level).

PvP Masteries have now been cleared due to certain changes in the PvP system, however previous rankings can be viewed on the Mastery Archives page.
3/2/15 - King of the Week:
Want to be #1 Most Powerful in the game for an entire week? Head over to King of the Week and try your chances against other players to become the King of the Week. The new king is crowned every Monday at 12pm Outwar Time.

2/20/15 - Quest Log Updates:
Major updates have been made to the Quest Log page, aiming at improving player experience and game performance.

You can now choose to hide/show quests in the Quest Helper on the explore page. You can also choose to show/hide all to speed this process up a bit!

You can now purchase a Quest Finder in the treasury to display all quests available to you that you have not yet accepted (from your characters level and below). These quests are ordered under each NPC quest giver by level requirement, and also display icons if quest shards are required for each quest. The "find this mob" feature is now accessible from this page also, along with a new improved teleport feature! All quests have been set to hidden by default so you will have to click "Show Quest" to see them on the explore page.

If your quest log is giving you an error, please send in a support ticket or email [email protected] with the error information to get it sorted out. This is an unfortunate bug from the merge.
2/17/15 - Merge Event End and Infused Pristine Set:
The Server Merge Event has now ended, congratulations to everyone who received bonus items!

For those wanting to obtain the Infused Pristine Orb set, speak to The Pristine Priestess in the Dungeon of Horrors, just west of the Dusty Glass Tavern.
2/16/15 - Server Merge Event:
A rift was broken in the recent converging of the realms, causing demons to spill out all over the streets of Diamond City! You must kill the creatures from each realm before it's too late! Speak to the Rampid Realmkeeper near the Dusty Glass Tavern to begin your challenge and hopefully get a few bonuses along the way!

If you have a current support ticket open that hasn't been replied to or closed, please send us an email with your ticket#.

You have less than 24 hours to clear out the demons from the streets of Diamond City and hand in your relics! The event will end at noon tomorrow, meaning all quests will then also be removed, so hand those relics in!
2/14/15 - Server Merge Event:
A rift was broken in the recent converging of the realms, causing demons to spill out all over the streets of Diamond City! You must kill the creatures from each realm before it's too late! Speak to the Rampid Realmkeeper near the Dusty Glass Tavern to begin your challenge and hopefully get a few bonuses along the way!

If you have a current support ticket open that hasn't been replied to or closed, please send us an email with your ticket#.
2/1/15 - Character & Crew Name Changes:
There has been a rumor going around that someone in Diamond City is giving people a new identity in this world. We've heard he likes to hang out around Stella. Check it out if you're looking to once change who you were. This quest will only be active for 1 month

Character Name Change has been added to the treasury.

If you are the leader of your crew and you still need a name change because of the merge, please send in a support ticket to get your free Crew Name Change.

In the coming weeks we've got some great content coming out. So be on the lookout for it.
1/29/15 - Server Merge Complete & Updates:
The server merge process is now complete! We ask that you please report any bugs caused by the server merge immediately to admins via IRC, Email (located on contact page), or by Support Ticket. If you have quest NPC's missing from where they should be, contact admins and we will spawn them asap. Free character and crew name changes will be dealt with in the near future. All characters and crews will be awarded 1 free change. Support tickets have been cleared during the merge, so if you had an active ticket before the merge, please resubmit it.

Amulets of Achievement drops from raids have now been substituted with Amulet Chests which upon activation reward you with amulets. Enjoy the freed up space in your crew vaults!

Raid Bosses have now been spawned. Certain loot has been increased, along with the HP of the bosses.
1/23/15 - Torax Merge Complete:
Welcome to the new Torax era! The Torax/Zimbob/Quiver merge has been completed successfully, however there are a few important things you will need to know.

Your gear is in your backpack, you will need to re-equip it.
Trustees have been cleared.
Hitlists have been cleared.
Treasury Items for Sale have been cleared.

Free character and crew name changes will be an issue dealt with in time after the whole merge is over. Players with _1 and _2 after their name, along with crews having _2 and _3 will get a free name change.

The Sigil/Fabar/Rancid merge will begin in 1-2 days time. Raid Bosses will be spawned on both servers once the entire merge process is complete.
1/17/15 - Server Merges & Merch:
The great Outwar Server Merge is imminent! We are now looking at a date as soon as Tuesday, 20th of January to start the process. We expect the downtime for each server to last approx 24-48 hours, however we advise you to please allow for up to 1 week of downtime for the entire process to be complete.

The server merges will be:
New Sigil = Sigil, Fabar & Rancid
New Torax = Torax, Zimbob & Quiver

We ask that you please be patient with this process, and understand that there is certain balancing that will beed to be done. Most of this will not happen until the days after the merge, until we gather some activity data to ensure the most accurate balancing possible. Therefore, please understand that if you feel something is imbalanced after the merge, it will most likely be tuned in the following days.

Please head to the Server Merge FAQ page for more information on this subject. If you have any further enquiries, please don't hesitate to contact Shady or Slashzor on IRC.

You only have 5 days left to purchase the shirts and hoodie. After that they'll be made and shipped out. Get yours before its too late. Outwar Merch
1/1/15 - Outwar Merch:
Do you want to be as cool IRL as you are on here? NOW YOU CAN! You guys have asked for them and now we have made them. From now until January 22nd you can order your very own Outwar T-Shirt($20), Long Sleeve($20), and Hoodie($35), which ship all around the world. The shirts do not ship until the campaign is over so you will receive them sometime in February.

Visit http://teespring.com/outwar to purchase your merch now.

1/1/15 - Happy New Year:
Congrats to the winners of the Christmas quest. Send in a support ticket or message Shady on IRC to claim your items.

Sigil Server
Wayne - 9559
stelistu - 9489
Andreas - 9287

Torax Server
xTheEaterGuy - 8191
BadAsIWantToBe - 7571
Luffy - 6054

Fabar Server
DestroBan - 8997
emphelp - 8613
Nuckinfubs - 5753

Zimbob Server
Whistle - 9574
manhimwong - 9367
Dyret - 8890

Rancid Server
iSyge - 6471
Killinja - 4787
Nikenzo - 2437

Quiver Server
VisualEvolution - 4431
OldRepublic - 4050
Akye - 3367
12/25/14 - Merry Christmas Outwar Players:
HO HO HO! Christmas is here again! Tomorrow (26th) talk to Saint Nick on Main Street, help him and he will reward you greatly, or take a chance to be one of the top 3 collectors of each server and be rewarded nicely this holiday!

1st place: Dungeon key of choice
2nd place: Dungeon key of choice
3rd place: Dungeon key of choice

Top 3 players from each server with the most Candy Canes on them when event is over will win! This event will run until the end of the year, Dec 31st 11:59pm Outwar Time. Have fun and good luck!

12/15/14 - Uber Epic Trinket Changes:
Changes have been implemented to the Uber Epic farming system in order to minimize the effect that low-alt accounts are having on the game. All of the current mobs in-game that previously dropped the uber epic trinkets now do NOT drop any trinkets.

Trinkets now drop from new mobs spawned throughout the Plane of Nature and the Cave to the east. There are 9 new mobs with 10 spawns each that drop the trinkets corresponding to their color/name.

These mobs are:
Stone Guardian
Noxious Guardian
Mysterious Guardian
Luminous Guardian
Heavenly Guardian
Enflamed Guardian
Brutal Guardian
Aquatic Guardian
Agile Guardian
11/30/14 - Reforged Sword of Legends:
A new quest has been added to the game to obtain the Reforged Sword of Legends! Speak with Arthur, Masterful Swordsman to begin your epic journey and vanquish the evil from The Divided Planes once and for all!

11/14/14 - Zombie Invasion Complete & Zombie General Spawned:
The Zombie Invasion has come to an end, but not before the Zombie General takes his rage out on the city! Kill him before he has a chance to catch Diamond City off guard!

Congratulations to the contest winners, placings can now be viewed on the Zombie Invasion page and your rewards will be awarded automatically within 24 hours.

Stay tuned for more updates coming in the near future!
10/30/14 - Halloween Event Finish & Zombie Event:
The Halloween Event has now come to an end. Congratulations to all contest winners during the Halloween Event, and we hope you all got awefully sick from all the candy! Winners from the contest are now displayed on the Halloween page.

Your recent efforts however have not gone unnoticed. With all the commotion throughout the streets of Diamond City, a huge plague of zombies have been lured in and are tearing the city to shreds! The zombie army is now more powerful than ever, as they seem to have 3 new ruling guardians directing their attack ... they must be defeated! Attack as many zombies as you can find, and save up your zombie brains for a shot at a new Best in Slot Core and Pants!

To begin your Zombie Invasion adventure, speak to Cyprus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern and acquire your zombie killing weaponary!

As usual, Macky is willing to help you create Zombie Heads if you help him gather some supplies!

If you are looking for new gear to battle the zombies, speak to Carman and she will gladly trade you some Helm items for Zombie Brains. For those with leftover Zombie Brains who are not interested in placing in the contest, she will also allow you to trade them for experience.

For those with leftover Fragments, hand them over to Dillan for some bonus experience.

This Zombie Event will end in 14 days, at which point the Zombie General will appear! For more information including winners rewards for the contest, head over to the Zombie Invasion page. Happy Apocalypse!
10/29/14 - Surprise Trick or Treater:
Word has it that there is a very peculiar Trick or Treat Spirit wandering the streets outside the Dusty Glass Tavern handing out some very special kind of goody bags with epic lootz!! Seek him out and find out what they are!
10/23/14 - Halloween Event - October 24th to 31st:
The frenzy that is Halloween has struck the streets of Diamond City once again! Peg Legged Timmy has returned to help you battle through the hordes of candy lovers, and this time there is an extra task for you!

For this Halloween event, players placing in the top 3 for item drop counts will receive prizes, however ... there is a twist! 9 new beings have been seen in the streets of Diamond City, forming 3 primary groups: Pumpkin beings, Skeleton beings and Candy lovers. Each of these 3 groups of mobs drop an item specific to that group. Pumpkin mobs will drop Pumpkins, Skeleton mobs will drop Skeleton Heads and Candy Lover mobs will drop Candy Corn. (The original mobs for the "Grabbin' Bags" quest do not drop any of these items.) The top 3 player counts for each item will be eligible for a reward, therefore there will be 9 winners on each server!

Please note, you can NOT place in more than one tier of rewards. E.g If you place in the top 3 for Pumpkins, you will not be eligible for rewards in the Skeleton and Candy tiers. Also as usual, only one character per player is eligible for rewards (including multiple servers).

1st Place: Halloween Core, 5x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 2nd Place: 4x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items. 3rd Place: 3x Overflowing Goody Bag worth of items.

Overflowing Goody Bag = 3x Bubble Gum, 1x Starburst, 1x Snickers Bar, 1x Sugar Daddy, 1x M&Ms, 1x Quest Shard, 1x Hallowed Augment.
9/26/14 - New Character Upgrades:
You can now purchase 300, 400 and 500 slot Personal Vaults from the treasury.

You can now purchase 750 and 1000 slot Crew Vaults from the treasury.

You can now purchase 60 and 80 slot Backpacks from the treasury.

You can now also upgrade your Personal and Crew profile picture sizes from 500kb to 1mb by purchasing the Digital Camera Mark II in the treasury.
9/14/14 - The Plane of Darkness:

Paezin the Observer has completed her scouting route! Players can now complete the quest "The Divided Planes" and start a new final quest called "The Plane of Darkness". If you have not yet started The Divided Planes, speak to Kevin in Chuggers Palace Bar.

Those who have completed "The Divided Planes" quest, speak to Lucien inside the entrance of the Plane of Darkness.

This expansion brings a large amount of questing content, including a quest to obtain a new powerful Core! In addition to this, the expansion also includes an addition of a new powerful 10 man Guardian raid ... "Karvaz, Lord of Alsayic", who is known to possess one of the most powerful augments in the universe.

Lvl 76+: Kolgra has new quests for you called Guards of the Castle (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version), and a special quest for a new Best in Slot Core called Down to the Core.

Lvl 75+: Lucien has new quests for you called Entering the Dark and Invading the Shadows (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Hurkon has new quests for you called Flanking the Shadows and Hurkon's Request (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Aerovon has new quests for you called Silent Assassinations and Collecting Supplies (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Jellak has a new quest for you called Insertion Preparation (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+: Feraduin has new quests for you called The Inner Menace, Eliminating the Darkness, Searching the Shadows and Feraduin's Mission (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Fellena has new quests for you called Culling the Darkness and Fellena's Request (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Xianne has new quests for you called Approaching Darkness and Xianne's Requirements (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Syriza has a new quest for you called Assisting Syriza (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+: Karissa has new quests for you called Guards of the Tomb and Foraging the Tomb (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Dahnas has new quests for you called Nearing Victory and Ransacking the Castle (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).
7/15/14 - New Two Man Raid Dungeon + Set:
New Two Man Raid Dungeon + Set!

A new two man dungeon has been discovered to the North of the Plane of Nature! The Alsayic Ruins were until now an ancient part of history, however you have been blessed with the opportunity to uncover the secrets within them! Bring the Key to the Alsayic Ruins to Nerin in the Plane of Nature to begin your epic adventure through these ruins.

This raids in this dungeon drop the current best-in-game set, however obtaining this will not be an easy task. The beings residing in the ruins have spent centuries absorbing the Alsayic Magic, growing so powerful even Lord Karvaz himself was forced to lock them away from the world.

For those of you unable to face the wrath of these monstrosities, you can chose to go in solo and enlist the help of Nerin himself. This however, will come at an extra cost!

Additional Updates
For those of you needing to morph a gemmed item, you can now use the Ungem feature in the Blacksmith to restore that item back to its original stats.

Boss raiding should now work as mentioned in the previous news post.

Raid result loading times have been improved significantly.
7/1/14 - Game Updates & Boss Raid Changes:
We have made a number of changes recently in order to resolve a number of bugs and issues. Some of these changes include:

- The Launch Delay Timer has now been removed from all raids, therefore all raids should now launch instantly.

- Crews are now limited to forming no more than 1 raid against Raid Bosses every 1 minute. This also means your crew can now only raid 1 Raid Boss at a time, so choose wisely!

- As a result of the boss form timer being added, adjustments have been made to improve every boss's loot table.
6/25/14 - New Quest & Updates:
Lvl 72+: A new quest has been added to the game called "An Extensive Challenge". This quest can be obtained from Garnon in the Fight Arena of Diamond City.

Remnant Solice Level 7 and 8 have been added to the treasury!

Upon completion of the Lost Grind Room quests, you will now be awarded an item to help keep track of the cooldown time for each specific grind room.
6/11/14 - New Item Slot - "Core" Slot:

After fighting off the forces in the Plane of Nature, scouts discovered a new form of power in the area, out of the remnance of Lord Karvaz's Alsayic power. This form of power was unknown to the world until now, therefore the scouts immediately took samples to advanced scientists in Diamond City. The scientists could only provide a brief understanding of this power, but it is understood that the core of this power is used to imbue armor and weapons for an enhanced effect.

This is all we know about this new found power however, as some of the powerful beings in Diamond City felt the presence of it immediately and destroyed the laboratories while escaping with the power core samples, before further research could be completed. Brutalitar, Lord of the Underworld and Varsanor, Master of Darkness are known to have taken 2 of these samples. The more powerful samples however, were taken by minions of Cosmos, Great All Being and Death, Reaper of Souls. We can only assume they are now in their possession. Rumor also has it that small portions of the leftover cores were stolen by looters, who are now selling them in return for Amulets of Achievement.
6/5/14 - The Plane of Fire:
Doran the Scout has returned! The Plane of Fire is now accessible for those who have completed the required steps of the quest "The Divided Planes". This expansion brings a large amount of questing content, including a quest to obtain a powerful augment! If you have not yet started The Divided Planes, speak to Kevin in Chuggers Palace Bar.

Along with the questing content, this expansion also includes the addition of a new powerful 10 man Guardian raid ... "Felroc, Overseer of Hellfire".

Lvl 75+: Oulwin, the Ancient Keeper has new quests for you called Defending the Ruins and Supplies for the Fort (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions), and a special quest called The Alsayic Bond.

Lvl 75+: Denkhin has new quests for you called Commencing the Clearance and The Southern Scorchland (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Kethen has new quests for you called Gathering the Essences, The Northern Scorchland and Western Assistance (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Nathaniel has new quests for you called Advancement Preparation, Eastern Assistance and Minions of Fire (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Rhea has new quests for you called The Lava Serpents and The Western Flow (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Cernil has new quests for you called The Eastern Flow and Fiery Evolutions (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Brasson, the Elvish King has a new quest for you called The Eastern Scorchland (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+: Priela has new quests for you called Might of the Flames and Supplies from the East (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Zarala has new quests for you called The Molten Lake and Molten Resources (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+: Alleina has a new quest for you called Swimming with Fire (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+: Guard Captain Pearce has a new quest for you called Beasts of the Pit (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Stay tuned for the Plane of Darkness to be released in the not too distant future, once Paezin the Observer returns!
5/21/14 - War of Zhul Shard Winners + More:
The War of Zhul invasion has been put to a stop. Reikavon, Lord of Misery is now vulnerable. Defeat him before he has a chance to retreat!

Click here to raid Reikavon, Lord of Misery.

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest winners, please submit a support ticket to claim your prizes. We would also like to congratulate Andreas and Fevershark on the Sigil server, for the first ever TIE during the War of Zhul!

On a side note, Brutus will remain in Diamond City with the “Upgraded Pristine Orbs” quests until shortly after Reikavon has been killed on all servers.
5/13/14 - War of Zhul Secret Stash:
Our scouts have found Reikavon’s secret stash of loot hidden deep below Diamond City. It contains with it a new recipe for a Powerful ring, perhaps you could reforge the ingredients with the ring you obtained from Brutus to see what it does! Also found hidden away were new recipes for augments created by Reikavon, never before seen to this world. The ancient power of reforging Zhulian Berserker items has also been discovered once again, speak to Tieste in the Reel Theater for more information.
5/6/14 - War of Zhul:
The War of Zhul has begun! Reikavon, Lord of Misery has spawned minions throughout the streets of Diamond City, along with his own personal Guardians! Rally your alliances and fight with honor as you battle your way through the streets to rid this land of the Zhulian filth! Speak to Brutus to begin your defense of Diamond City.

This War of Zhul event brings multiple changes/additions, the main one being there are now 3 new Guardians to attack that have chances to drop item loot including Heart of Nature keys, Zhulian Power Shards, Potions and Rings of Kinetic Power. Seek out Brutus for the Quest "Attacking Zhulian Gods" for protection in fighting Reikavon's Mercenary, Mistress and Friar.

Another addition during this event only is the ability to upgrade your Pristine Orbs into orbs with a set bonus. Speak to Brutus for the "Upgraded Pristine Orbs" quests in order to obtain these powerful orbs! (The Scuba Mask requirement for the Plane of Nature lake has been added to the treasury at a free cost!).

Another change during this event, is the limitation of only 1 character per person being able to place in the top 5 for the Summoning Shard contest. This includes using other RG accounts aswell.

For further information on these topics, see the War of Zhul FAQ's on the Command Center page.
5/4/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Weapon Quest & WoZ Update:
A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called The Blunt Force. Speak to Volodar at the Western entrance of the Lake in the Plane of Nature and bring him the highly elusive Aquatic Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from the four Shark mobs located in the Lake of the Plane of Nature.

Our scouts have returned with more information on the impending Zhulian attack on Diamond City. They have strong reason to believe that the Zhulian forces will be at the gates of Diamond City by early Wednesday Morning. Are you prepared for the assault?!
5/1/14 - War of Zhul:
The next War of Zhul is imminent! Prepare your forces for what is bound to be another punishing attack on Diamond City. Scouts are reporting that this time around, Nar Zhul has recruited the help of his own personal guardians! Keep on guard, Nar Zhul could strike any day now!
3/31/14 - Raid Boss Changes!:

Some major changes have been made to the Raid Bosses. Fangore/Sandleman/Blackhand/Gargantuan have been replaced with a new boss called Cosmos, Great All Being. Jarule/Tallius/Pythor have been replaced with a new boss called Death, Reaper of Souls. All 5 Dragon bosses have been replaced with a new boss called Maekrix, Dreaded Striker. Juggernaut has had some minor adjustments, and is now called Juggernaut, Unstoppable Force.

While the loot of these bosses merged may not be identical to before, the general loot system remains very similar for each of them. For example, Cosmos, Great All Being drops Stoneraven, Bacaba and now Gnomish keys. Death, Reaper of Souls drops KH keys/Furies/Totems etc. Maekrix, Dreaded Striker now drops the Red Dragon Set items.

Previous boss raid loot has been manually awarded for certain bosses with noticable damage taken.
3/28/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Chest Quest!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called The Mountain Magic. Speak to Zalken in the Mountain Cave to the East of the Plane of Nature and bring him the highly elusive Stone Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from all Orc mobs located in the Mountain Cave.

3/17/14 - New Power Orb Dungeon - The Pristine Depths!::

Lvl 75+ - A new Power Orb Dungeon has been added to the Plane of Nature. Speak to Paraya at the entrance of the Pristine Depths, located along the eastern side of the lake in the Plane of Nature at the southern face of the mountain. Players have a guaranteed drop to obtain an "Earthern Orb" each run, and also have a chance at obtaining the more prestigious "Pristine Orb". The mobs in this dungeon also have a chance to drop Lost Grind Room Keys #5 and #10. The tradeable key for this dungeon is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from the 5 mobs located in the swamp to the east of the lake.

Gnomish Laboratory - Universal Fastener is now a 100% drop from the Hailstone raid, instead of a normal mob drop.
3/2/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Neck Quest and Dungeon Changes!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called The Forest Enchantment. Speak to Talissa in the North-Western Forest of the Plane of Nature and bring her the highly elusive Noxious Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from all creatures located in the North-Western Forest.

Buried Ruins of Bacaba - The Power Glove of Celestial Slaughter and the 7 The Life Forces now have a 100% drop rate. Upon mixing the 7 Life Forces, you now receive a Necklace of Celestial Slaughter instead of a Lost Bacaba Chest.

Gnomish Laboratory - Raids in this dungeon have been changed to 3-5 man.
2/9/14 - Uber Epic Pants Quest + Scally Set Reminder:

A new lev 75+ Uber Epic Quest is available for you called A Warrior's Might. Speak to Varzen at the base of the mountain in the Plane of Nature and bring him the highly elusive Heavenly Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from both types of Asphixiens and Antekins located on the mountain. These pants are considered Uber Epic, because they are currently the Best-in-Slot pants by a fair amount.

2 new quests have been added to the game for those players wanting the Weapon and Chest of the Scallywag Set but are unable to find other players to run the dungeon with. You can hand over a Pirate Treasure Map to Tracy McScurvy, in return for these items.
1/27/14 - Complete Your Scally Sets!:

2 new quests have been added to the game for those players wanting the Weapon and Chest of the Scallywag Set but are unable to find other players to run the dungeon with. You can hand over a Pirate Treasure Map to Tracy McScurvy, in return for these items.
1/22/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Boots Quest!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called The Hunt for Nimbility. Speak to Cyron in the Deep Underground Cavern and bring him the highly elusive Agile Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from all mobs unique to the north section of the Deep Underground Cavern. These boots are considered Uber Epic, because they are currently the Best-in-Slot boots by a fair amount.

1/14/14 - Content Expansion and Skill Pants Dungeon!:

Lvl 75+ New Area Expansion - The Divided Planes (The Plane of Nature)

A new content expansion has been added to the game. The Plane of Nature is the first in a three part installment of a mysterious forest, now known as the Divided Planes as a result of an evil necromancer named Karvaz, Lord of Alsayic having his ways with the land. Can you help the remaining defenses in the Plane of Nature fend off the possessed beasts, and begin to stage an assault on the evil master?

As well as questing content, this area also has a new 10 man Guardian named Kretok, Descendant of Nature. Rumour has it he is in possession of powerful armor, and an augment forged from the Nature Alsayic Magic itself! Can you defeat him and give the Divided Planes a fighting chance?

Speak to Kevin in Chuggers Palace Bar to begin you epic adventure.

Lvl 75+: Guardian of Nature has a new quest for you called Strengthening the Defense. In order to complete this quest, you will need to complete tasks from other NPC's in the Plane of Nature.

Lvl 75+: Elaenor has a new quest for you called Delaying the Assault and another quest called Initiating the Assault with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Lvl 75+: Old Man Ribbit has a new quest for you called A Pensioner's Diet, and 2 more quests called Food for the Old Man and Cleansing the Swamp with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions.

Lvl 75+: Krea has a new quest for you called Culling the Treants and another quest called A Skillful Lumberjack with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard Version.

Lvl 75+: Loreena has a new quest for you called Recovering the Circlet and another quest called Beasts of the Deep with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard Version.

Lvl 75+: Elder Hiker has a new quest for you called Escaping the Forest with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Lvl 75+: Erynor has a new quest for you called Diminishing the Archers with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Lvl 75+: Khagra has a new quest for you called The Mountain Orcs with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Lvl 75+: Maurelle has a new quest for you called Clearing the Mountain Pass with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Lvl 75+: Xetu, the Darkened Lord has a new quest for you called The Depths of the Swamp with a 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version.

Stay tuned for more content to be released in the Plane of Nature, as well as the second and third installments of the Divided Planes in the not too distant future.

Skill Pants Dungeon - Underground Prison.

A new dungeon has been added to the game to help players obtain Skill Pants easier. Once you purchase the tradeable key from the treasury, take it to Seamus in the Underground Prison just west of the Dusty Glass Tavern.

Once you complete tasks for Seamus, you can earn Bars of Soap to hand to the prison guards, in return for skill pants. The skill pants match the recent Skill Orbs added to the game via name. You can also hand in extra Bars of Soap along with pairs of certain Skill Pants to obtain Master Skill pants, which have all of the specific set of skills on them.

-To adjust and balance for the new Guardian, points have now been removed from Sigil/Jazzmin/Quiver/Zertan.
1/9/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Belt Quest and Treasury Potion Changes!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called Providing the Light. Speak to Orvelk in the Narrow Pit of the Underground Caverns and bring him the highly elusive Luminous Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from all 5 of the Vampire mobs located throughout the Narrow Pit. This belt is considered Uber Epic, because it is currently the Best-in-Slot belt by a fair amount.

Old potions in the treasury have had their prices reduced, and the Potion of Enraged Alsayic has been added to the treasury.
1/9/14 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Ring Quest!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called Enflamed Creations. Speak to Ryven in the Breeding Cave of the Underground Caverns and bring him the highly elusive Enflamed Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury, but is also a rare drop from all 5 of the Creation mobs located in the Breeding Cave chambers.

This ring is considered Uber Epic, because it is currently the Best-in-Slot ring by a fair amount.

12/25/13 - Merry Chistmas Event!:
HO HO HO! It's Christmas time in Diamond City! No day is safe from drama as someone stole Saint Nick's candy canes! Go talk to Saint Nick on Main Street, help him and he will reward you with some Christmas cheer experience, or take a chance to be one of the top 3 collectors of each server and be rewarded nicely this holiday!

1st place: 5 furies, dungeon key of choice
2nd place: 3 furies, dungeon key of choice
3rd place: 1 fury, dungeon key of choice

Top 3 players from each server with the most Candy Canes on them when event is over will win! This event will run until Saturday Night 11:50PM Outwar Time. Have fun and good luck!
12/13/13 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Helm Quest!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called Disarming the Brute Force. Speak to Alexis in the Underground Cavern and bring her the highly elusive Brutal Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury under dungeon keys, but is also a rare drop from all Orc mobs unique to the Underground Caverns.

This helm is considered Uber Epic, because it is currently the Best-in-Slot helm by a fair amount

12/3/13 - Lvl 75+ Uber Epic Shield Quest!:

A new Uber Epic Quest is available for you called Rahnek's Task. Speak to Rahnek in the Underground Q-SEC Base and bring him the highly elusive Mysterious Trinket. This tradeable trinket is purchasable in the treasury under dungeon keys, but is also a rare drop from all mobs unique to the Underground Q-SEC Base (Drone Scout and Complete Q-SEC Creation do not drop the trinket).

This shield is considered Uber Epic, because it is currently the Best-in-Slot shield by a fair amount.

11/29/13 - Lvl 75+ Epic Pants Quest!:

A new Epic Quest is available for you called Acquiring Wisdom. Speak to Prolovir, the Arcane Master in the Underground Caverns to begin your journey obtaining arcane power like you have never seen! These pants are considered Epic, because it is one of the "best in slot" items. Good luck!

11/22/13 - Zombie King!:

Notice: Sigil Zombie Loot has been awarded, congrats to all! We will make a new Zombie King boss next round so this does not happen again!

The Zombie King has spawned! All that is holy should band together and defeat him before he takes over the region! Take him down to get your share of his loot!

Click Here to Raid the Zombie King!

Congratulations to the Zombie Contest Winners! Please create a support ticket to claim your rewards.

1st xQisit
2nd mastakilla67
3rd IBangMidgets

1st MissyHiggins
2nd xXPoWeRXx
3rd VoidBringer

1st ScarFace
2nd mattk
3rd WickdX

1st OMFGsPaZz
2nd YeaItzsPaZz
3rd devildog1775

1st Public Enemy
3rd Wood

1st Taken
2nd AtomicJuggernaut
3rd gohan
11/11/13 - Zombie Invasion:

The undead have returned! Find Cyprus and help in the fight against this invasion!

4 new foot items have been added, zombie augments 1v1 through 2v2 have been balanced and now drop from zombie mobs! Event will run for 10 days, then the Zombie King will join the invasion... will you be ready?

Want a bonus? Take part in collecting the most BRAAAIIINNNSSS. Top 3 collectors will receive a nice loot package containing event items! As always, Zombie Hearts and Zombie Heads will remain when the event is over.

Check out the Zombie Invasion Page for details!
11/9/13 - Undead Approaching!:

Looks like some of those monsters that were dealt with on Halloween are returning for revenge....and bringing some undead friends with them! Gear up quick for the dead may be invading Diamond City any day now!
10/31/13 - Outwar Halloween Event:
Head to the intersection of Main St and Angelio St in Diamond City and find Peg Legged Timmy.

Some bullies have stolen his treat bags, and he could use some help retrieving them!! Hurry...You only have 72 hours to help.
10/8/13 - New Skill Orb Farming System!:

A new skill orb farming system has been added to the game. Players can farm multi-skill orbs from 2 new areas, choosing which mob to farm for specific orbs.

Class and Ferocity orbs can be obtained by attacking mobs in the Dungeon of Horrors, located just west of the Dusty Glass Tavern. These orbs are Player Bound.

Preservation and Affliction orbs can be obtained by attacking mobs in the Dungeon of Slaughter, located in the northern part of the Financial District in the City of Eternal Star. These orbs are Tradeable.

These areas are completely free to enter, and are not level restricted. The name of the mobs link to the name of the skill orbs that they drop.

Skill Orb Drops:

Class: Descendant of Destiny, Descendant of Will.
Ferocity: Initiate of Truth, Initiate of Slight, Initiate of Strength.
Preservation: Conscript of Focus, Conscript of the Elements, Conscript of the Gathering.
Affliction: Patron of Malice, Patron of Melee, Patron of the Order.
10/3/13 - New Epic Weapon Quest!:

Lvl 75+ - A new Epic Sword quest is available for you called the Sword of Legends! Speak to Rayner, the Weapons Master inside the Desert Lab in the Abandoned Desert to begin your quest of seeking out and obtaining the Power of Legends.

10/3/13 - Huge Content Update!:
General Updates:

Scallywag's Rest - Buccaneers Slop Coat and One Eyes Cutless have had their drop rates increased to 100%!

Knights Horror - All items in the Godly Protection set have been increased to 100% drops.

Gnomish Laboratory - All items in the Clockwork Armament set have been increased to 100% drops and the mob drop of Universal Fastener has had its drop rate increased.

Buried Ruins of Bacaba - Most items in the Celestial Slaughter set have been increased to 100% drops. Power glove drop rate has been increased.

2 New Augments have been added to the Treasury - Augment of Rejuvenation and Augment of Obliteration.

Kix Woods and City of Eternal Star entrance keys have been added to the Treasury.

The City of Eternal Star keys in the Treasury have had their prices reduced.

New Quests:

Lvl 65+ - Larissa in the Financial District of the City of Eternal Star has new quests for you called Improving the Finances and Returning to the Suburbs (with 75% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 65+ - Xarden in the Scientific District of the City of Eternal Star has a new quest for you called The Safety of Research (with 75% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 70+ - Salara at the entrance of the Phoenix Plume has a new larger scale quest for you called Containing the Inferno.

Lvl 70+ - Salara at the entrance of the Phoenix Plume also has new quests for you called Confiscating the Power and Eliminating the Shadow Masters (with 75% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+ - Annette in the Underground Caverns has a new quest for you called A Mother's Bond.

Lvl 75+ - Annette in the Underground Caverns also has a new quest for you called Family Insurance (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard Version).

Lvl 75+ - Hivrod, the Master Hunter in the Deep Underground Cavern has a new quest for you called The Art of Hunting.

Lvl 75+ - Hivrod, the Master Hunter in the Deep Underground Cavern also has a new quest for you called The Hunt for Leather (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+ - Q-SEC Prisoner in the Underground Q-SEC Base of the Underground Caverns has new quests for you called Revenge on the Guards and Releasing the Shackles (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard versions).

Lvl 75+ - Mysterious Scientist in the Breeding Cave of the Underground Caverns has
11:25 PM a new quest for you called Escaping the Hive (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+ - Evicted Orc in the Underground Cavern has a new quest for you called Preparing for the Journey (with 25% bonus exp Quest Shard version).

Lvl 75+ - Exiled Alien in the Deep Underground Cavern has a new quest for you called Restoring the Household.
8/30/13 - War of Zhul Kinetic Wave!:

War of Zhul is ending Friday at 2pm game time! Remember, when the war ends, all quests and recipes will be taken down. Server boss will be spawned when game comes back up, be ready!

-The Boss Manager is now effected by Markdown.
-The Auto Attacker is now effected by the Warrior's Instinct enhancement.
-Fixed an issue with new characters not gaining experience.
-You can now select all of the same item on the Item Transfer page by double clicking the checkbox.
-You can now buy more than one Remnant Solice potion at a time.
-You can now change your related character when creating a support ticket.
-The Quest Helper has been fixed.

Update: Underlings signup link has been fixed. You can now recruit new players and make them your underling for free!

Lord Asclepius, Controller of the Kinetic Realm has summoned Kinetic minions to attack Diamond City! Defeat Kinetic Enemies, Collect Summoning Shards, Complete Special Quests and Craft Unique Items in the Cauldron. War of Zhul will be running for 2 weeks!

Click Here to access the War of Zhul Command Center! Talk to Brutus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern to join the war!

New WoZ Quest! Go talk to Longstock at the intersection of Broadway and Binding in Diamond City about Summoning Shards. If you don't think you will win the competition, hand your shards in for some bonus experience!

-Stoneraven crates, Bacaba crates, Gnome beacons and KH keys sold by the Vendor in the Treasury have had their prices reduced.
-The raid mobs for the Eternity Set have had their stats significantly reduced.
-Bloodroot's drop of Freed Souls has been increased and Aslan's drop of Aslan's Magic has been slightly increased.
-Desert Shadows and City Creeps (for Metallurgy Set quest) have had their stats reduced.
-Old augments sold by the Vendor in the Treasury have had their prices reduced.

The forums are now back in business! Head over to http://forums.outwar.com/ to share your opinions with us. They will be checked regularly by staff, so any constructive ideas are welcome and please remember to keep them clean.
8/29/13 - New High Experience Quests!:

The following Quests have been added to the game, intended for levels 15-64.

Lvl 15+ - 5 new quests are available for you from Cecil, outside the Dusty Glass Tavern.

Lvl 25+ - 4 new quests are available for you from Joanne, on Broadway Street.

Lvl 35+ - 5 new quests are available for you from Arianna, on Nihilim Road.

Lvl 45+ - 3 new quests are available for you from Alex, at the entrance of the Eyes of Burn.

Lvl 55+ - 5 new quests are available for you from Godric, at the entrance of the Kix Woods.

Lvl 60+ - A new major quest is available for you from Tyson, at the entrance of the City of Eternal Star! *This quest rewards keys to the Industrial, Financial and Scientific districts.

More quests for levels 65+ are coming soon... Get ready for the War of Zhul!
8/21/13 - Underground Caverns Updates:

Notice: War of Zhul will start on the 30th of this month! Get ready, get old accounts active and get your friends to help!

*Issue causing on and off lag on Fabar has been resolved.

Exiled Alien in the Deep Underground Cavern has a new quest for you called Exacting Revenge.

-The EXP gods are now 5-10 man as opposed to 10 man only.
-Klydon, the Mystic Prince's stats have been reduced.
-Room names have now been added to the caverns.

If you want news to your email click here and subscribe your email address. Make sure to check your spam folder and mark it "not spam". We promise to only send you outwar news.
8/17/13 - Lvl 75+ Desert Expansion - Underground Caverns!:

Notice: Due to support of players buying points we are able to do another upgrade to help improve server speed! There will be short downtime around 2PM outwar time while we do the upgrade. Thank you to everyone who supports the game to help keep it running!

A new area has been added to the Abandoned Desert! Speak to Agent Turner in the South-East of the Desert of a Lost Era to begin your Underground Investigation and put an end to the Q-SEC madness!

This area is completely free to access. The quest requirements are level 75 and deeper into the caverns will require you to obtain keys from the major questline ... "Underground Investigation", in which on completion you will receive a free teleporter to the Underground Caverns!

New Addition of 3 EXP Gods! These gods award high amounts of EXP as well as amulets, for those of you who are in need of faster EXP!

A new daily quest has been added. Speak to Stahlem, the Crystal Hunter in the Narrow Pit to begin your quest to bring down the Mystic Prince!

The following side-quests have Quest Shard versions, which give you 25% more exp!

Evicted Orc in the Underground Cavern has a new quest for you called An Orc of a Time.

Ashaya, the Bug Collector has new quests for you called Deterring the Monsters and Collecting the Critters.

Jules, the Leatherworker has new quests for you called Collecting Hides and Returning to the city.

Stahlem, the Crystal Hunter has new quests for you called Retrieving the Elements, Researching the Army and A Safe Departure. He also has 2 more quests - Continuation of Research (Daily) and a bonus quest called Klydon's Mysterious Heart.

Mysterious Scientist has a new quest for you called Exposing the Sanctum.

Stealth Tactician Kyle has new quests for you called Collecting the Chips and Destroying the Creations.

Communications Officer Bradley has new quests for you called Advanced Computing and Clearing the Fortress.

More additions to come in the future!
8/14/13 - A Better Blade:

For the elite players level 76+ who have completed the Stolen Rings quest from Chelsea go talk to her again at the Blinding Intersection in Diamond City! Chelsea has a New Quest for you called A Better Blade! Complete this epic quest line and get a second new blade that is even better, along with over 2000 points worth of useful treasury items!

8/13/13 - New Grind Rooms!:

Level 74+ head into the Desert of a Lost Era, go north and search for the Lost Grind Rooms! Talk to the Grind Masters and complete repeatable quests for good experience. Mobs from rooms 7, 8 and 9 have a chance to drop quest shards and mobs from room 10 has chance to drop Fury Potions! Be careful though, The Grind Masters aren't too friendly!
7/22/13 - Level 75+ Epic Ring Quest:

We have sent all active players a request to subscribe to Outwar News. Please click the link to subscribe if you want to receive new Outwar news instantly to your email when it is posted. If you do not receive our request you can click here to get new Outwar News sent instantly to your email!

A new Epic quest is available for you called Serving the Divine! Head over and speak with Ambriel in the Eastern Monument to begin your quest in assisting the Divine Lady. Do your best to cleanse the land, collect rare tradeable quest items, and be rewarded with this new Epic Ring! This ring is considered Epic, because it is one of the "best in slot" items. Good luck!

EXP Expansion Pack + Level 76 Update

Lvl 74+ - Cindy in the Residential District of CoES has new quests for you called Minimizing the Threat and Supplying the Alliance.

Lvl 74+ - Varsel in the Sun Wastes has new quests for you called Offering Support and Fueling the Fire.

Lvl 74+ - Worried Traveler in the Core of the Phoenix has new quests for you called Aiding the Escape and Locating the Journals.

Don't forget to complete the shard quest versions of these quests for 25% extra EXP!

Huge content update including over 100,000,000 Experience! More to come!

Level 76 is now 65,000,000 less experience to achieve!

Note: Quest Shard quests now give 25% more EXP! Make sure you are in the Abandoned Desert area when you click the links to find these quest givers.

Agent William in Desert of a Lost Era has a new major storyline quest for you called Uncovering the Truth.

Hjoran the Explorer in Peaceful Oasis has new quests for you called Recovering the Maps and Goblin Culling.

Sleepy Indiana Jonas in Peaceful Oasis has a new quest for you called Silencing the Goblins.

Trophy Hunter in The Abandoned Desert has new quests for you called Stalking the Land and Bagging the Trophies.

Trapped Quarantine Victim in the Quarantine Station has new quests for you called Escaping Detention and Recovering the Heirloom.

Gronus the Tombkeeper in the Tomb of King Syn has new quests for you called Cleansing the Tomb and Providing a Deterrent.

Excluded Scientist in the Desert of a Lost Era has new quests for you called Clearing the Passage and Creating the Revenue.
7/13/13 - Metallurgy Composite Set + New Dragon + New Quests!:

New Dungeon!

For those level 75+ who seek set armor stronger then Scally, your quest will start by talking to the Metallurgist (click to teleport), who resides in the north land of the The Abandoned Desert.

Buy a Key of the Elements in the Treasury and hand it into the Metallurgist to get started.

Collect Metalurgy Coins to hand in to the Metallurgists Apprentice to redeem
Metallurgy Composite Set Armor!

New Dragon + Other News!

Dragon power balance has been altered, disturbing and awaking the Dragon of Wrath! Dragon loot has been shifted, and a new dragon must be defeated to continue and harvest powerful dragon sets!

Magic Gem is now for sale in the Amulet Shop!

Time Walkers Blade of Outwar can now be transferred to other characters on your account!

New Quests!

Level 65+, The Swordsmith has arrived in the Holy Cathedral in Diamond City... Rumor has it, he can craft the great Holy Blade of Amaterasu!

Level 65+, talk to Lagolia in Kix Woods. Lagolia has a New Quest for you called Angelic Desires!
Complete this quest for huge experience rewards!

Level 74+, talk to Demolition Man in Desert of Oceanview. Demolition Man has a New Quests for you called Repelling the Attack, Extraterrestrial Hunting and Cave Exploration! Don't forget to start the Quest Shard versions you can do at the same time for double experience!
7/3/13 - New Epic Quest Line:

Level 70+, talk to Chelsea at the Blinding Intersection in Diamond City. Chelsea has a New Quest for you called Stolen Rings! Complete this epic quest line and get your hands on these rewards + more!

Enjoy double experience gained and stripped this weekend! Promo up until 6pm Sunday June 30th
6/21/13 - New Quests + Announcement:

It has finally been brought to our attention that some crews have crew upgrade statistics over the cap. This has been fixed, although there is still a small handful of crews that may have stats above the cap. If you see your crew upgrades are above the cap, please un-equip and re-equip your crew stones to fix. Please report any crews that have not been fixed to a support ticket or through Community Rewards. We identified a handful of the top abusers and have punished those crews accordingly.

New Quests Darker Then Dark and Darkness Comes Around have had experience rewards buffed significantly!

Level 65+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called Darker Then Dark! Complete this quest to get a Shadow Resist Enhancement!

Level 65+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called When Darkness Comes Around! Complete this quest to get a Shadow Damage Enhancement!

6/17/13 - Resisting the Arcane Power:

Level 65+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called Resisting the Arcane Power! Complete this quest to get a Arcane Resist Enhancement!

6/13/13 - New Quest: The Elite Among Us:

Level 65+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called The Elite Among Us! Complete this quest to get an Arcane Damage Enhancement!

6/11/13 - Bumps in the Night + Update:

Update: Ellisa enhancement quests can now be done by level 65+. Note: the enhancement reward can not be used until you reach level 70.

Update: Mob levels for Ellisa quests have been reduced to level 65. We apologize for that, mob levels were set a bit high by accident. Please try these quests again if you previously failed killing the mobs or did not want to pay the high rage cost to complete. All level 65's who need experience should benefit from completing these quests.

Level 65+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called Bumps in the Night! Complete this quest to get a Shadow Resist Enhancement!

6/5/13 - Holiness From Above!:

Level 70+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called Holiness From Above! Complete this quest to get a Holy Resist Enhancement!

6/1/13 - Fired Up!:

Level 70+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called Fired Up! Complete this quest to get a Fire Damage Enhancement!

5/30/13 - The Golden Leaf:

Level 70+, talk to Ellisa in the East Bunk of the Residential Area in CoES. Ellisa has a New Quest for you called The Golden Leaf! Complete this quest to get a Fire Damage Enhancement!

4/16/13 - Upgrade your Scally Head!:

Level 73+, Tracie McScurvy (click to teleport) in the Boat House has a New Quest for you called Ahead of the Game! Complete this quest to upgrade your Dread Captain's Tricorne to Dead Sea Helm that has 10%+ better stats!

This quest will not consume your Dread Captain's Tricorne. This item is intended to be cloned into your current Scally set. Quests to upgrade every piece of Scally Set are being released fast, get started now!
4/12/13 - Upgrade your Scally Pants!:

Level 73+, Tracie McScurvy (click to teleport) in the Boat House has a New Quest for you called Gettin' Into Tracie's Pants! Complete this quest to upgrade your Britches of the High Seas to Scoundrel Legs that has 10%+ better stats!

This quest will not consume your Britches of the High Seas. This item is intended to be cloned into your current Scally set. Quests to upgrade every piece of Scally Set are being released fast, get started now!
3/25/13 - Upgrade your Scally Weapon!:
Mutated Pirate is now easier to defeat!

Level 73+, Tracie McScurvy (click to teleport) in the Boat House has a New Quest for you called Bearing Arms! Complete this quest to upgrade your One Eyes Cutlass to this Boot Pistol that has 10% better stats!

This quest will not consume your One Eyes Cutlass. This item is intended to be cloned into your current Scally set. Quests to upgrade every piece of Scally Set are being released fast, get started now!

If you need the Cold Steel Shank for More City Souls, please talk to Gunner to get one.
3/19/13 - Upgrade your Scally Chest!:

Level 73+, Tracie McScurvy (click to teleport) in the Boat House has a New Quest for you called Booty Call! Complete this quest to upgrade your Buccaneers Slop Coat to this Dead Captains Coat that has 10% better stats!

This quest will not consume your Buccaneers Slop Coat. This item is intended to be cloned into your current Scally set. Quests to upgrade every piece of Scally Set will be released fast, get started now!
3/14/13 - More City Souls:

Level 73+, you can now start the continuation to City Souls quest from Gunner in the North Bunker of CoES. Gunner has a New Quest for you called More City Souls! Complete the quest shard steps for a super experience boost!
3/5/13 - Last 3 Green KH Quests!:

After a long wait, you can finally finish your Godly Dominance Set! Gregarian in The Dark Below has a New Quests for you called Greaves of Godly Dominance, Helm of Godly Protection and Belt of Godly Protection!
2/21/13 - New Item + EXP Quests:

Level 60+, Master Ovahn in the Groton Caves has a New Quest for you called Deeds in the Desert! Complete the quest shard steps for Flask of Super Nova and major experience!

Level 67+, If you have completed the Kix Woods Quest, Hilliam has a New Quest for you called Scouring the Forest! Complete the quest shard steps for Remove Augment upgrades and major experience!
2/17/13 - Sigil Zombie King Drop:
There was an old bug that was never fixed from the last Zombie King. this caused the loot to not drop on Sigil. We have run the loot script exactly as it should have been run and here are the results!

Crew: •Men†ally Deficien†• got amount: 1
Crew: The Forgotten Ones got amount: 1
Crew: • ShAdowSoLdiers • got amount: 1
Crew: Stone Cold Assassins got amount: 1
Crew: ~Gangsta´s Paradise~ got amount: 2
Crew: ••••JUDGMEN† DAY•••• got amount: 2
Crew: °Ðivine Sacrifice° got amount: 2
Crew: - The Sack - got amount: 2
Crew: ANGELS OF PAIN got amount: 3
Crew: ~The Fallen Ones~ got amount: 4
Crew: °•New Outwar Revolution•° got amount: 4
Crew: Cold Hearted got amount: 9
Crew: -=Immor†al So|diers=- got amount: 10
Crew: • S i N • got amount: 17
Crew: •Ou†war Immor†als• got amount: 18
Crew: .TomorrowLand. got amount: 18

Sorry for the delay on this loot drop, next boss will be fixed. Thanks for the understanding and continued support. We hope everyone enjoyed the Zombie Invasion!

Update: Dragons will now drop more Dragon Items and less Consumables.
2/13/13 - Conjured Plague:

Level 67+ If you have completed the Kix Woods Quest, Hadley has a New Quest for you called Conjured Plague! Complete the quest shard steps for magic potions and major experience!
2/10/13 - Zombie King Spawned!:

Zombie Invasion is now over and the Zombie King has been spawned!
Click here to raid the Zombie King! Remember, 15 uber items have been added to the loot table!

Zombie Brain Contest Winners have been posted on the Zombie Invasion Page!
1/27/13 - Zombie Invasion!:

Level 25+ head to Rallis and talk with Cyprus about the Zombie Invasion. You must create a Zombie Hammer before you can harm the Zombies in the streets!

Click here to Access the Zombie Invasion Command Center.

-Zombie Invasion will Last 14 days!
-Zombie King loot table increased significantly!
-Sloth (KH Boss) is 25% easier.

1/21/13 - Double Experience:

Double Experience has started! Get ready for Zombie Invasion coming this weekend!

Game Updates

-Set item transfer prices have been reduced by 50%!
-Bacaba and Knights Horror are now only 3 Man Dungeons!
-Bloodstorm, Bringer of the Apocalypse armor has been reduced!
-New Epic Item has been added for sale in the Amulet Shop.

New Quests

Outwar elitists, there is a new best in slot Epic Augment! Talk to Dr Lily Thompson in The Abandoned Desert about Samples for Lily if you have completed the Epic Quest Line ending with A New Age.

3 New Item Reward Quests! Level 70+ Go talk to Dallenger Doomsville in Core of the Phoenix your time will be rewarded with a Rage Potion, Remove Augments and a Recharge Totem!


There will be a Double Experience weekend starting Friday night lasting until late Sunday Night. Don't miss out on your chance to level up fast! In other news, has anyone noticed the foul smell coming from the sewers? I hope it's not... not... Z...Zo...ZOOOOOMMMBIIIIIIEEESSS!
1/10/13 - New Content!:

Valley Guardian in Valley of Death has a New Quest Battle For the Valley!

Valley Guardian in Valley of Death has a New Quest The Final Fight! (Raid)

Dr Lily Thompson in The Abandoned Desert has a New Quest Forwarding Studies!

Dr Lily Thompson in The Abandoned Desert has a New Quest Scientific Extermination!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
12/14/12 - Daily Content Update!:

King Johnny in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called The King's Treasures!

King Shadow in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Royal Thievery!

King Rev in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Re-Bound!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
12/3/12 - New Green KH Quest!:

Gregarian in The Dark Below has a New Quest for you called Spear of Godly Dominance!

King Rev in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called The Chains That Bind!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
11/25/12 - Daily Content Update!:

King Shadow in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called The King's Loot!

King Johnny in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Freedom For the King!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
11/22/12 - Daily Content Update!:

Lady Dutch in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Fight for the Valley!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!

-All Shadowed Tails have been deleted to speed the game up and the drop quantity has been fixed.
-We will be taking the servers down for some more maintenance tomorrow at 2am Outwar time.
11/14/12 - Daily Content Update!:

Outwar servers will be offline at 4AM Outwar time on Friday for routine maintenance. Downtime is expected to last 2-3 hours. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Lady Dutch in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Lady Summons!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
11/12/12 - Daily Content Update!:

Withered Old Man in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Life of an Old Man!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
11/11/12 - Daily Content Update!:

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!

Withered Old Man and Lady Dutch have New Quests for you!

-Fixed map moving issues in Valley of Death.
11/10/12 - Daily Content Update!:
As more settlers discover the Abandoned Desert, barren wastelands start to populate with all kinds of good and evil. Activity has been reported in the Valley of Death south of the massive Desert of a Lost Era! You no longer require a special item to access Valley of Death! We need you to go investigate this once empty area, and see what has developed.

Enter the Abandoned Desert (Level 74+ Talk to Farmer George) and then when you are inside the Abandoned Desert find the Withered Old Man in the Valley of Death to start this new adventure! This quest requires level 75 and access to Abandoned Desert from the Dune Buggy...

-Dragons now drop more items and less potions.
-We are aware of the rooms in Valley of Death that still won't let you in without an item, and those will be fixed in the next daily update.
11/7/12 - Halloween Event Is Over:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Halloween Event! Don't go anywhere, we have daily content lined up for you to use your candy on! This will be level 75+ content released in the Abandoned Dessert. Get your friends back to play for this non stop adventure!
10/31/12 - Halloween Event is now live!:
In celebration of Halloween, we have launched the new Hallowed Eve event where you can load up on candy potions of all varieties! You can collect them all for some serious boosts, and even store them in crew vaults etc as most of the candy can be traded as well! To begin the main quest line, head on over to Hallowed Eva in the Szecian Badlands to begin!

Once you have completed the main quest line, you'll be able to gain access to the Hallowed Eve Trick or Treat event where you can go pummel Trick or Treaters to steal their goody bags and candy! What could possibly be more fun than that!?

This event will run for 1 week, so grab as much candy as you can before it all ends!

- Magic Gem will be brought back into the Amulet Shop once we have finished maintenance on it, however you will no longer be able to ungem it for points afterwards. The purpose of the Magic Gem was to provide people with an alternative and free way to gem the gear that they got as they progressed through the game, however it eventually started to be exploited and used as a point glitch, so until we are 100% certain that is secure, you won't be able to ungem items that were gemmed from Magic Gems for points.
- All images for the Abandoned Desert should be fixed for real this time, I promise! If there are any dead images, it should be the minority. If you could submit a ticket reporting any image you may see broken, we can get that fixed right away.
- A new world boss called The Juggernaut is now available for all servers to attack for some awesome gear and quest pieces for the new Epic quest line. Go send him to his final resting place!
- We have a lot more exciting content planned for you, so keep checking back for more updates!
-We have updated the Community Rewards email address. Please retry your submission if you think you still have something of value to share.

Happy Halloween everyone!
- Outwar Team
9/24/12 - New Expansion! The Adandoned Desert : Levels Increased to 80!:
Its time everyone, we have released a new content expansion, the Abandoned Desert, that increases the Level Cap limit to Level 80! Talk to Farmer George over on Carmine St in Diamond City once you reach level 74 to get the first quest to access the new area.

This is a free content release, so there is no purchase required, however its a high level zone for levels 74+. We will be adding in many more experience quests and other fun things that everyone will have access to that will give good experience rewards in the near future as well, so start grinding out those levels! We will be releasing a new Treasure Digging feature as well in the near future that will allow you to dig for rare treasures around the world and obtain useful items, gear and even points!

Meet companions and unravel the mystery behind the Abandoned Desert and the motives of the powerful government agency, Q-SEC, as you progress through a new Epic Quest line that will grow progressively with future content as well! Is there more to this universe than we know? Dive in and unlock the clues to reveal many of man's age old questions!

- The Fire Basilisk and other mobs that are spawned should now have mobs available in their room to attack.
- Images from the new desert area should all now be displaying correctly, if you find any images that are not working, please submit a ticket and report it.
- New quests have been added, you can start on those by talking to Indiana Jonas in the Desert of a Lost Era.

- You should now be able to level to 76 as intended. No experience was lost for people that reached the leveling point, it simply was not triggering the level.

Happy Hunting,
- Outwar Team
8/12/12 - Upgrade your Scally Weapon!:

Level 73+, Tracie McScurvy (click to teleport) in the Boat House has a New Quest for you called Bearing Arms! Complete this quest to upgrade your One Eyes Cutlass to this Boot Pistol that has 10% better stats!

This quest will not consume your One Eyes Cutlass. This item is intended to be cloned into your current Scally set. Quests to upgrade every piece of Scally Set are being released fast, get started now!

If you need the Cold Steel Shank for More City Souls, please talk to Gunner to get one.
8/11/12 - Server Boss Bug:

We are aware of a duplicate raid bug that causes a server boss to spawn again with very low hit points after it dies. If you encounter this bug, and your crew is awarded the full loot table for the raid, please do not transfer any items out and keep them in your vault until we remove the duplicate items. We are doing all we can to fix this bug so it does not happen again. Thank you for helping us with this until it is fixed.
8/3/12 - Fire Wave Over + Boss Spawn + Winners:

War of Zhul Fire Wave is now over and all quest items and mobs have been removed from players.

Santharia of the Flame has attacked! Raid Santharia under Boss Spawns in your Crew Menu or Click Here!

Summoning Shard Contest Winners have been verified and posted on the War of Zhul page! Winners can submit a support ticket to claim prizes when the boss is dead!
7/18/12 - War of Zhul Fire Invasion!:

War of Zhul will end tonight at Midnight game time!

Community Rewards Update! Calling all Quest Writers, please visit the Community Rewards page and look at the job we have available for Quest Text Writers!

Santharia has summoned Fire minions to attack Diamond City! Defeat the Fire Enemies, Collect Summoning Shards, Complete Special Quests and Craft Unique Items in the Cauldron. War of Zhul will be running for 2 weeks!

Click Here to access the War of Zhul Command Center! Talk to Brutus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern to join the war!

New WoZ Quest! Go talk to Longstock at the intersection of Broadway and Binding in Diamond City about Summoning Shards. If you don't think you will win the competition, hand your shards in for some bonus experience!
7/7/12 - King of Wonderland Daily Quest!:

We have added a new, free daily quest to Wonderland that you can do with your fellow crew mates for some awesome experience! You can begin this quest at the King of Wonderland located at the beginning area of Wonderland.

Keep in mind that you should raid it with as many crew members as you can (maximum of 50) so that everyone can get the daily quest done to get the experience reward, otherwise other crew members who did not join will be locked out until the following day.

We have fixed the problem with some repeatable quests not being available on their NPCs, this should all be working correctly now. If you run into any issues with a particular repeat quest not displaying a talk link, please submit a support ticket so that we can get that fixed for you!

The Prophetic Harbinger quest should now be able to be completed, along with many other quests that have been updated. If you know of any quests that are no longer working in the game, please submit a support ticket and report them to us.

We have many more content updates planned for you all in the near future, thanks again for all of your support and have a great weekend everyone!

- The Outwar Team
6/24/12 - The Mystifying Carnival is now open for business!:

Attention all of you Level 73+ epic adventurers, adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers, the Mystifying Carnival is now open for business! Poor little Penniless Pete over at 40's and 9's is pretty down on his luck, but you can help change that by bringing him for a fun filled day of horror at the Mystifying Carnival!

You can buy your Ticket to the Mystifying Carnival in the treasury now, that is if you've got the guts to bring little Pete on a ride of a lifetime, leaving nothing but mayhem and destruction in your wake!

If the thrill of the hunt wasn't reward enough, you'll have a chance to pick up some epic potions and augments along the way. Heck, maybe even a stuffed animal or two, maybe there will be ponies or maybe there wont... you will just have to find out! Don't be that guy on the outside looking in, buy your ticket and take Penniless Pete on an epic adventure!

- This is a 3 man Dungeon
- You must be level 73+ to start the quest
6/18/12 - No Captcha Trial:

- Captchas have been removed from all pages in Outwar for a limited time. Please let us know what you think of this trial and if this should become a permanent change. Click here to Vote

- Dragon of Storms uber hit points have been fixed and are now the intended amount.
6/8/12 - Dragons + Double Points!:

New Server Boss Spawns! Dragon of Despair and Dragon of Storms have arrived! These dragons drop the remaining 6 items for the Red Dragon Set. All dragons loot tables have been buffed!

Enjoy double points while the promotion is active!
5/18/12 - Dragon of Wonder + Boss Manager:

Dragon of Wonder has been spotted flying around the city! Dragon of Wonder is a new Server Raid Boss that drops epic items from the new Dragon Raid Set!

Server Boss Manager allows Instant Raid Joining with No Captcha! Use the Boss Manager to join your crew mates into a raid against any server boss that is alive. Select the boss, select the number of raids you want to do, and then check boxes next to all the crew mates you want to join your raid. Click the "Verify" button to see how much it will cost you to join all the accounts. If everyone meets the requirements, there will be a "Confirm" button that you can click to launch.
5/4/12 - Wonderland:

Mythical madness has spread over the land... Questions need to be answered in the depths of The Lost Foundry. Gate Keeper of the mysterious underground world of Wonderland has resurfaced...

Wonderland is back! Go see the Wonderland Gate Keeper located in the back of The Lost Foundry in Diamond City. Only the gate keeper can grant you access into the world once forgotten.

If you already have the Gate Key to Wonderland, you can enter right away and get started! Go talk to Tweedledee And Tweedledum and start unraveling the mystery that unfolds.

Wonderland features unique rare and epic loot from 3 different raid bosses. Here are the rare and epic drops for the Black King:


-Community Rewards page and the FAQ have been updated.
-You can now click on the ? icon in the Quest Helper and see a walk-through of the quest.
-All augments can now be removed from items.
-First part of the Wonderland Key Quest no longer requires Fabarist Colonel or Zimbobist Lieutenant kills and now requires more Dark Brother and Ooze kills.
-We are now aware that the new picture captcha is slow for international players, this will be resolved soon.
4/24/12 - Dragon of Darkness:

Dragon of Darkness has been spotted flying around the city! This dragon is rumored to have some left over treasures from the White Wither Dragon, epic animated items, dungeon keys, and other valuable treasury items. Raid Dragon Now!

Raid Boss Code Update! We have updated the code for raid bosses to prevent auto joiners. We have fixed the server loot drop issues on all servers. We are still working on making the new raid captcha load faster, please bear with us until this is done.
4/18/12 - Zombie King + Contest Winners:

Zombie Brain Contest Winners have been posted on the Zombie Invasion Page!

Zombie Invasion is now over and the Zombie King has been spawned! Zombie winners will be posted soon. Click here to raid the Zombie King!

Zombie Kings attack power and shields are down!
3/26/12 - Zombie Invasion! + Mini Boss:

Mini Boss Spawn! Zombie Master has been sent by the Zombie King to hunt those killing Zombies. Zombie Master drops lower level augments and potions from the event. Attack Now!

Zombie Event will end Tuesday Night at 11:59 PM Outwar Time. Just like War of Zhul, all the quest items will be wiped out except the Zombie Hearts and the Zombie Heads.

Level 25+ head to Rallis and talk with Cyprus about the Zombie Invasion. You must create a Zombie Hammer before you can harm the Zombies in the streets!

Click here to Access the Zombie Invasion Command Center.

-Zombie Augments will now fit into any slot.
-We are working on fixing the 6th Augment slot in the Zombie Breast Plates.

**If you are getting "Authorization Refused." type error when trying to use your Credit Card to buy points, you need to call your bank and ask them to allow transactions from "RAMPID-IP GAME". Some banks have restricted online purchasing and make you call them to confirm it is you making the purchase. As always, email [email protected] if you need assistance.
3/25/12 - Scheduled Zombie Downtime!:

We will be taking the game servers down for scheduled maintenance at 11:00 AM Monday Morning Outwar Time. After a downtime that will last roughly 6 hours, we will be launching the Zombie Invasion! Get ready for a 2 week long world event, make sure you tell your Outwar friends not to miss this!
3/15/12 - Blackjack:

After a very long break, the Blackjack dealer has returned! You can start playing by clicking the Blackjack link in the Casino menu. Make sure to read all the rules, and there are no refunds for Blackjack! If you don't want anyone playing Blackjack on your account, make sure to change your password and don't share your login information! Goodluck!
3/9/12 - Zombies!:

We are working on a new world event that will involve zombies invading Rallis! We are looking for help with images for this event so we can get it out faster. We will award 100 points per image that we end up using in the event. Here are the images we need:

-10 Quest Item Images (50x50 pixels)
-10 Augment Images (20x20 pixels)
-6 Potion Images (50x50 pixels)
-4 Breastplate Images (56x96 pixels)

All items and images should have an evil theme and can be static or animated. Email your images to [email protected] along with your Outwar login name and we will award you the points as soon as we decide to use it!

Notice: Sigil WoZ Boss Loot has been awarded and results are now showing. Great job with the image submissions, it looks like we still need 4 evil looking breastplate images!
3/7/12 - Holy Wave Over + Boss Spawn + Winners:

War of Zhul Holy Wave is now over and all quest items and mobs have been removed from players.

Vardainiel The Holy has attacked! Raid Astaroth under Boss Spawns in your Crew Menu or Click Here! Note: Vardainiel drops 35 uber items + rare potions (25 mayhem items and 10 v2 belts) Raid her hard and good luck on the loot!

Summoning Shard Contest Winners have been verified and posted on the War of Zhul page! Winners can submit a support ticket to claim prizes as soon as Vardainiel is dead on their server.

Notice: We just raid banned over 10 crews who were caught Auto Raiding. Any crews caught Auto Raiding will be raid banned and repeat offenders will face longer bans and possible suspensions. Please play fair.
2/21/12 - War of Zhul Holy Wave! + New Quest!:

War of Zhul will end on Tuesday night at 12 Midnight Outwar time! Enjoy the last hours of the war!

Vardainiel has summoned Holy minions to attack Diamond City! Defeat Holy Enemies, Collect Summoning Shards, Complete Special Quests and Craft Unique Items in the Cauldron. War of Zhul will be running for 2 weeks!

Click Here to access the War of Zhul Command Center! Talk to Brutus outside the Dusty Glass Tavern to join the war!

New WoZ Quest! Go talk to Longstock at the intersection of Broadway and Binding in Diamond City about Summoning Shards. If you don't think you will win the competition, hand your shards in for some bonus experience!
1/19/12 - Scallywags Rest - New Pirate Set!:

Premium 3 Man Dungeon for Level 72+ called Scallywags Rest is now available. Start the quest by talking to Tracy McScurvy on the Boat House in Rallis. Use the Teleport button on the Dungeons page to get to him right away.

Tracyy McScurvy was victim of a mutiny from his old pirate ship. Bring him a Pirate Treasure Map from the Treasury and help him find the way back to the lost vessel so he can get revenge on his former mates and you can get the Dread Pirates Regalia Set!

-Rage to attack Jealous Teacher was increased.
-HP on Lacuste of the Swarm loot has been increased (for new items that drop, not the old ones).
-Kix Woods experience has been increased.

Automated Programs: It has come to our attention that some people are sending around programs to automate or glitch certain aspects of the game. These programs are designed to steal your password and your Outwar account. Please do not download or run any 3rd party Outwar programs, even if you are told it is "clean", we can assure you, it is not. Please be aware and report anyone you see trying to spread these malicious programs to our players.
1/8/12 - Shadow Wave Over + Boss Spawn + Winners:

War of Zhul Shadow Wave is now over and all quest items and mobs have been removed from players.

Astaroth the Shadow Lord has attacked and he has destroyed all War of Zhul Weapons and Shields! (don't worry, he takes the same damage from all elements, whack him with everything you got!) Raid Astaroth under Boss Spawns in your Crew Menu or Click Here! Note: Astaroth drops 28 uber items + rare potions (25 mayhem items and 3 arena battle axes) Raid him hard and good luck on the loot!

Summoning Shard Contest Winners have been verified and posted on the War of Zhul page! Winners will receive game messages with instructions on how to claim prizes as soon as Astaroth is dead on their server.
12/23/11 - Daily Content Update!:

Lady Dutch in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Lady Summons!

Withered Old Man in Valley of Death has a New Quest for you called Life of an Old Man!

Level 74+, you can now Teleport to Quest Givers in Valley of Death in the Abandoned Desert! Click that link to teleport there instantly!
12/10/11 - Dragon Invasion:

Red Scorching Dragon has arrived in revenge of his brothers death! Form a Crew Raid on Red Scorching Dragon for your chance to win the epic Black Dragon Bonesword from the Dragon Loot Table (shown below). Each point of damage you do increases your crews chances of winning an item when the dragon dies!

New Quest for level 45+ is available by talking to Gloom about The War Torn Land. Gloom can be found roaming the path to the Eyes of Burn. *EoB quest experience has been updated.
11/27/11 - Festival of the Hunter:

As you slay the last of the hunter enemies, you notice a slight rumble from the earth below your feet. Dust arises in the distance, signs that a massive creature is slowly making its way towards you...

We want to apologize to everyone who tried earning or buying points through TokenAds, a new merchant we have been working with. There was a small bug in the code preventing points from being awarded to those who completed offers or purchases. We have fixed this issue, and have awarded points to everyone who had previously made a TokenAds transaction. Please give them another try!

PayPal is available through TokenAds to purchase No-Trade Outwar Points while taking advantage of all site promotions. If you are unable to use the Primary or Secondary credit card options, please give PayPal a try!

A new SMS provider has been launched with TokenAds called "Zong". You can see that link next to the PayPal button in the TokenAds interface. We encourage international players who are out of other options to try Zong and let us know what you think!

Vitality Shard and Jagged Shards will now last 24 hours! You can now buy them from the treasury if needed, Buy a Vitality Shard or Buy a Jagged Shard.

You can now use the "Search for a Quest Mob" button at the bottom of your Quest Helper to find the Special Mobs listed below! Enter a name of the mob you want to find, and click search!

Level 50+, a new epic quest is available! Talk to Jade in the Dusty Glass Tavern about the Legends of a Thief.

Festival of the Hunter is now live! Special rare enemies are being spawned randomly throughout the world! Find and defeat these enemies to collect Hunter Points and unique loot!

Special enemies that drop Hunter Points and unique items are:

Level 30: Spectral Defiler, Spectral Warrior, Spectral Spider, Spectral Emination, Spectral Imp, Massive Mystical Shrieker (raid).

Level 50: Unholy Doctor, Unholy Vampire, Unholy Insect, Unholy Razor, Unholy Angel, Massive Mystical Ripscale (raid).

Level 70: Mystical Kingpin, Mystical Shadow Surgeon, Mystical Fire Mastermind, Mystical Shadow of Zhul, Mystical Kinetic Player, Massive Mystical Annihilator (raid).
11/12/11 - Daily Content Update!:
As more settlers discover the Abandoned Desert, barren wastelands start to populate with all kinds of good and evil. Activity has been reported in the Valley of Death south of the massiv Desert of a Lost Era! You no longer require a special item to access Valley of Death! We need you to go investigate this once empty area, and see what has developed.

Enter the Abandoned Desert (Level 74+ Talk to Farmer George) and then when you are inside the Abandoned Desert find the Withered Old Man in the Valley of Death to start this new adventure! This quest requires level 75 and access to Abandoned Desert from the Dune Buggy...

-Dragons now drop more items and less potions.
10/12/11 - Solo Dungeons!:

We are pleased to release 3 Solo Dungeons to the world of Outwar. Explore these new Dungeons by yourself when you don't have anyone to team up with. Solo Dungeons feature Great Experience, Unique Augments that can fit in any slot and Powerful Skill Orbs! Click the name of a Dungeon to Buy the Key from the Treasury and get started right away.

Den of Thieves (Level 50) - Total Quest Experience: 1,000,000
Quest Giver: Shady Arms Merchant found in the Streets of Rallis
Augment of Thieves [any slot]
(95% chance)
[Player Bound]
+15 ATK
+15 HP
15 gold per turn
+15 rage per hr
+15 exp per hr
+1% critical hit
Shady Orb
(30% chance)
[Player Bound]
+100 Fire
+2 Empower
+2 Stealth
+2 Vitamin X
+2 Fortify
Augment of the Swindler [any slot]
(20% chance)
[Player Bound]
+35 ATK +35 rage per hr
+35 Kinetic +35 exp per hr
+35 HP +5% rampage
35 gold per turn +150 max rage
+1% block +3% critical hit
Loot Tables:
Black Market Thief + Den Overlord = Trash Mobs (drop nothing, AA them to advance faster)
Illegal Weapons Dealer + Replicant Jack = Magic Mobs (drops Augment of Thieves)
Techno Savvy Peter + Fast Hand Jack + Harlot Naomi + Grandmaster Skith = Named Mobs (drops Shady Orb)
Grandmaster Skith = Boss Mob (drops Lost Thieves Dagger for Augment of the Swindler)
Castle Torment (Level 50) - Total Quest Experience: 2,000,000
Quest Giver: Dishonored King found in the Streets of Stizzy
Magister's Augment [any slot]
(95% chance)
[Player Bound]
+25 ATK
+25 HP
25 gold per turn
+25 rage per hr
+25 exp per hr
+1% rampage
+1% critical hit
Defiled Royal Orb
(25% chance)
[Player Bound]
+100 Fire
+150 Shadow
+2 Hitman
+2 Killing Spree
+2 Circle of Protection
+2 Ambush
+2 Vanish
Chancellor's Augment [any slot]
(20% chance)
[Player Bound]
+50 ATK +6% rampage
+50 Kinetic +2% block
+50 HP +4% critical hit
50 gold per turn
+50 rage per hr
+50 exp per hr
+250 max rage
Loot Tables:
Peasant Abomination + Mutated Castle Guard + Reckless Captain = Trash Mobs (drop nothing, AA them to advance faster)
Zombie Royal Member = Magic Mob (drops Magister's Augment)
Mad Chef Bromson + Annie the Wretch + Lawless Executioner + Mutinous King = Named Mobs (drops Defiled Royal Orb)
Mutinous King = Boss Mob (drops Crown of Honor for Chancellor's Augment)
Corrupted Wizard Tower (Level 65) - Total Quest Experience: 3,000,000
Quest Giver: Noble Wizard found in the Streets of Stizzy
Corrupted Soul Augment [any slot]
(95% chance)
[Player Bound]
+30 ATK
+30 HP
30 gold per turn
+30 rage per hr
+30 exp per hr
+2% critical hit
Crystal Tears Orb
(25% chance)
[Player Bound]
+200 Arcane
+150 Shadow
+2 Forcefield
+2 Blessing from Above
+2 Executioner
+2 Markdown
+2 Masterful Raiding
+2 Strength in Numbers
Faithless Vitality Augment [any slot]
(16.5% chance)
[Player Bound]
+65 ATK +325 max rage
+65 Kinetic +7% rampage
+65 HP
65 gold per turn
+2% block
+1% elemental block
+65 rage per hr
+65 exp per hr
Loot Tables:
Animated Golem + Tower Praetorian + Ghastly Magi = Trash Mobs (drop nothing, AA them to advance faster)
Resurrected Archmage + Possessed Death Wizard = Magic Mobs (drops Corrupted Soul Augment)
Haunting Mana + Entombed Archmage + Jealous Teacher = Named Mobs (drops Crystal Tears Orb)
Jealous Teacher = Boss Mob (drops Noble Hero's Wand for Faithless Vitality Augment)

Important! Listed drop rates are statistical drop rates, they are not guaranteed. Some people will be more lucky then others, it is a computer dice roll. Good luck!

10/6/11 - PVP Tournament - Starting Soon & FAQ Updated:
Compete for an uber Battle Axe and other great prizes! If you would like to participate in this new PVP Tournament, please click here for more details and registration.
8/29/11 - Outwar Version 2.4 - Auto Attacker:

Outwar has released an in-game Auto Attacker! If you get tired of killing the same enemy over and over, click the Auto Attacker Button to the left of the required mob kills. You will receive credit for the kills and be awarded with the gold and experience for the kills. Auto Attacking around 50 mobs will be instant, anything greater then that will take some time depending on how many mobs there are to kill. Auto Attacker will not work on Raid Mobs. Auto Attacking does not currently "collect quest items" that drop. We are working on an update to allow this as an option to the Auto Attack.

Support Update: We want to remind everyone that using 3rd party Outwar programs OR sharing your Outwar Login will terminate the Support you receive from our Staff. If we see that you are using a 3rd party program, or have shared your Outwar Login (yes we can see that), Outwar Support will not take responsibility for anything that happened to your account. Please change your password right away if you have shared it with anyone, including any 3rd party programs!

8/13/11 - Outwar Version 2.2:

We added a Find Quest Mob Feature! If you can not find a Quest Mob, Search for it using the green button at the bottom of your Quest Helper. Click on the mob you want to find and a path will appear!

Outwar is fast again! Lag that was caused as a result of the 2.1 update has been fixed!

Magic Gem in Amulet Shop! You can now purchase Magic Gems for 250 Amulets of Achievement!

Quests Fixed in this Update:
-Potion God Quests
-Oblivion Set
-Government Set
-Slayer of the Fallen
-Help a Town Survive
-Panther Augment (Coliseum)
-Lion Augment
-Elephant Augment
-Snake Augment
-MagicBeerCan 1 (Dusty Glass Tavern)
-The Temple's Secrets (Sandawa, in EoB, lev 40+)
-Preserving Knowledge (Kendrals Castle, lev 35+)

We apologize for not turning off the quests that were replaced by the Maglious Demise Quest. We put together a list of early game quests that were replaced by the Maglious Demise Questline. If you were on any of these quests, please use the Find Quest Mob Feature and search for Sgt. Neatham, he is in the Training Grounds in the Gash Canyon. Take a minute to go talk to him about Maglious Demise, we promise it will be worth your while in the end.

If you are having a problem ordering Points through Credit Card using Moneybookers, we suggest you try creating your own free Moneybookers account at www.moneybookers.com and then log in with it (on the right) when you go to place your point order. If this does not work, please try another method and submit a billing ticket or email [email protected] for more help. Thank you and we appreciate your support, it fuels the game!  

Quests Replaced by Maglious Demise:
-Monster Mash
-Item Search
-City Investigations
-Extra Protection
-Swat Vest Redux
-Veronica Nightslayer
-Fishermans Boat
-Yodas Mouse Quest
-Cobalt Armor
-Music Equipment
-Coagulated Knight
-Highsails Charm
-Steel Rods
-Spider Fangs
-Loan Collection
-Ghoulish Dagger
-Gambling Musician
-Necessary Deeds
-Critical Deeds
-Spreading Evil
-Holy Stand
-Jemimas Recipe
-Bounty Hunter
-Deranged Ogres
-Traxz Shipment
-Trophy Collection
-Ghosts and Robbers
6/9/11 - Outwar Version 2.0:
Outwar World has been updated to utilize some of the latest web technologies and will now display more information in real-time. This means less loading new pages and more focus on the quest at hand!

Amulet Shop is now available! Amulets of Achievement have been added as the first Item Currency. These Amulets can be used to buy Unique Rewards in the Amulet Shop! Please be aware, other items such as unique potions, skills and more will be added very soon!

Daily Quests have been added in for players level 60+. Complete the Daily Dungeon to earn a massive Amulet Bonus!

EXP Quests have been added to City of Eternal Stars in the Enforcer Headquarters (Residential District). Level 62+ go talk to the Quest Givers and earn major EXP!

-World Page has been redesigned, you will find everything now displays with more information.
-Quest Helper has been added to the World Page for quick status of the quest you are working on.
-Pathing has been added to help you find where to go for your next quest step.
-You can no longer see players in the same room as you.
-Attacking and Talking to mobs will now be done in a Shadowed Box on the World Page.
-Amulets of Achievement have been added to Gods who previously dropped points.
-Amulets of Achievement have been added to Stoneraven, Bacaba and Knights Horror Bosses.
-Amulet Shop is now available in the Marketplace menu and in the Treasury Category Special > Amulet Shop.
-Daily Dungeon Icon will now show in the toolbar for any player level 60+.
-New EXP Quests are now available from Quest Givers in the Enforcer Headquarters in City of Eternal Stars.
-Many level 70 quests have had their step requirements reduced.
-Manage Account menu button can now be accessed from Members > My Account.
-Preferred Player has been removed from the Menu until updated. Current PP's still get benefits.

5/27/11 - War of Zhul:
War of Zhul Arcane Wave 2011 has been defeated!

Please read the War of Zhul Page for an update!

Congratulations to the Summoning Shard Contest Winners: Hecatonchires, SuicidalPerformance, whiteboy47 and s0nSoFtHeWoRlD on Sigil... xEvil, Samurai, MehZiaH and killlerzombie666 on Torax... estOWNia, BuRzY, beastmaster and leebo123 on Fabar... TheOnion, MoonMaster, shitter and Kritikal204 on Zimbob... WTTFitzEpic, bushyBACK, reaper911 and Kriminal on Rancid... xOmegaNemesis, ThePinkMenacevQ, HyperCrush and TehManBearPig on Quiver. Winners will get a game mail from Blazo when the Server Boss Spawn is defeated to collect your prizes.

5/27/11 - War of Zhul Destruction:
The wrath of Zhul has wiped out Wonderland for the time being. While we re-construct this zone, please prepare for the impending war. Enjoy a 50% bonus on all points purchased until the war starts!
5/25/11 - Quest Update!:
The Herald of Death has arrived in The Firelord's Tomb! If you wish to seek an audience then make your way there!
5/25/11 - Item Promo!:
You will now receive a temporary 3 day item with your next Credit Card Point Purchase: Sword of Truth This promotion will expire soon, please take advantage of it now and help support Outwar!

Click here to Buy Tradeable Points and get the Sword of Truth!
5/23/11 - Quest Update!:
The Foreman is always hard at work in the industrial district and needs your help again! You should go see him at the first opportunity!
5/20/11 - Quest Update!:
Foreman Dallo has more work for you in the Industrial District! Go see him at once!
5/19/11 - Quest Update!:
Gunner has some more work for you to do! Go visit him in COES at once!
5/16/11 - Double Experience!:
Enjoy Double Experience from DC mobs and PVP!
5/15/11 - King of Wonderland Daily Quest!:

We have added a new daily quest to Wonderland that you can do with your fellow crew mates for some awesome experience! You can begin this quest at the King of Wonderland located at the beginning area of Wonderland.

Keep in mind that you should raid it with as many crew members as you can (maximum of 50) so that everyone can get the daily quest done to get the experience reward, otherwise other crew members who did not join will be locked out until the following day.

We have fixed the problem with some repeatable quests not being available on their NPCs, this should all be working correctly now. If you run into any issues with a particular repeat quest not displaying a talk link, please submit a support ticket so that we can get that fixed for you!

The Prophetic Harbinger quest should now be able to be completed, along with many other quests that have been updated. If you know of any quests that are no longer working in the game, please submit a support ticket and report them to us.

We have many more content updates planned for you all in the near future, thanks again for all of your support and have a great weekend everyone!

- The Outwar Team
5/14/11 - Double Points:
Enjoy double points and prepare for a War of Zhul at the end of the Month. Details will be posted in the news shortly. Server speed and connectivity issues have been solved.